The Sims 3
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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 01:53    Post subject: The Sims 3
The Sims 3 is coming soon. Always fun to play when you're bored.

The Sims 3 is official:
Maxis have already showcased The Sims 3 in a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) event with press, the blockade is said to end on March 19.

Wasting no time to rally the Sim communities around their latest expansion-spawner 'The Sims 3' website has launched promising more once the March embargo is lifted.

That's not to say that some details haven't made their way into the public domain. A blog article based on an Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference chin-wag with Richard Evans, who has previously worked on the AI for Peter Molyneux's Black & White creature, discusses the changes and evolution of the Sims and how they're now "more socially aware."

"...another big addition is that the Sims actually do long term planning. He created a Sim and gave it the workaholic trait. Then he got the Sim a job as a waiter, which is on the restaurant track. The Sim then independently went off to try to level his cooking skill. It bought a cookbook and read it, it bought ingredients and started cooking. It called his boss and invited him over because becoming friends with your boss will get you promoted."

Basically the Sims would now take into account whether an action would be appropriate or not, a visiting Sim entering a home only to watch TV and mooch food while not bothering to interact much would no longer be the norm and fellow Sims could react accordingly if they did.

I'm sure whatever Maxis have in-store for Sim's fans it most likely to be followed by an army of expansions and stuff titles. We can all look forward to such future titles as The Sims 3: Blue Carpets Expansion, The Sims 3: Pimp My Microwave Style Stuff and how could we forget the impending classic The Sims 3: Five More Bathroom Wall Mirrors Anthology. Stay tuned!


Last edited by chaingang23 on Fri, 6th Feb 2009 05:28; edited 5 times in total
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 01:59    Post subject:
Sadly... Im somewhat excited... I'd love to see an insane setting or something that you can get so in depth into the characters life and the depth of their persona that you start understanding how they work... of course, it wont be like that, and itll be really basic and simple.

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Posts: 1128
Location: Paul's Boutique
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 02:30    Post subject:
Sigh, isn't the cow milked dry by now ?

Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 02:38    Post subject:
Anticasper wrote:
Sigh, isn't the cow milked dry by now ?

Not by far. It's the second largest video-game franchise after WoW if im not mistaken.

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 02:40    Post subject:
while I do hate this franchise, it does bring a whole new group of users to pc gaming.

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Posts: 5057

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 02:53    Post subject:
javlar wrote:
Anticasper wrote:
Sigh, isn't the cow milked dry by now ?

Not by far. It's the second largest video-game franchise after WoW if im not mistaken.

probably wins the award for the game with the most expansions aswell by a long way Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:00    Post subject:
snop1050 wrote:
javlar wrote:
Anticasper wrote:
Sigh, isn't the cow milked dry by now ?

Not by far. It's the second largest video-game franchise after WoW if im not mistaken.

probably wins the award for the game with the most expansions aswell by a long way Rolling Eyes

I counted about 16 I think for sims 2 including special releases etc

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:04    Post subject:
I'm also looking forward to this! I just hope they optimise it a SHIT load better than they did on Sims2. I've seen Sims2 bring QuadCore procs with 8800s to their knees, with a packed house. That's just sad.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:08    Post subject:
Never really played that much. Will try out, I know I'll get bored after a day.
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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:11    Post subject:

Some people have found this image, its fake for sure.
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:36    Post subject:
Pimp my sim? Laughing

troll detected by SiN
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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 03:42    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
Pimp my sim? Laughing

yeah! Laughing
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:08    Post subject:
Fake as fake can be. I think they'll update the interface.

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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:15    Post subject:
Yep definitely a fake. EA will never use the exact same menu system. Knowing EA, they will revamp the UI to make it all spiffy.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:15    Post subject:
lol @ the day EA is able to make any model look that clean and nice

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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:18    Post subject:
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Posts: 1167
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:23    Post subject:
lol sims bangbus!
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:25    Post subject:
drakgon wrote:
lol sims bangbus!

ROFLMAO.....why do I not recall your name?

[edit] oh, you hang out in world news

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Posts: 8823
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PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 04:53    Post subject:
Jenni wrote:
This is confirmed as real:

Why is that guy watching it swaying back and forward like a special needs.... lol
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 05:30    Post subject:
I dunno, why don't you ask him the next time you're sat next to him on the bus?


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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 05:33    Post subject:
Cause he's bad animated. Short animationperiod, resulting into loop, that makes him move over and over the same way
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Posts: 591

PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 06:15    Post subject:
Jenni wrote:
I dunno, why don't you ask him the next time you're sat next to him on the bus?


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Posts: 2336
Location: Cracow, Poland
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Mar 2008 07:37    Post subject:
drakgon wrote:
lol sims bangbus!

lulz! Laughing

sims of the dead would be nice too Very Happy
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 00:39    Post subject:
Jenni wrote:
This is confirmed as real:

Its a real video in that it appears in TS2, but where have they confirmed this is actual gameplay from TS3?
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 02:25    Post subject:
In the 7th expansion pack for The Sims 2, The Sims 2: Free Time, a secret unlockable event may occur in which a sim-version of Rod Humble, The Sims 3's executive producer, gives the player's sim family an unopened gift box. When opened, the sim who opened the box gets a special computer which is not available in the buy mode catalog of the game as well as a copy of The Sims 3, which the sims may play on their computers or console systems. It should be stressed that this is simply, like all the other games sims can play in The Sims 2, a video of the gameplay shown on your sim's television or computer screens when played by a sim, not a playable demo game that the user can control. A video of the gameplay (recorded during one of The Sims 2: FreeTime preview sessions for fansites of The Sims franchise) was taken by the German The Sims fansite 'SimTimes'. [12] The video is effectively the same as that in The Sims 2: FreeTime, except that the music has changed.

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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 06:21    Post subject:
That's not confirmed as real gameplay. The only citation is a german copy of the video, nothing from EA/Maxis stating this is actual footage from TS3. As they say on wikipedia [Citation needed]

And I'm calling it now, the shit pathing which plagued the first two games will rear its ugly head in the third.
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Posts: 13456
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 08:54    Post subject:
The worst part with Sims is that they just make 1/10 of the game and then release the other parts as expansionpacks, to enjoy it somewhat you must wait like 3+ years. I'd never pay money for this game because of this.

I think The Sims is an interesting / unique concept and all, but the exp packs, the engine (a seamless engine with everything connected would make the game 10x better) and sometimes idiotic (sometimes funny) AI really kills it.

The positive; it's kind of fun to roleplay if you set it up right (almost endelss possiblities, esp. with mods), the mod community is very creative which is nice.. The (other) bad part; the mod community is greedy and wants you to donate to be able to download their work.
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 18:49    Post subject:
I think a big negative on the series is their inability to address gameplay issues. They often releases patches to fix bugs, but they rarely adjust gameplay issues (like bad pathing) with expansion packs or patches.
Pathing is probably the biggest issue in the game as it causes constant issues in a crowded house. Sims freak out of the slightest perceived pathing problem and then start dropping actions because of it.

Other gameplay issues, like how long it takes them to cook a meal, eat a meal, or shower also really conspire to drag down the gameplay. Why add more things to fill up their time and then limit that time with an hour long bowl of cereal..I've heard they fixed that in Castaway Stories, so why can't they bring that back in to the full game?

I think you should also be able to shift click an object which will cause them to hurry to the activity. If you shift click the shower they run to it rather than plod through the house.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Mar 2008 22:52    Post subject:
crossmr wrote:
..I've heard they fixed that in Castaway Stories....

they didn't fixed it , they only added a EASY and HARD mode ,
Easy - Sims are turned into JUDO masters they will die from hunger after 8 days , will not go to a bathroom in 6 days , all other statistics will drop to zero after 9 days

Hard - the same plain original lame sim gameplay when they eat for 2 hours , need to pee every 10 min and eat every 3h , all other statistics will drop to zero after 4h

but the STORY MODE its the best idea i have seen , was like one of best episodes from lost Very Happy
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Mar 2008 14:36    Post subject:
And it had quite a nice sense of humour on many points.

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