Third Strike and CPS3 emulation.........
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Posts: 1089
Location: UK manchester
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Sep 2008 02:32    Post subject: Third Strike and CPS3 emulation.........

Just a note to say that the best version of possibly the greatest fighting game ever has been emulated and will run like butter on dogshit PC's......

Also can be played online via:

Kicks serious ass.......
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Sep 2008 09:39    Post subject:
You've actually played 3S online? I'm guessing this is through MAME? Can you share your opinion on the implementation?

Is it worth playing online? I have the Dreamcast version and always wished I could play it on the net. Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Sat, 6th Sep 2008 09:41    Post subject:
edit: nm found the answer on that link
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Posts: 1089
Location: UK manchester
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Sep 2008 11:49    Post subject:
KrAzY-KaMeL wrote:
You've actually played 3S online? I'm guessing this is through MAME? Can you share your opinion on the implementation?

Is it worth playing online? I have the Dreamcast version and always wished I could play it on the net. Crying or Very sad

Not yet, I discovered that CPS3 had been emulated recently, and although MAME can do it, the fastest and best implementation imo is Neo Final Burn Alpha, if you do a search for that, you can find direct links to the files you need, including roms etc from the connected forums....

The problem for me is, when I logged into the lobby there was only one guy from the UK; quite a few from the States though so you will probably have a decent connection and a fair few people to play.....

Also, if you register at there is a massive community of SF players, mostly based in the States again so you're lucky I guess because I bet that will probably be the best way to find players to play....

Also, they tend to take the game very seriously strategy wise, so I want to make sure my Ryu is on point, at least to some degree Very Happy, before I get my ass handed back to me...

Tons of players from China also.....

Hopefully the games community will grow, because 3rd strike still pwns any online console fighter imo, and is deep as hell......
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Sep 2008 21:39    Post subject:
Thats pretty epic.. You might want to expand the explaination in the op a bit though. Had no idea what this was about till i clicked the link Wink
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 00:39    Post subject:
What do you mean "recently"? I've been playing CPS-3 games for like a year or more with Nebula, including the entire trilogy of Street Fighter 3 with no emulation issues.
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Posts: 1089
Location: UK manchester
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 01:38    Post subject:
I said 'I discovered it recently'...
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 01:41    Post subject:
Yeah no worries skill wise, I've been competing in Evo for the past 4 years. is a great place for new comers to familiarize with strategies.

I'm gonna give this a try.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 02:08    Post subject:
LanceBullet wrote:
I said 'I discovered it recently'...

Oh, I apologize then.
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