[XBOX360] Deus Ex 3 [NR]
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Posts: 2445
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 17:14    Post subject: [XBOX360] Deus Ex 3 [NR]
Deus Ex 3

Even though Deus EX 2 was not what everyone expected, I still enjoyed it a lot.
It was still a different game, and since then I never played a game that felt like it.
But there´s no doubt that the first Deus EX is superior.
I just hope that Eidos will do a good job in resurecting this amazing title!

EDIT: I feel excited just by listening the music in the trailer! lol
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 17:46    Post subject:
last deus was killed by xbox, hope it won't happen again

now wtf is that Confused

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Posts: 194

PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 18:00    Post subject:
Consoles ruined the 2nd one, lets hope they don't ruin this one too!
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:15    Post subject:
Xtrem3X wrote:
Consoles ruined the 2nd one, lets hope they don't ruin this one too!

you mean the cancer named xbox
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:19    Post subject:
Consoles don´t ruin games, developers do!
How many good games we have that are multiplatform?
They just made wrong choices...
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:29    Post subject:
Jeez, some major gaming elitists here... Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:39    Post subject:
I have no expectations out of this game. If it's good awesome, if not i'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I really wish they would have done better with the 2nd game. I didn't even bother finishing it.

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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:48    Post subject:
Teaser is nice when played slowly and a couple of times.

Waiting restlessly.
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Posts: 1213
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 20:58    Post subject:
Deus Ex 1 was masterpiece...

Deus Ex 2 was too much simplified, because of the console users.

I hope that Deus Ex 3 will bring the game to the right course (PC should be the priority)


You'll gona wait it for a long time Wink
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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Mar 2008 21:06    Post subject:
Well, I have a feeling, that waiting the game has pretty chances to become more interesting than playing it.
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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 01:53    Post subject:
slash213 wrote:
Well, I have a feeling, that waiting the game has pretty chances to become more interesting than playing it.

Happens all the time Smile
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 23:00    Post subject:
Mortibus wrote:
last deus was killed by xbox, hope it won't happen again

now wtf is that Confused

Its gotta be an embryo. Deus Ex always had some sweet music. The 2nd one was horrible. I had the latest video card at the time of its release and it still ran like pure crap. I hope this one is much better than DE2. Really looking forward to this one!!!!

Any chance it will get released this year?

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 1131

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 23:43    Post subject:
Eidos are showing 2 games at e3 I think ,

Probably this and Tomb Raider so we shall know soon Very Happy

( was really hoping for hitman at e3 though )

sabin1981 wrote:
but you know what Chinese whispers are like; some newbie will read your comment and suddenly run and spread it all over the internet that the new 2010 Banwave disables all your XBLA games when you're banned.

Ironic Statement #4756 from sabin
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 23:54    Post subject:
I cant stand the console version of hitman blood money. I wanna be able to see his feet while moving forward.

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 01:00    Post subject:
timechange01 wrote:
I cant stand the console version of hitman blood money. I wanna be able to see his feet while moving forward.

Basically the same with myself . 1st / 3rd person shooters if available ( + med specs ) usually get installed on the pc

sabin1981 wrote:
but you know what Chinese whispers are like; some newbie will read your comment and suddenly run and spread it all over the internet that the new 2010 Banwave disables all your XBLA games when you're banned.

Ironic Statement #4756 from sabin
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PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jul 2008 15:41    Post subject:
Munkeee wrote:
timechange01 wrote:
I cant stand the console version of hitman blood money. I wanna be able to see his feet while moving forward.

Basically the same with myself . 1st / 3rd person shooters if available ( + med specs ) usually get installed on the pc

Same here. except with me, anything gets installed to PC (if available) unless it is a sports game. The main reason for that is because they tend to leave features out of the PC. If it wasn't for that, I would happily play with my XBOX controller plugged into my PC.
Oh, and arcadish type games play well on my Xbox 360... and then there are the games that are simply only available on the console.

But I cant stand playing any type of 1st person/3rd person shooter with a game pad.
Just can't get used to it.
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Posts: 744
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PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jul 2008 08:56    Post subject:
Deus EX 3 is the third installment in the Deus EX series.

No shit? Well at least someone knows how to count

i can has computar?!
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PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jul 2008 11:35    Post subject:
Did they show any gameplay footage yet?

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jul 2008 12:34    Post subject:
I dont think it has been presented at E3 yet (if it will be). The 3 last days iv been all over the 360 section at gametrailers.com Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:14    Post subject:


[img:91f1fb12c3 ]http://i.imgur.com/fTzqMvq.gif[/img]
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Posts: 1345

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:16    Post subject:

I hope it doesn't require the dash update...

Interinactive wrote:
Achievement unlocked: More unoptimised than a Ubishit game

No worries. The Division is just around the corner. Devil Troll
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:18    Post subject:
Hmm I'll wait for confirmation before downloading. I have an old box with an even older firmware- don't want to break it all!! Unless of course my Samsung drive is so old it doesn't matter what I do to it Smile

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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:26    Post subject:
yep, up and complete on NG already - so definitely NOT XGD3. Also its Region Free.

unknown yet whether or not it has the latest dash update included...

Last edited by gibman70 on Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:33; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:31    Post subject:
Freakin sweet!

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 22:42    Post subject:
Must resist..damn it , I want it for PC Crying or Very sad ..I'll probably end up dl it if new dash is not required.
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 23:55    Post subject:
Seems like it's wave 11 and it has 2.0.12625 on the disk. That's what some guys are saying.

[img:91f1fb12c3 ]http://i.imgur.com/fTzqMvq.gif[/img]
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Aug 2011 23:59    Post subject:
It wont work on ixtreme 1.6?

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Aug 2011 00:06    Post subject:
BLaM! wrote:
Must resist..damn it , I want it for PC Crying or Very sad ..I'll probably end up dl it if new dash is not required.

No way I'm playing this on a console. I'll rather wait another 2 weeks for a proper experience on the PC Smile
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PostPosted: Thu, 18th Aug 2011 00:09    Post subject:
Yeah , but I want it so badly..I can save my second playthrough for PC version tho. Smile
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Posts: 2850

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Aug 2011 00:10    Post subject:
BearishSun wrote:
BLaM! wrote:
Must resist..damn it , I want it for PC Crying or Very sad ..I'll probably end up dl it if new dash is not required.

No way I'm playing this on a console. I'll rather wait another 2 weeks for a proper experience on the PC Smile

only 1 week!!!
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