Spider-Man: Web of Shadows [R]
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Apr 2008 21:53    Post subject: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows [R]
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

  • Official web page: N/A
  • Publisher: Activision
  • Developer: Shaba Games/Treyarch
  • Genre: Action
  • Release date: Q3 2008
  • Story/Description:
    Activision announced today that Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is currently in the works from Shaba Games and Treyarch for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii and PC. Although it wasn't ready to say too much about the action-adventure game, Activision did tell us that Web of Shadows will be set in a free-roaming, open-ended New York that combines web slinging with customizable superpowers. There will be the traditional combo attacks on the ground, but the game will also feature a brand new emphasis on vertical combat as gamers take Spidey to the skies and duke it out with bad guys.

  • Multiplayer: Yes
  • System requirements:
    Because there's a PS2 version, my guess is reqs will not be that high. Wink

  • News article/s: Activision Confirms Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (IGN)
  • Preview: Interview
  • Review: N/A
  • Screenshots: N/A
  • Trailer: Debut Trailer

Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? Laughing

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Last edited by LeoNatan on Tue, 28th Oct 2008 18:03; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Apr 2008 22:00    Post subject:
lol who cares! SM3 was fucking great. the web slinging controls were flaweless

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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Apr 2008 22:18    Post subject:
I care. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Apr 2008 22:37    Post subject: Re: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
LeoNatan wrote:
Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? Laughing
Edit: or maybe even the DS version...
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Posts: 776
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Apr 2008 23:41    Post subject:
Wish there were some screenies or a trailer , to get a clearer and more precise
picture of the awesomenishess that this epic masterpiece will no doubt be cause
spiderman roxxors my soxxors. Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:26    Post subject:
LeoNatan, what do you mean with "Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? " ??

Spider Man 3, was next gen for PC, and this will be too, since Treyarch is working on this game.

Btw nice thread, i was going to create one for this game, i love spider man games ^^
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:27    Post subject:
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Debut Trailer HD

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:31    Post subject:
wonder how bad this one will run lol.

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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:42    Post subject:
streetunder wrote:
LeoNatan, what do you mean with "Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? " ??
Spider Man 3, was next gen for PC, and this will be too, since Treyarch is working on this game.
Btw nice thread, i was going to create one for this game, i love spider man games ^^

Well, don't know, I remember one of the SM games was a port of the PS2 version lol.

BTW, call me Leo. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:49    Post subject: Re: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Because there's a PS2 version, my guess is reqs will not be that high. Wink

LOL, I'd just looooove PS2 to die out finally and leave some room for next-gen... I mean, what's the point in making totally different port for just one damn console? Those guys in Treyarch are nuts or what?

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 00:54    Post subject:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s... And who is SM geared most, if not to kiddies? They know their target audience and they know they'll earn the development costs. Besides, they probably have some shitty engine for the PS2, and they just need to port the content, not that hard to do.
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 01:10    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
streetunder wrote:
LeoNatan, what do you mean with "Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? " ??
Spider Man 3, was next gen for PC, and this will be too, since Treyarch is working on this game.
Btw nice thread, i was going to create one for this game, i love spider man games ^^

Well, don't know, I remember one of the SM games was a port of the PS2 version lol.

BTW, call me Leo. Very Happy

Ok, Leo Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 01:44    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
streetunder wrote:
LeoNatan, what do you mean with "Can you get what port the PC guys are getting? " ??
Spider Man 3, was next gen for PC, and this will be too, since Treyarch is working on this game.
Btw nice thread, i was going to create one for this game, i love spider man games ^^

Well, don't know, I remember one of the SM games was a port of the PS2 version lol.

BTW, call me Leo. Very Happy

it wasnt a port of the ps2 version. it was a kiddie version specific for pc. Spider-Man 2 the movie game

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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Apr 2008 07:34    Post subject:
It would have been awesome were it a port of the PS2 game. Instead they advertised it as such and delivered a game where you could only web swing on markers.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Apr 2008 00:17    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s

crappy??thats blasphemy!!!...ps2 wasnt crappy..(im reffering to the console itself not specific games-sure sum games sucked but others were good)...
i guess all you next gen tech heads will never be happy cause in the end you'll never be satisfied cause something newer is always better... Wink
and yes..this game looks cool Smile
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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Apr 2008 00:39    Post subject:
who13 wrote:
LeoNatan wrote:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s

crappy??thats blasphemy!!!...ps2 wasnt crappy..(im reffering to the console itself not specific games-sure sum games sucked but others were good)...
i guess all you next gen tech heads will never be happy cause in the end you'll never be satisfied cause something newer is always better... Wink
and yes..this game looks cool Smile

I said it in past tense, as it is crappy now, not back when it was released.
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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Apr 2008 04:10    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
who13 wrote:
LeoNatan wrote:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s

crappy??thats blasphemy!!!...ps2 wasnt crappy..(im reffering to the console itself not specific games-sure sum games sucked but others were good)...
i guess all you next gen tech heads will never be happy cause in the end you'll never be satisfied cause something newer is always better... Wink
and yes..this game looks cool Smile

I said it in past tense, as it is crappy now, not back when it was released.

i dont know...i still think its playable when choosing a good game..the graphics havent changed that much i dont think with all these new consoles out..sure there better but theres not that much of a differance in my opinion..than again i come from the c-64 era and those graphics werent good especially compared to the consoles that came out during that time BUT the games on c64 were more fun than those consoles...
to each his own though.. Wink
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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Apr 2008 10:34    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s... And who is SM geared most, if not to kiddies? They know their target audience and they know they'll earn the development costs. Besides, they probably have some shitty engine for the PS2, and they just need to port the content, not that hard to do.

At least it's more reliable then your Xbox 360 and isnt that far behind the wii in
terms of graphics.
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2008 15:45    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 18:35    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 18:37    Post subject:
Rrr Tricia Helfer Very Happy


Edit: You said "squirting" then changed to "shooting"... Why?

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Last edited by LeoNatan on Sat, 20th Sep 2008 18:39; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 18:38    Post subject:
FusionDexterity wrote:
LeoNatan wrote:
Lots of kiddies still have those crappy PS2s... And who is SM geared most, if not to kiddies? They know their target audience and they know they'll earn the development costs. Besides, they probably have some shitty engine for the PS2, and they just need to port the content, not that hard to do.

At least it's more reliable then your Xbox 360 and isnt that far behind the wii in
terms of graphics.

I see that on April 21st this retarded post went unanswered. I'll fix this.

Hint : Comparisons between 360 and PS2 = fail
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 18:57    Post subject:
there is a ps2 version? we are fucked.

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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 19:53    Post subject:
PC version is NOT a ps2 port, as stated by the developers on the forum. It is developed by a different studio, but it is said to be almost the same as X360/PS3 versions.

New PC(or so-claimed by IGN) screens:


EDIT: found the exact quote from "ask your questions" thread from official WoS forum:

Member: Ryuuie
Question: I have heard that the PC version of SM:WoS will be different from PS3/360. Is this true?
Answer: Posted by Burke from Shaba Games
The PC version should be very similar. There is an entire team devoted to developing the PC version, I'm just not on that team so I can speak to specifics.

Member: ALL
Question: Which developers are creating each different version of SM:WoS?
Answer: Adapted from a post sent in by our very own member, Ryuuie (thanks!)
This is a list of which development company will be developing the different versions of Spider-Man: Web of Shadows:
*Shaba Games: Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3,
*Treyarch: Nintendo Wii
*Amaze Entertainment: Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS
*Aspry: Microsoft Windows
NOTES: The PS3 and 360 versions are going to be exactly like in the screenshots and trailers you see on Seize Control. The Wii version, according to Burke at Shaba Games, is graphically similar to the 360 and PS3 version but gameplay is significantly different due to the controller set up. The PS2 and PSP version will probably be the same thing for both systems. The DS version will most likely be something like Spider-Man 3 was for DS (which isn't that bad since SM3 for DS was actually fun). The PC version of the game will be, according to Burke at Shaba Games, very similar to the 360 and PS3 version. My guess is they'll do a proper PS3 (or 360) port and require the use of an Xbox 360 PC Controller.
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 19:58    Post subject:
Has a specific rls date been confirmed yet?
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 20:02    Post subject:
Require the use of a 360 controller? Is he high?
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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 20:03    Post subject:
If it's Aspyr, then it's the same as PS3/360. All they do these days is port stuff from consoles to PC (i.e. Turok).
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 20:12    Post subject:
kekeke my kinda game
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 20:37    Post subject:
djaoni wrote:
Require the use of a 360 controller? Is he high?

Pass the weed !
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Posts: 18053
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 23:59    Post subject:
i'm sure all branded controllers/gamepads will get support too
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