There was a game in the early 2000s or maybe late 90s, in the spirit of the futuristic arena sport games genre. the gameplay was similar to ROCEKT ARENA but with single player mod.
I can't remember if the player perspective was FPS or TPS, but it was arena and it was possible to walk on The ground and to fly with high jumps or maybe jetpack? (not sure), into higher platforms above the ground .
Thanks in advance and despite the fact, that all the unrecognized games are Kings Bounty, this one is for sure NOT KINGS BOUNTY
It's a bit of a long shot but perhaps Outwars? (it's from 1998) You had a jetpack and semi-open levels with lots of platforms for pew-pewing, nothing too fancy but I remember the concept was quite novel back then.
It's a bit of a long shot but perhaps Outwars? (it's from 1998) You had a jetpack and semi-open levels with lots of platforms for pew-pewing, nothing too fancy but I remember the concept was quite novel back then.
thanks ixigia, but this isn't the one.
the maps and the players were very similar to speedball, like this:
but with platforms to jump on and shooting instead of ball play.
Thinking about what game you could mean reminded me there was once a game called Hyperblade that I loved as a kid, I did not remember it until just now
@lametta thanks, it is similar gameplay but you could walk on the ground and not only on the platforms and also the graphic was more like speedball (as I posted one post above).
@Amadeus, I am glad my topic somehow helped you to remember:) it's cool game and it is the same genre called futuristic sports games of what I am looking for.
It's a bit of a long shot but perhaps Outwars? (it's from 1998) You had a jetpack and semi-open levels with lots of platforms for pew-pewing, nothing too fancy but I remember the concept was quite novel back then.
Woow. Now that's a blast from the past. Played that game a shitton as a whippersnapper
ok.. I was trying to remember this game for a while now, but no luck. this time I decided to find it and it took me 2 -3 days of dig into googles search filters (I think that searching the web some years ago, was more pure than today, but maybe it is only me).
so I started with futuristic sport games and the Speedball 2 vibes led to Unreal tournament arenas (I knew that the quake engine visuals, are not the visuals I remembered from that game), and the gameplay of Unreal Tournament + Laser Arena, gave me Starsiege Tribes.
and with Starsiege Tribes, I knew I am close. checked the Tribes games and found out it was Tribes Vengeance
I appreciate your help very much guys, thankls.
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