Web Hosting / Email Hosting
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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 22nd May 2008 17:02    Post subject: Web Hosting / Email Hosting
I have a web site I like to play around with once in a while; at the moment it's hosted on godaddy which is always slow. I've been looking for web hosts with a good reputation and that arent going to break my leg paying for it.

I also want to be able to offer free pop3/web mail on my site using my domain; anyone know of any good hosting companies that can cater those needs? Smile

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Posts: 2350
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PostPosted: Thu, 22nd May 2008 17:23    Post subject:
I don't know if i would call it good, but dreamhost can do that. Also, it's cheap!

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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 22nd May 2008 17:33    Post subject:
I'll take a look at that; keeping my options open; but looks like a good deal on that site; anyone have experiance using them? Smile

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PostPosted: Thu, 22nd May 2008 21:07    Post subject:

great service and cheap Smile

mine is there also.

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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd May 2008 18:24    Post subject:
exitjen wrote:

great service and cheap Smile

mine is there also.

that's as cheap as they come! Smile Been looking into webmail seems like the easiest way is through something like - http://v-webmail.sourceforge.net/index.php?action=home

On a side note; dreamhost doesnt look stable enough http://www.dreamhoststatus.com/

Any issues with www.unlimithoster.de ? Smile

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Posts: 2350
Location: The Pub
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd May 2008 20:03    Post subject:
It might not be, i just got an acct with them about a week ago. I'll report back at some point. A lot of people use them though.

PC: i7-4790k @ 4.4, 32GB @ 2400, Nvidia 1080TI FE, 2 TB Crucial MX500 SSD
Nintendo Switch SX OS Pro / PS4 Pro 5.05 Hen/Mira / PS3 Modded / Wii Modded / 360 Pre-Wave4 mod
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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd May 2008 21:23    Post subject:
tihkal wrote:
It might not be, i just got an acct with them about a week ago. I'll report back at some point. A lot of people use them though.

ah cool; yeah i like the look and offer of dreamhost - be interesting to see; ensure to report back! Smile

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 16th Jun 2008 02:45    Post subject:
Even though this thread is old... ;P

I'd just like to say that I've had dreamhost for 3-4 years now, and my personal site has only ever been down twice.

Both times it was back up within the day.

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