Street Fighter IV
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 18:09    Post subject: Street Fighter IV

According to a site of Capcom reserved for the press, Street Fighter IV should be available this winter on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Rather discrete jusqu' with aujourd' today, Street Fighter IV being especially awaited in the rooms d' arcade, l' Japanese editor finally decides to raise the veil on the supports of his new handset of combat. Make heat the pads and the keyboards, Ryu, Ken and the others arrive? As you will be able to see it on the video which follows, well qu' entirely in 3D and proposing a graphic style which is clean for him, Street Fighter IV should preserve the jouability which made the success of the series.

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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 18:13    Post subject:
Sweet. Smile Bout time we saw a good fighting game for the PC.

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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 18:35    Post subject:
a fighting game for the PC ? I must be dreaming. Tho i don't like much the SF series- for the anime type characters- and it's not as gory and dark as the MK But still...I'll gladly play it Smile. Just hope it won't be like the new MK (For months the MK was under the PC section in the midway- unreal powered titles...)

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 1948

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 19:08    Post subject:
If we PC gamers can play online against each other that would be sweet. Street fighter is one of the few fighting games I enjoy playing. I still remember the day I first fought Akuma in Street Fighter 2 so awesome.
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Posts: 1293
Location: Hyberdyne
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 19:14    Post subject:
Last Bronx was the last PC fighting game i played

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 19:34    Post subject:
Are you fucking kidding!?

Oh hell yes! HELL YES! Way to go, Capcom!
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Posts: 27530
Location: Behind You...
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 20:46    Post subject:
would much rather have a good solid pc mortal kombat game. mk always was better than street fighter.... Very Happy

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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 20:59    Post subject:
now we need resident evil 5 on pc too
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 21:01    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
would much rather have a good solid pc mortal kombat game. mk always was better than street fighter.... Very Happy

Lol, what? Because it had fatalities? Gameplay was not one of its strong points. Laughing
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Posts: 123
Location: Milk is good for me
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 21:44    Post subject:
dont play with my feelings...if this is not true i cry
damn this is wonderfull news
hope mk and tekken will join somewhere in future too
i so love beat em ups yeahaa

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Posts: 345

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 22:22    Post subject:
This is some old news really.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 22:29    Post subject:
Bitching wrote:
This is some old news really.

26th of May 2008 ... damn, it's at LEAST 12hrs old now.
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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 22:33    Post subject:
Looks good, have to get new batteries for gamepad I guess...
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 23:15    Post subject:
And I have to get new batteries for my "joy-stick"... if you know what I mean.


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Posts: 345

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 23:40    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Bitching wrote:
This is some old news really.

26th of May 2008 ... damn, it's at LEAST 12hrs old now.

Please, let me call you retard ? Pretty please ?
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Posts: 549

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 23:47    Post subject:
Finally a game worth b-b-buying!
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 26th May 2008 23:59    Post subject:
Bitching wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:
Bitching wrote:
This is some old news really.

26th of May 2008 ... damn, it's at LEAST 12hrs old now.

Please, let me call you retard ? Pretty please ?

Why..? You claimed it was old news, yet the news was first released on the 23rd of May 2008 -- and then again today.

If you consider "old news" to be 3 days old -- then I'm afraid we both know who the retard is. Unless I've missed something?
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 00:41    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Bitching wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:

26th of May 2008 ... damn, it's at LEAST 12hrs old now.

Please, let me call you retard ? Pretty please ?

Why..? You claimed it was old news, yet the news was first released on the 23rd of May 2008 -- and then again today.

If you consider "old news" to be 3 days old -- then I'm afraid we both know who the retard is. Unless I've missed something?

are you the reincarnation of Icefreon ? or what ever like his nick was ...
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 00:46    Post subject:
Naw, I'm just me. Nobody else Smile

(Oh and I've just "acquired" Dark Sector. Freaking awesome game so far!)
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 01:04    Post subject:
Now we need KoF XII on the PC with full online support.

Gustave the Steel
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 01:16    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
Now we need KoF XII on the PC with full online support.

Oh man, that'd be awesome! If there's one thing the PC lacks .. it's decent fighting games. Sure we can emulate, but I'm talking about a real market.
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 01:18    Post subject:
damn...good new'sVery Happy
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Posts: 345

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 01:27    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Bitching wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:

26th of May 2008 ... damn, it's at LEAST 12hrs old now.

Please, let me call you retard ? Pretty please ?

Why..? You claimed it was old news, yet the news was first released on the 23rd of May 2008 -- and then again today.

If you consider "old news" to be 3 days old -- then I'm afraid we both know who the retard is. Unless I've missed something?

You know something isn't new anymore after several hours (or whatever), right ? That's the definition of 'news'. You see the word 'new' in there ? Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 1727

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 01:36    Post subject:
Good news if its true. Wasn't last Devil May Cry also ment to come to PC?
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 02:11    Post subject:
Yeah, and I don't think it'd be hard to move KoF to the PC since last I heard SNKP moved to a new system which was basically a PC in an arcade rig. I mean it even had Windows XP installed.

Of course this was 2 or so years ago so maybe they've changed their system again.

But SNKP could definitely do it, and online support with rankings is really going to boost sales in Japan alone.

Gustave the Steel
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 02:20    Post subject:
Bitching wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:
Bitching wrote:

Please, let me call you retard ? Pretty please ?

Why..? You claimed it was old news, yet the news was first released on the 23rd of May 2008 -- and then again today.

If you consider "old news" to be 3 days old -- then I'm afraid we both know who the retard is. Unless I've missed something?

You know something isn't new anymore after several hours (or whatever), right ? That's the definition of 'news'. You see the word 'new' in there ? Rolling Eyes
Let me give you a cookie.

You and I have very different definitions on what is "new" or even "news"

There is ALWAYS something that is considered "news" to someone. But no matter.
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VIP Member

Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 04:14    Post subject:
1st: "Bitching" is an idiot
2nd: Without a pad, a fighting game on PC sucks. Call me old school, but those are for consoles, as FPS/STR are for PC.

Maaan I mourn those afternoons spent playing SF II on Snes with my brother Smile

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 236

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 05:19    Post subject:
HubU wrote:
1st: "Bitching" is an idiot
2nd: Without a pad, a fighting game on PC sucks. Call me old school, but those are for consoles, as FPS/STR are for PC.

Maaan I mourn those afternoons spent playing SF II on Snes with my brother Smile

that is why i hope it works with my X-Arcade

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 05:39    Post subject:
HubU wrote:
1st: "Bitching" is an idiot
2nd: Without a pad, a fighting game on PC sucks. Call me old school, but those are for consoles, as FPS/STR are for PC.

Maaan I mourn those afternoons spent playing SF II on Snes with my brother Smile

Normally I'd agree, wholeheartedly, but the thing is.. you can get a half-decent USB gamepad for less than £15 - and anyone that emulates on the PC would already have one already, hehe

I will, of course, get the 360 version first -- but knowing there's a PC one coming? VERY happy days.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Tue, 27th May 2008 05:52    Post subject:
I have an arcade gamepad for the PC. It's what I used to practice KoF back then.

Gustave the Steel
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