KOTOR 1 or 2
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 18:53    Post subject: KOTOR 1 or 2
Almost same topic as CaptainCoxs about Fallout 2.
I never played KOTOR so witch one should try first, 1 or 2.
As far i read on official forums the first one has better story, in second one has more stuff to do.
I will probably go for first one ....
What do you think ( prove it Very Happy )

And how many patches are made for each one ? KOTOR 1 has 3 ... at least i have found crack for 1.03. Are there any further patch ?

Oh and thanks in advance
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 18:56    Post subject:
BOTH!!!!!!!!! Smile and start with 1 and then 2 Wink
ITS EPIC!, and the 1 is better then 2 for sure.
Dam, you gave me ideas here, i might get KOTOR1 and see how it feels


Last edited by CaptainCox on Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:01; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:00    Post subject:
the story is connected so playing 1 first is the obvious choice.

and yeah like CC said, they both rock and are well worth playing.

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:08    Post subject:
Yeah, both are awesome, I liked 2 better though.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:13    Post subject:
I wonder though how it will feel playing it so close to MassEffect...

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:28    Post subject:
Should be a pleasant surprise after MassEffect. Far better setting, less sucky combat, much better character customization, better stories, etc. Only thing MassEffect had going for it was the music.

Personally I much prefer KOTOR 2 over KOTOR 1 though; a much deeper game story/character-wise, and Kreia is definitely a candidate for a Best NPC Ever award.

Last edited by Raap on Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:42; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 19:34    Post subject:
Anyone been following the progress of that KOTOR 2 restoration project? If they're still doing it I think I'll wait with the Sith Lords replay.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 20:01    Post subject:
I liked KOTOR 2 better because good/bad choices are not so obvious as in KOTOR 1.

KOTOR 1 latest patch : 1.03 Gamers Hell
KOTOR 2 latest patch : 1.02b (at least that's what CARBON say in their release, but I can't find the damn patch Evil or Very Mad )

Also there are two media patches for KOTOR 2 :
One for HQ music and one for HQ movies
KOTOR 2 Restoration project is very close to completion (v 1.0b9). Hopefully, it'll be released this summer (ATM 13 problems left to fix ).


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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 20:41    Post subject:
Thanks a bunch guys !
After this amount of quick replays, i ll sure will have great time playing both of them !
Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 20:59    Post subject:
Hmm if the Restoration Project is that close to finish, think I'll start with Kotor 1 already.. are there any mods that add new content for Kotor 1? Found plenty of retextures, new items etc., but after so many times I could use with some new areas/quests, if those even exist.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jul 2008 23:45    Post subject:
Just some advice. If you have a Creatvie Sound Card +Vista. Get "Creative ALchemy" It will allow you to run older "Direct Sound 3D" games in EAX + it will eliminate the graphic/movement choppiness! I thought I was going to give this game a miss to (see the Fallout thread) but installed ALchemy and now it runs smooth as a baby's bottom.

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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jul 2008 04:56    Post subject:
inz wrote:
Hmm if the Restoration Project is that close to finish, think I'll start with Kotor 1 already.. are there any mods that add new content for Kotor 1? Found plenty of retextures, new items etc., but after so many times I could use with some new areas/quests, if those even exist.

Yes there is!

Brotherhood of Shadow


This is the first episode at the moment, they are working on the sequel and it should be close to completion.

Make sure to get the patch also.
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jul 2008 07:14    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
I wonder though how it will feel playing it so close to MassEffect...

Except for graphic they are much better than ME.
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Jul 2008 20:52    Post subject:
rampart wrote:

Yes there is!

Brotherhood of Shadow


This is the first episode at the moment, they are working on the sequel and it should be close to completion.

That's just amazing, exactly what I wanted. Think I'll wait until he finishes the 2nd part tho, hopefully the restoration project will finish by that time as well so I can play both games with the mods.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 03:36    Post subject:
i liked 1 more myself.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 12:13    Post subject:
Also if you want updates on episode 2, here is the link.


Shows some things about it that might interest you.

Plus it seems there is a closed beta being tested by the development team so we might see a release soon.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 17:08    Post subject:
Yup read through the thread, saw he has a trailer released as well, some pretty cool stuff!
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 15:51    Post subject:
One more thing I found out playing this on VISTA. Start the game from the SWKOTOR.EXE IN THE MAIN KOTOR FOLDER!!!!! The choppiness came back and I did some searching, and it worked.

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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 15:59    Post subject:
Oh how I envy you playing Kotor 1 & 2 for the first time. Wish I could do that, both are two of the greatest games ever imo although I prefer the second as its alot darker and the plot is more complex. Not to mention being able to run around on Nar Shada which is as seedy and corrupted as I imagined it would be. The handmaiden chickas are interesting aswell.

Kotor 1 had a slugish Kashyyyk which was very boring and poorly designed imo. Could have been so much better with a little more work put on the planet.

Do we dare hope for a finale in Kotor3???

Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 16:04    Post subject:
I really hope Revan will make a comeback in Kotor 3, and as the darkside version, lightsiders are such pussies.
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Posts: 3156

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 16:23    Post subject:
Would be cool if there was a sw game released in the future where depending on if you were light or dark, the main onjectives of the game would be different. As a light side JK you would say have to defeat the main bad guy, but as a DS char you would instead perhaps help the main bad guy hunt down and kill jedi and in the end defeat the main bad sith and become the dark lord yourself or a variation of that. Also an inmpementation of the padawan system, you start of as a padawan under a Jedi master and when you become a jedi yourself, you take on a padawan whom you have to level up and teach.
So first level up yourself as a padawan under the tootelage of a jedi master, then when you hit jedi status, you get two chars to play with and level up.
This should imo should be just like all other rpgs, like baldurs gate and never game like nwn2 where you have a small party to play with. Strange we havent seen this in a SW game yet.
And the jedi trial would be a very interesting part of the game. Man I should pitch this idea to Obsidian Razz

Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 16:27    Post subject:
Yeah that'd be really great thing to have, the thing with RPG's is that even if they offer you an evil path, you'll still end up killing the same end boss, there's very rarely much difference (tho granted Kotor did this better than most, darkside end cutscene for Kotor 1 was pwn). But yeah, a truly different, branching experience based on your alignment would fit a game like Kotor 3 perfectly.
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 16:30    Post subject:
For me its not the 1st time but. I played it on PC when it came back in 2003...was it?
Some stuff does come back like an old memory playing it, but some stuff feels new. And yea, lets hope for a III.

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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 19:47    Post subject:
story-wise, kotor 1 is way ahead of kotor 2 (which still has one of the best stories in a rpg , so that only tells you , how damn good kotor 1 is), but kotor 2 added a lot of additional stuff to the gameplay, which are better than in the first imo. I.e. better inventory and wear screens etc, more customizations, and all in all better UI and GUI. But all in all, both are "must-play" titles for sure. I especially like the whole good/bad side aspect, which lets you replay the game a totally different way.
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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 01:14    Post subject:
inz wrote:
I really hope Revan will make a comeback in Kotor 3, and as the darkside version, lightsiders are such pussies.

Funny you should say that, there was some deleted content brought back in a mod for KOTOR 2 that showed Revan after you defeated Darth Nihilus. It turns out he did find the true sith but he wants to you tell Bastlia to reconnect there force bond. However you never really got to tell her.
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 01:17    Post subject:
Both are great, but 1 had a better story and most importantly better ending(s).

2 was a little deeper, story was pretty good still but you can see how rushed it was at the end.

Play them in order, it's better that way.

HK-47 is one of the best NPC characters in any game ever.
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 01:25    Post subject:
"I am like a veritable fable, warning against the karma caused by murdering others, a morality tale if you will. What utter irony."

That droid is the best.
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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 01:32    Post subject:
rampart wrote:
"I am like a veritable fable, warning against the karma caused by murdering others, a morality tale if you will. What utter irony."

That droid is the best.

The Assassin droid ? HK - something i think ?

Because if so he's one of my favorite video game character of all time Very Happy
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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 01:35    Post subject:
Yeah HK-47 was name. Wish they would make a game about him assassinating key targets for Revan.
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Posts: 302

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jul 2008 19:44    Post subject:
Veki wrote:

KOTOR 2 latest patch : 1.02b (at least that's what CARBON say in their release, but I can't find the damn patch Evil or Very Mad )

I have a strange behavior with their exe.
My computer shuts down while playing, like start, shutdown, shutdown.
Im not connected to internet, so I guess I have not been hacked Wink
My computer works fine when I don't play this game
Anybody having the same issue ?

edit Smile System is forced to be shutdown because graphic card in unexpected high temperature.

thanks to the event viewer Wink
seems my gpu fan is dead Sad

Last edited by plop518 on Sat, 12th Jul 2008 22:14; edited 1 time in total
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