Fall from heaven II
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Joe Potato

Posts: 299

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 19:12    Post subject: Fall from heaven II
Fall from heaven II is a mod for Civ IV ala Master of Magic..., Im thinking in installing it. anyone has played? opinions?


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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 20:53    Post subject: Re: Fall from heaven II
Joe Potato wrote:
Fall from heaven II is a mod for Civ IV ala Master of Magic..., Im thinking in installing it. anyone has played? opinions?


well time to reinstall Civ 4... I'm going to give a try.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 21:38    Post subject:
Very nice mod. It has so many improvements that I cannot play CIVIV without it anymore.

It has a major struggle between good and evil, magic, heroes, events and much, much more. A must try.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 22:32    Post subject:
Well, I am going to give this a go as well.

What exactly does one need to run this mod?

can't seem to locate the install instructions... I am sure if it was a snake it would bite me.
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 23:12    Post subject:
it's a great mod, best one for civ4 imho and I can't even tell which I like more, the mod or the normal civ Smile
the MAIN cool thing is, that the civs are much more different from each other than in normal civ.
but there are also
- heroes
- relegion based units
- A LOT of events
- dragons Wink
and much more^^

IIRC you just need to copy it into your mods folder and that's it, then start civ4 and go in advanced options->load a mod and load up the mod.
Oh and it comes with an installer so you really shouldn't have any troubles
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Joe Potato

Posts: 299

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jul 2008 23:59    Post subject:
Ive installed it and its more polished than i expected. Only played few hours but seems that deserves to be keeped in hard drive...

@Big Gun
install the three files(are autoinstalls): MAIN INSTALL(368mb), Patch l(10mb) and MEDIA(180mb)

requires CIV iV Beyond the sword 3.17

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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 00:42    Post subject: Re: Fall from heaven II
Joe Potato wrote:
Fall from heaven II is a mod for Civ IV ala Master of Magic..., Im thinking in installing it. anyone has played? opinions?

When you say "MoM", just how "MoMish" is it? I loved that game, so it would kick ass if they made a remake, even if only as a mod.
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 16:33    Post subject:
damn - that never happened to me in civ 4 - another civilization asked me to leave mine and take over as their leader.
Buuut - as stupid as I am a read that they wanted to offer me their kingdom so i accepted and *woosh* i had this bottom ranked, totally mismanaged tiny kingdom in the middle of a few freakin mountains and between two of the strongest and most aggressive civs.
So i saved, loaded the last auto-save and saved it under a new name - loaded the other (with the new civ) again and thought 'let's try':
A couple of turns later my kingdom is growing (had to re-do almost every modernisation - AI must have been put on stupid-mode) when both of the other civs started attacking.
Well, unnecessary to say I got torn apart there - but I was able to keep 1 city that lies a bit more south in the mountains.
I'll see later where that gets me - I suppose oblivion but at least I wanna try
This game's fun
But did that ever happen to anyone in the vanilla civ 4 (or bts)?
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Joe Potato

Posts: 299

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 17:51    Post subject:
zmed wrote:
When you say "MoM", just how "MoMish" is it? I loved that game, so it would kick ass if they made a remake, even if only as a mod.

well... FFH lacks of zoomed tactical combat... its only "Momish" not a MOM total conversion. But with over 300 units, events and magic is a great dark fantasy game itself

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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jul 2008 18:50    Post subject:
Reklis wrote:
But did that ever happen to anyone in the vanilla civ 4 (or bts)?

nope(this feature is not in the normal civ version), like I said it has A LOT of cool events, for example later when the armageddon counter is high enough the 4 hourseman come and bring destruction.
Or the first time I played I got an event which gave me a hero o.O

Oh and every civ has a cool world spell which you can only use 1 time.
There are so many more cool things, like 2 special civs which you can "summon" to the world. It's just such a great mod, and everytime you play you find sth new.
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Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 05:51    Post subject:
well, I downloaded Civ 4 and all the patches, mods, and cracks I needed.

I downloaded the 3 files for the mod. Seemed to have installed everything fine... when the mod loaded it gave me some kinda of error about not being able to load a control gui or some such. i am sure I screwed something up along the way. Will try again tomorrow.
Fatigue makes my brain misfire... not that it fires normally anyway.

I may put an order in to buy Civ4 and all the expansions. i am sure there is some kinda platinum edition or some such.

Are any of you guys playing it with warezed copies (probably a dumb question).

Edit: well, apparently the only bundle is gold and they offer just the warlords expansion.

Speaking of which, i didnt install warlords. Do I need to install that as well as Beyond The Sword for this to work?
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 10:16    Post subject:
there are 2 versions of the mod
for Vanilla civ and for BtS civ, you don't need Warlords
go to this URL
if you have BtS you click on the download file link
you can also download patch L and media pack for version 0.32, both are optional though.
if you have Vanilla civ download the 0.23c version

I don't think that a crack would srew up a mod, but I have not tested it.
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Joe Potato

Posts: 299

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 13:02    Post subject:
00101010 wrote:
I don't think that a crack would srew up a mod, but I have not tested it.


Speaking of which, i didnt install warlords. Do I need to install that as well as Beyond The Sword for this to work?

i have both installed but i dont know....

I load the mod from BtS GUI aswell...

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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 13:52    Post subject:
FFH2 is one of the best civ4 mods ever =) actually a lot better than regular game imho.

To answer last question you dont need warlords installed and you can launch ffh2 directly through a shortcut (or one of the mod launchers you can find at civfanatics)
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Joe Potato

Posts: 299

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jul 2008 14:57    Post subject:
i also strongly recommend the map plugin: TECTONICS --> "This script is designed to produce mountain ranges, and simulate plate tectonics, giving more realistic/earthlike terrain (mountain ranges, mountains near the coasts like the Andes or between subcontinents like the Himalaia)"


copy paste the file in Publicmaps. Choose Tectonics ingame.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack newbies on fire off the shoulder of NFOrce. I watched VIP members glitter in the dark near the PC Gamers forum. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."
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Posts: 153

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Oct 2009 21:02    Post subject:
Bought and installed CIV 4 complete during the weekend, then found this mod, and fucking hell it's awesome! I'd rather play this mod than a lot of full price fantasy/strategy games (Dom 3 excepted though). Only drawback is that the AI seems somewhat weak and unable to use magic and stuff effectively. Anyway, any Nforcers with experience with all the modmods and stuff? Are they as good quality as the full mod and well balanced?
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