I just graduated university :D
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:33    Post subject: I just graduated university :D
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:36    Post subject:

I'm finding out tomorrow if I get accepted into one myself Smile

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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:37    Post subject: Re: I just graduated university :D
compubrain3000 wrote:

Congrats! What kind of degree?
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:52    Post subject: Re: I just graduated university :D
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:57    Post subject:
Wow. Mega congrats mate. Hope you land a nice paying job now. Maybe a pretty lady while you're at it, eh? Smile

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 16:59    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:04    Post subject:
Excellent. Just out of curiosity: does the state pay your tuition + expenses in Egypt? Or do you take loans from a bank?

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:16    Post subject:
tainted4ever wrote:
Excellent. Just out of curiosity: does the state pay your tuition + expenses in Egypt? Or do you take loans from a bank?

It depends on your high school grades.

The highest grades get to pick their careers and universities, with the best career spots (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and engineering) filling up first.

University is almost free, i paid $20 a year at the country's top university. You don't even have to pay if you can't afford it.

They even pay you if you get good grades Razz
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:30    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
tainted4ever wrote:
Wow. Mega congrats mate. Hope you land a nice paying job now. Maybe a pretty lady while you're at it, eh? Smile

That's the plan Razz

Do you have a plan B Smile


I have still 3 years to go on my uni.
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:37    Post subject:
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Posts: 1221
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:39    Post subject:
Congratulations! A really fun study. Are you going for your MSc?

I have 3 more years to go for my MSc. Buh.
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:44    Post subject: Re: I just graduated university :D
compubrain3000 wrote:
A bachelor degree in pharmaceutical sciences.

Almost thought you said 'A bachelor degree in Pfiemelcheesical sciences':ROFL: Cuz that's 8 years uni mate if you want to comprehend the matter that is Pfiemelcheese;)
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:44    Post subject:
Praetori wrote:
Congratulations! A really fun study. Are you going for your MSc?

A bachelor's degree is enough for me. MSc is pretty useless for my profession here.

Praetori wrote:
I have 3 more years to go for my MSc. Buh.

What's Buh.?
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:46    Post subject: Re: I just graduated university :D
Pfiemelcheese wrote:
Almost thought you said 'A bachelor degree in Pfiemelcheesical sciences':ROFL: Cuz that's 8 years uni mate if you want to comprehend the matter that is Pfiemelcheese;)

Sadly, we haven't got that one here Sad Razz
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 17:58    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
scarfacew3 wrote:
Do you have a plan B Smile


I have still 3 years to go on my uni.

What are you studying?

Information Technologies

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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 18:03    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
tainted4ever wrote:
Excellent. Just out of curiosity: does the state pay your tuition + expenses in Egypt? Or do you take loans from a bank?

It depends on your high school grades.

The highest grades get to pick their careers and universities, with the best career spots (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and engineering) filling up first.

University is almost free, i paid $20 a year at the country's top university. You don't even have to pay if you can't afford it.

They even pay you if you get good grades Razz

Congrats. Very Happy It is a well paying job here.

I wish Canada would do something like that. It is becoming out of reach for the average person. It is in the countries best interest. Better educated people usually make better choices in their life. Sometimes I think the government is against that because they would have even more people questioning thier self serving actions.
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Posts: 11335

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 18:58    Post subject:
Yes, it probably is in the interest of those in power to dumb down the population. But with such a population, your country has no future. People will be less creative, less aggressive, skilled, entrepreneurial... it will lead to economic slowdown, something no one wants.

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 32062
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 19:02    Post subject:
congrats, hope you find a great job Smile
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 19:03    Post subject:
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Posts: 1221
Location: EU
PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 19:29    Post subject:
Praetori wrote:

Praetori wrote:
I have 3 more years to go for my MSc. Buh.

What's Buh.?

Like "Meh." - impatience that getting where you want to be, still takes so much time.
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Posts: 73193
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 20:00    Post subject: Re: I just graduated university :D
Congrats, and good luck from now on!
compubrain3000 wrote:
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Posts: 360

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jul 2008 23:41    Post subject:
Congrats man.

Now if you can just find a cure for everything, and make it free, you could save the world.

Open-source meds for all!
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 04:25    Post subject:
..man theyre just giving degrees away these days arent they...

Very Happy

congrats. ill be done myself next year

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Posts: 14555

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 10:41    Post subject:
Congrats! Off to the working mass Very Happy

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 10:55    Post subject:
Admit it, the only reason you studied pharmacology is so you'd have unrestricted access all those delicious and fun pills! Smile

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Posts: 508
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 11:26    Post subject:

I only have 5 years left til my graduation. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 13:42    Post subject:
Great news, congrats compubrain3000 !

Happy days are over now. from now on you ( whan you find job ), will have a lot of stress, work all day ... ( j/k )- but in the end you will earn a lot of money, so problem is solved.
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Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 18:13    Post subject:
nice man Smile

now you gotta get out into the real world...sorry to say, but it sucks Sad Wink

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Posts: 4008
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jul 2008 22:03    Post subject:
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Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 03:30    Post subject:
tainted4ever wrote:
Yes, it probably is in the interest of those in power to dumb down the population. But with such a population, your country has no future. People will be less creative, less aggressive, skilled, entrepreneurial... it will lead to economic slowdown, something no one wants.

Sometimes I think those in power can't think past what is best for them. They make their choices based on votes and Campaign money. I see it all around in my own Country. I wonder about the future of everything.

From Compu's description it seems Egypt has some good ideas about education. Reward those with good marks. Making it more affordable. Money, while in school helps. (altho I am sure small). I wouldn't have less respect for someone if they got financial help. I wish Canada got more involved with that.
I was wondering what your salary expiation's are? If it too personal a question no prob. Or you can pm.

Congrats on your bachelor. I bet you will go back to get your masters.
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