Settlers 2 : Awakening of Cultures
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Aug 2008 23:21    Post subject: Settlers 2 : Awakening of Cultures
different playable peoples: 3 peoples (Bajuwaren, Scots, Egyptian) with individual playing characteristics.
comprehensive "devotement system": with devoting goods the player gets e. g. economic
(settlers work faster) or military advantages.
new landscapes (deserts, snowy mountains, scots highlands)
better military system (e. g. close combat and long-distance fighters), but still not directly
controllable )
revised user interface and improvements in economic cycles
Improved UI and details
Internet Lobby with Avatars, mini games and multi player match making.



German Demo

Language : German
Retail Release : This week

As of this time no english mention..
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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Aug 2008 23:41    Post subject:
played the demo, was a lot like settlers 2 imho, nice game
the voice overs where kinda dumb, though :/
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Aug 2008 00:18    Post subject:
the settler 2 remake was great, but the maps were WAY too big imho. I cant be arsed to play each map for 24 hours ..
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 00:47    Post subject:
Out today Smile
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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 01:11    Post subject:
A-A wrote:
Out today Smile

yep german version already out
but maybe that's what you meant^^
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 13:34    Post subject:
No in retail , but that'l do fine thanks Wink
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Posts: 526
Location: TM, RO
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 13:40    Post subject:
any chance of an english release soon?

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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 15:04    Post subject:
Nice, didn't know that another one was in the making (And I live in Germany... Smile )
Downloading German version now, hoping for an English release

I bought the last two Settlers II games (ok, that sounds weird... annoying that they are called the same, but then they couldn't call it Settlers III, nor could they call it Settlers VII as then Settlers II fans would ignore it), but I didn't like the Viking Add-on pack at all
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 19:28    Post subject:
Sajuuk_Khar wrote:
any chance of an english release soon?

As of this time no english mention..
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 21:06    Post subject: Re: Settlers 2 : Awakening of Cultures
So far it's ok, but there are a few things I don't quite understand and a few things I hate about it:

What I don't understand: Why is it that it installs PhysX drivers during install? What use does this game have with these drivers?

Things I don't like: The usual very boring and very annoyingly stupid story: First mission you have to race to a temple to light the Olympic flame (using gold and weapons to ignite it). Why? Because the Gods are angry at the human race for some reason. I wonder what the writers of the story was smoking!
Why couldn't they just have the story from Veni Vidi Vici? At least that story was a bit more realistic

A-A wrote:

better military system (e. g. close combat and long-distance fighters), but still not directly

You scared me with the first part, long-distance fighters could easily mean directly controlled. Thank God that's not in. I have only played one game, without any fighting at all, so I can't comment on if fighting is better or worse.
But what use has gold in this game? Gold doesn't go to the guard towers, etc, like in The Settlers II. Will it be like other Settlers games where your fighters just increases their fighting skills, the more gold you have inside your borders?

A-A wrote:

revised user interface and improvements in economic cycles

The User interface is a bit better than last Settlers II game, but not much. The messages system is still as bad as it has always been Sad

Improvements in economic cycles? Not sure about that one. Different yet, but so far it's neither better nor worse
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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Aug 2008 21:39    Post subject: Re: Settlers 2 : Awakening of Cultures
Adagio.81 wrote:
But what use has gold in this game? Gold doesn't go to the guard towers, etc, like in The Settlers II. Will it be like other Settlers games where your fighters just increases their fighting skills, the more gold you have inside your borders?

You can build barracks to upgrade your soldiers which needs gold for the best ones. How that works exactly I haven't figured out yet.
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Sun, 31st Aug 2008 00:17    Post subject:
Ah, I see
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Aug 2008 10:20    Post subject:
Unfortunately this game has no LAN or TCP/IP multiplayer. It only support multiplayer over their lobby and you need a valid key to create an account.

What a pity, was hoping to play this with some friends but definitely won't buy it after all the disappointing settlers games lately.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 1565
Location: FBI Cybercrime div.
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Aug 2008 10:23    Post subject:
hmm i tried the first level and got stuck while trying to set over the ice lake...haha...also i wonder why those characters that lead you through the storyline don't have an animated mouth..they just turn their heads a little...strange. anyway its nice to have a new settlers game that like the first ones...
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Posts: 587

PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Sep 2008 05:18    Post subject:
anybody know how to build ships on the level where u have the a buoy in the water i can seem to get it to allow me to build ship missing something on the little island

nvm too retarted the first time playin this level to click on the anchor to build a ship

Last edited by 8ball on Wed, 3rd Sep 2008 00:26; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Sep 2008 10:56    Post subject:
segobi wrote:
hmm i tried the first level and got stuck while trying to set over the ice lake...haha...also i wonder why those characters that lead you through the storyline don't have an animated mouth..they just turn their heads a little...strange. anyway its nice to have a new settlers game that like the first ones...

there is a donation to the gods you have to use, that enlarges your territory by 5 fields for 10 minutes, enough time to build a guardhouse on the other side.
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 10:52    Post subject:
Ok, I got build that special building and got the terroritory enlargement, but how do I use it?
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 17:38    Post subject:
simply select the altar, click the icon and wait until your settlers delivered the good required to the altar (there is a progress bar under the icon on the top right on the screen) when its complet, right-click the icon (or left ?) anyway, there are 4 options afaik, start, cancel etc. Well, start
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