[Wii] Nintendo Wii - Just bought one, need advice about chip
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Posts: 109
Location: London (UK)
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Aug 2008 00:44    Post subject: [Wii] Nintendo Wii - Just bought one, need advice about chip
Hi all, i have just bought a nintendo wii and need some help with mod chips.

What should I get? And how easy is the console to mod?
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Posts: 329

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Aug 2008 01:10    Post subject:
I went with a WiiKey and have never had a problem with it... at the time it was a pretty intense install though with the solder points being so small and close together. There might be a better (easier) modchip out by now, but I would endorse WiiKey as Ive had no problems and firmwares are released regularly.

Plays all my Wii and old GC backups as well as GC emulators etc.

This will probably be moved to the Console Technical forum.
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Aug 2008 12:00    Post subject:
Wiikey only works with very old Wiis. Get a D2Pro.
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Aug 2008 18:20    Post subject:
D2Pro have an ejection problem if you do not upgrade it, that req. a programmer for the D2Pro that you need to solid on the D2Pro.

Get a Wasabi chip with Wii-clip. No soliding needed.
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Posts: 109
Location: London (UK)
PostPosted: Mon, 11th Aug 2008 13:20    Post subject:
Having done some research, it seems most chips dont allow full multi region.

I was originally looking at WiiKey but i have a brand new Wii.

Rolling Eyes

Are there any chips which allow full region support?
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Posts: 121

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Aug 2008 17:47    Post subject:
well im in same boat as the first guy
thinking of buying wii just not sure if its worth it to buy pre-patched one(with chip)
or just pre-patched drive
or do it myself?
what do you guys think
and what chip is recomneded?
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Posts: 881

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Aug 2008 18:27    Post subject:
first of all you should determine your drive chip.


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Posts: 121

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Aug 2008 19:01    Post subject:
great links thanks
ill find out today or tomorow
so anybody know where there is usa store that sells those modified drives
or chips?
what about this new thing? anybody have it?
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Posts: 109
Location: London (UK)
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Aug 2008 13:03    Post subject:
guys i have opened my Wii and i have a D2C chip with a serial number: LEC1907******

I spoke to a supplier of mod chips and he said i have a D2C2 chip (based on my serial number) and has recommended the D2pro 9 wire.

Is this a good chip to get? My main requirement is to be able to play multi region games.

Also can anyone recommend any good online sites to get this from (UK).

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Posts: 241

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Oct 2008 14:04    Post subject:
Hi wanted to buy a Wii the next days and so i would like to know which chip i should grab.
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Posts: 657

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Oct 2008 15:10    Post subject:
The chips are all basically the same. Avoid Wiikey2 though because of their crap support for the wiikey1.
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Posts: 241

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Nov 2008 15:38    Post subject:
Ups forgot to write back ^^ thnx for the quick answer Smile
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Posts: 3321
Location: Invert
PostPosted: Sat, 14th Feb 2009 11:49    Post subject:
I've borrowed a wii from a mate and was thinking of buying one for my wife.
I've done some research into chips but i am unsure which to buy! i really wanted to get a soldierless chip if possible..

any recommendations of which one to buy??

This thread is a little old so i wondered if things have changed with the chips since last year

MSI X570 Tomahawk |Corsair Vengeance LPX 32gb 3600mhz | Ryzen 5800X3D | EKWB Watercooling | Seasonic Focus GX 850 Gold PSU | 4090 Founders | Predator X34P UW curved monitor | Window Pro 10 x64
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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Sat, 14th Feb 2009 22:09    Post subject:
Why not install a softmod? In my opinion it's better than a chip. Buy or rent an original zelda and install softmii no soldering is needed and you don't have to open your console. The only things you need are the original zelda game, an sd memory card (minimum 512Mb) and a wifi internet connection. Check here http://www.softmii.com/

i7 3770k, GTX980, 16GB Ram, SSD Raid0, Internet 3rd world shit not worth mentioning
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Posts: 3321
Location: Invert
PostPosted: Sat, 14th Feb 2009 23:16    Post subject:
Yeah i've just been reading about this, is it correct though that the soft mod only allows the dvd to read at x3 and the mod chips run at x6. does this affect anything other than just the loading speed of the games?

i think i will try this method first and then think about the wiikey 2 solderless or something like..

MSI X570 Tomahawk |Corsair Vengeance LPX 32gb 3600mhz | Ryzen 5800X3D | EKWB Watercooling | Seasonic Focus GX 850 Gold PSU | 4090 Founders | Predator X34P UW curved monitor | Window Pro 10 x64
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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Mon, 16th Feb 2009 21:02    Post subject:
the 3X read speed affects the cutscenes in some games like in Mario Galaxy for example. The game plays fine but in the cutscenes there's a framerate drop. But most games i tried work just fine.

i7 3770k, GTX980, 16GB Ram, SSD Raid0, Internet 3rd world shit not worth mentioning
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Posts: 1908
Location: Alberta,Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 17th Feb 2009 19:37    Post subject:
Grale wrote:
Yeah i've just been reading about this, is it correct though that the soft mod only allows the dvd to read at x3 and the mod chips run at x6. does this affect anything other than just the loading speed of the games?

i think i will try this method first and then think about the wiikey 2 solderless or something like..

The solderless clips work well as long as you dont have an epoxy cover drive chip.

Backup loader presently runs @ 3X speed, but they are making advances to hopefully unlock 6x speed. I have only ever had issues with cut scenes. And gamecube loader is out now as well. There are also other softmods out now that dont require backup loader at all, and use disk channel.

I installed a flatmii which works great since my arcade PC is close to my wii setup. This chip installsl between the DVD drive and the wii itself, so completely plug and play.
There is a couple new chips coming out that use the same install but are not just for streaming to your wii. I would look out for those, as they are completely plug and play installs.

Jenni wrote:
I drunk. I don't fucking care!
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