Fallout 3 CTD at start screen.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 28th Oct 2008 14:26    Post subject: Fallout 3 CTD at start screen.
Ive installed it 3 times now, Using each of the different methods (Which i have followed to the letter)
And the end result is always the same

Fallout3 has encountered an error and had to close.....

On the "Please Standby" Screen EVERY time i run it
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Dr. Strangelove

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PostPosted: Tue, 28th Oct 2008 14:35    Post subject:
Try and update your graphics cards drivers and directx.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 28th Oct 2008 14:50    Post subject:
Epsilon wrote:
Try and update your graphics cards drivers and directx.

Just tried with the latest Nvidia Drivers, and i'm pretty sure im using the most recent version of DX but i'll check just to be sure

Nope, got the latest Nvidia Drivers, The latest DX9 and DX10 packages but no joy i'm afraid Sad

Got it working, it was to do with the FFDSHOW codecs i had installed.
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Posts: 47

PostPosted: Tue, 28th Oct 2008 17:58    Post subject: Re: Fallout 3 CTD at start screen.
RazerMale wrote:
Ive installed it 3 times now, Using each of the different methods (Which i have followed to the letter)
And the end result is always the same

Fallout3 has encountered an error and had to close.....

On the "Please Standby" Screen EVERY time i run it

I also have a lot of CTD's. But i do not have that codec and my drivers are up to date.
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PostPosted: Tue, 28th Oct 2008 18:22    Post subject:
RazerMale wrote:
Epsilon wrote:
Try and update your graphics cards drivers and directx.

Just tried with the latest Nvidia Drivers, and i'm pretty sure im using the most recent version of DX but i'll check just to be sure

Nope, got the latest Nvidia Drivers, The latest DX9 and DX10 packages but no joy i'm afraid Sad

Got it working, it was to do with the FFDSHOW codecs i had installed.

I had the same issue. I hope you did not remove the codecs because there is an option in ffdshow audio and video decoder settings where you can exclude programms so that they don't use the fddshow codec.
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Oct 2008 02:07    Post subject:
Ive got reload version, when i go outside, i allways get black screen and crash my pc... any ideia?

Nvidia 8800gts latest drivers
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Oct 2008 07:19    Post subject:
Deinstalled ffdshow and it works. But there must be another way. I don't want to keep installing ffdshow all the time.

Some settings in ffd that has to be tweaked or something?

EDIT: Deinstalled CCCP and rebooted, reinstalled CCCP and now all is ok.

Bart1983 wrote:

I had the same issue. I hope you did not remove the codecs because there is an option in ffdshow audio and video decoder settings where you can exclude programs so that they don't use the fddshow codec.

Cheers!, missed your comment as its a bit early .

This is how.

Open ffdshow audio decoder configuration
DirectShow control
Hit the EDIT button (Don't use ffdshow in:)

Hit the Add... button

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3
and click the "Fallout3" icon

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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Oct 2008 15:06    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Deinstalled ffdshow and it works. But there must be another way. I don't want to keep installing ffdshow all the time.

Some settings in ffd that has to be tweaked or something?

EDIT: Deinstalled CCCP and rebooted, reinstalled CCCP and now all is ok.

Bart1983 wrote:

I had the same issue. I hope you did not remove the codecs because there is an option in ffdshow audio and video decoder settings where you can exclude programs so that they don't use the fddshow codec.

Cheers!, missed your comment as its a bit early .

This is how.

Open ffdshow audio decoder configuration
DirectShow control
Hit the EDIT button (Don't use ffdshow in:)

Hit the Add... button

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3
and click the "Fallout3" icon

Ty mate, but the Black Screen Show up again... I think I will have to play Bond, James Bond Sad
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Posts: 926

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Oct 2008 19:29    Post subject:
i tried uninstalling the whole codec pack i used but still same error now after i try start new game it loads just for a few more secs but then drops all together any other idea how to fix this problem?
im using 8800gtx ?
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 07:51    Post subject:
To be honest I just think it's unfinished in it's current state. You should not have to be installing/uninstalling anything to make it work. Its a new title from an established software house so it's their job to make it work properly, not yours (as long as your machine meets minimum reqs that is).
Nor should you have to be creating exceptions in codecs. It's just sloppy testing imo. I had the crashing on mine but it was the Game DSP mode in my ASUS drivrers causing it btu still, 30 mins into the game it crashes. VACS casues all sorts of probs as well. It just needs patching.
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:31    Post subject:
I feel I have different problem - then starting the new game intro movie starts, after few sec the whole movie image freeze (only sound is alive), after some time, on the left top corner, small part of intro starts to move (other parts of image on screen are still frozen); after few moments whole intro move image starts to move and freeze after few seconds...and this happens all the way long.

Reinstalling not helping, have new drivers of 8600 GST 512MB

Any suggestions are welcome!
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Posts: 36

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 20:14    Post subject:
hi , thx for the tips
finally just if i uninstall cccp , without reinstall ,and run the game , it works
if i uninstall and reinstall before running the game it didnt work,
but i tried to reinstall cccp after running the game once successfully , and it worked
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Nov 2008 00:37    Post subject:
oblivion had the same thing with the codecs
bethesda just doesn't care
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PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Nov 2008 22:04    Post subject:
mmmh, havent installed fallout3 yet, but will do so in a minute or two. But i never had a problem wich any game with the ffdshow-filter. BUT: i had alot of issues with vobsub/directvobsub/vsfilter. There are at least three games - if not more - in the last two years that crashed with it installed.

So you might want to check for that if you still get crashes without ffdshow enabled.

(will be back if my install of f3 also crashes in a minute or two Very Happy)
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PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Nov 2008 22:54    Post subject:
well, it does crash on me too, even if i disable ffdshow O_O

EDIT: ran it in windowed mode and saw that it was actually my firewall/av crashing the system. Had to set the launcher to trusted. Now it loads the menu...
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 03:44    Post subject:
The game played fine in the vault, but now that i m outside, its a constant CTD-fest. Whats wrong with the games lately? First Far Cry 2, now this?

*shakes head*
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 06:05    Post subject:
just a note to other people having massive CTDs. The game is way less crash-prone (1 in 3 hours vs. 1 in 3 minutes), when played in windowed-mode, for whatever reason...
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Posts: 926

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 06:27    Post subject:
the game still crashes at the start new game menu so there is no patch yet to fix the bugs or the crash funny how people payed good money for this game and cant even get it to run
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 17:41    Post subject:
on mini**** u can check out the fan made fix it fixes most crashes so far
but still the new game crash dosent work 100%
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:30    Post subject:
oh, didnt know that.

from glancing over the batch file it looks like he is "just" reincoding all the ogg files to a different quality. Should bethesda really have botched all their audio files?

And chances are you have to reinstall, if an official patch comes along, so i m not sure if i should actually use the patch. Did it work for you gold24?
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:43    Post subject:
i thought so but nope it dosent good thing i got the clone avenged release so when patch does come out i can use it
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:07    Post subject:
I really recommend to get the CLONEDVD release from AVEGNED. That and the No DVD mini image from GCW just works!.

The only thing that is a bit tedious is that you have to change a line in Regedit every time you fire up the PC, or try with YASU (for some reason that did not work for me)

The AVENGED version might be hard to find, and if you find it might take long to dl. Took me 2 days on a crappy torrent (it was not completely upped on Unet).

I had like 2 crashes so far using this release, and both where just before the game loaded (from launcher).

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Posts: 926

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:37    Post subject:
i got that clone but it wont matter the crash at new game bug that everybody has still cant be fixed:(
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Posts: 155

PostPosted: Tue, 4th Nov 2008 18:21    Post subject:
i had this same New Game crash to (in Vista)

what i did:

i have dual boot system (winxp and vista)

- went to XP (deleted the in Vista installed Fallout 3)
- installed again in XP (same folder as in Vista, because with the Vista install won't start either)
- start it in XP (worked, no New Game crash)
- went to Vista (started up, NO reinstall, and was working)

- also i uinstalled ffdshow before install in XP, but didnt help to run in Vista (reinstalled LATEST ffdshow, for wathing moviez, dont have excluded Fallout 3 for using ffdshow )

hope this helps for some of you to Smile

(using evga 8800GTX, Forceware 175.19, E8500 dual core and using rld version, no miniimage or something)


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