Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:00    Post subject: Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Atari just confirmed that The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena will be released next Spring. In addition, they also announced a PC version, which will ship at the same time:

Previously announced as a remake of hit title The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay with added content, Atari can today reveal that The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena contains a brand new full-length campaign. This exciting announcement promises a title which will include the original game re-imagined for a whole new audience, an entirely new chapter in the Riddick saga and, for the first time, intense online multiplayer combat, making The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena a must-have experience for any fan of intense action gaming.

In The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena the player takes the role of Riddick, as played by Vin Diesel, using stealth and action to overcome the merciless crew of the predatory Merc-ship Dark Athena which awaits its prey in the dark reaches of space. Cheating death through a series of spectacular battles and events, Riddick will fight for his life amid a storm of malevolence and horror. The Chronicles of Riddick series of games takes the player deeper into the universe of Universal Pictures' films The Chronicles of Riddick and cult classic Pitch Black, which first introduced Vin Diesel as enigmatic anti-hero Riddick.

Featuring a brand new exhilarating adventure, a high-definition re-imagining of the classic Escape from Butcher Bay campaign and new multiplayer options, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena will thrill fans when it launches in spring 2009.

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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:02    Post subject:
first Riddick game was absolutely fantastic, the atmosphere the graphics that still look great today , the great action..etc
if they don't screw this one up , looking forward to it
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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:05    Post subject:
butcher bay looks great, but it ran slow compared to d3 and q4 for example. but yeah, id can use its own engine probably the best:)

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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:08    Post subject:
Now you're making me download The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay Developers Cut PCDVD. Damn you!
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:11    Post subject:
cnZ wrote:
butcher bay looks great, but it ran slow compared to d3 and q4 for example. but yeah, id can use its own engine probably the best:)

Riddick does not use id's engine. It uses Starbreeze's own proprietary, Starbreeze Engine.

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
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Posts: 127

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:17    Post subject:
COR EFBB was an great great game. Best movie related game ever made! Bit short, but better short and good then long and dull. Same developers?
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Posts: 3902
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:18    Post subject:
Parallax_ wrote:
Riddick does not use id's engine. It uses Starbreeze's own proprietary, Starbreeze Engine.

after reading the beginning of your phrase, "Riddick does not use id's engine.", i expected you'd finish it with "id's engine uses Riddick."
now i'm disappointed in myself for having shit memes embedded in my brain Neutral
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Posts: 39
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:27    Post subject:
awesome Very HappyVery Happy, first game was verry good:D

hope that vin diesel one again take the voice acting should be pretty much nicer then some dude out middle of no where Razz
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Posts: 17847
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:50    Post subject:
Who's making this, starbreeze?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 16:55    Post subject:
Awesome! Butcher Bay was one of the best games from the last few years. I just hope they don't oversimplify it too much.
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Posts: 1753
Location: Somewhere in the Portuguese Colonial Empire
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:10    Post subject:
Great!! was wondering when a new riddick would come.

But can someone explain this little something?

This exciting announcement promises a title which will include the original game re-imagined for a whole new audience

hope they dont break it.
Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 24322
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:16    Post subject:
must be one of the only times where i enjoyed the movies as much as the game. Loved both Riddick movies (Pitch Black and Chronicles) and the "could have been a movie script" Escape from Butcher Bay.

Oh and i just love Diesel (in this role). He fits perfectly with his voice
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:16    Post subject:
@luckystrike: the old campaign will be easier than last time.

here's the key to the translation: new audience = casual gamers Wink
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Posts: 17847
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:17    Post subject:
LuckyStrike wrote:
Great!! was wondering when a new riddick would come.

But can someone explain this little something?

This exciting announcement promises a title which will include the original game re-imagined for a whole new audience

hope they dont break it.
Rolling Eyes
Laughing they broke it, that line says it all, I smell a pg 3+ game.
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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 17:28    Post subject:
Parallax_ wrote:
cnZ wrote:
butcher bay looks great, but it ran slow compared to d3 and q4 for example. but yeah, id can use its own engine probably the best:)

Riddick does not use id's engine. It uses Starbreeze's own proprietary, Starbreeze Engine.

yeah, you're right. riddick and d3 look alike. as i recall both engines technical features are in the par

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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 18:55    Post subject:
i remember Riddick even if i didnt finish it. Game was great, even if it didnt run smoothly on my old pc. Atmosphere of the world was brilliant. Now its time for a new adventure and i believe that new Riddick will be much better. And i hope it will take more than 10h to finish it like today's games
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Posts: 908

PostPosted: Thu, 30th Oct 2008 19:50    Post subject:
Didn't play Butcher Bay, when it first came out, my machine didn't have the juice to handle it.

Looking forward to this one.
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Posts: 1480

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 03:46    Post subject:
cnZ wrote:
yeah, you're right. riddick and d3 look alike. as i recall both engines technical features are in the par

Well, Riddick ran perfectly on Xbox (PC version was pretty much identical, graphically; it just could be run at higher resolution), whereas Doom 3 had to be downgraded to run on Xbox. So I'm thinking that the D3 engine was probably a bit more beefy.

LuckyStrike wrote:
But can someone explain this little something?

This exciting announcement promises a title which will include the original game re-imagined for a whole new audience

hope they dont break it.
Rolling Eyes

That's just generic marketing speak. It's one of a bunch of stock marketing phrases that you always see in press releases and whatnot.
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PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 03:59    Post subject:
yeah cedge, i stopped reading at the "reimagined" already Very Happy

but it makes me wonder, if there's another riddick movie coming up. Or perhaps a special box-set-dvd-release or something...
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Posts: 1480

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 04:06    Post subject:
Lutzifer wrote:
but it makes me wonder, if there's another riddick movie coming up. Or perhaps a special box-set-dvd-release or something...

Well, the last Riddick movie DID actually turn a profit, but just barely, so there is a chance for a new one, I suppose.
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 04:10    Post subject:
riddick is dead Sad

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 263
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PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 09:00    Post subject:
ahhhhhh omgggggg NEED!!!!
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Posts: 593

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 09:15    Post subject:
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 13:09    Post subject:
Dear god no! Please not another Riddick movie! The game was excellent but the last movie was just awful. As crappy as Matrix 2+3 imo.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 13:16    Post subject:
You don't like it? Don't watch it. Rolling Eyes I liked both of the movies, so I'll watch it. And play the game too.
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Posts: 3902
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PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 13:18    Post subject:
Weedo wrote:
Dear god no! Please not another Riddick movie! The game was excellent but the last movie was just awful. As crappy as Matrix 2+3 imo.

eh, you prolly need a bit of b-movie sensibilities to properly enjoy that sort of thing. i thought the 2nd riddick movie was cheesy and fun.
grab a beer and a smoke and don't expect Chronicles to be some very grave sci-fi opera and maybe you'll see that it's actually enjoyable Wink
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Posts: 1753
Location: Somewhere in the Portuguese Colonial Empire
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 14:24    Post subject:
wrathamon wrote:
Didn't play Butcher Bay, when it first came out, my machine didn't have the juice to handle it.

Looking forward to this one.

Well, play it now. Its still a good game and doesnt look very old IMO.
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Posts: 2336
Location: Cracow, Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 14:38    Post subject:
Yep the COR game is rather short but very very good. Also it was rather a surprisingly good game, almost no hype at the time of release and BANG. Can't say that about too many games nowadays Rolling Eyes
Can't wait for this title, i hope it'll be as good as the original.
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Posts: 361

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 14:50    Post subject:
Weedo wrote:
Dear god no! Please not another Riddick movie! The game was excellent but the last movie was just awful. As crappy as Matrix 2+3 imo.

i think 2nd movie was more enjoyable.i like it the art design was cool
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2008 17:31    Post subject:
good new'sSmile

butcher-bay was very good game.
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