Yeah I think it's best you let other people make decisions for you because it seems you're incapable of forming a coherent opinion.
Maybe you should let other people actually play the game for you and then tell you what an awesome time you had. That way you can avoid the boredom of playing through the game and coming to your own conclusions.
"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D
"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
Yeah I think it's best you let other people make decisions for you because it seems you're incapable of forming a coherent opinion.
Maybe you should let other people actually play the game for you and then tell you what an awesome time you had. That way you can avoid the boredom of playing through the game and coming to your own conclusions.
Maybe you should stfu cunt face
Cmon, Im a mac fanboy loser, I clearly need to be led by the hand to the 1337 games.
Ive got dead space already leo, read the topic n00bz0r
I changed my name back 'cause everyone still called me gem anyway :/
They all suck: Fallout 3 (Oblivion-esque and doesn't have the "fallout" atmosphere), Dead Space (not scary AT ALL, a bit slow paced and the on purpose narrow fov is really annoying), Far Cry 2 (very annoying gameplay with npcs giving you orders constantly, also has bad fov), Red Alert 3 (Very cartonish and gay EA feel)
It seems Good games are a thing of the past... Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
Last edited by pwr on Fri, 31st Oct 2008 02:47; edited 1 time in total
They all suck: Fallout 3 (Oblivion-esque and doesn't have the "fallout" atmosphere), Dead Space (not scary AT ALL, a bit slow paced and the on purpose narrow fov is really annoying), Far Cry 2 (very annoying gameplay with npcs giving you orders constantly, also has bad fov), Red Alert 3 (Very cartonish and gay EA feel)
It seems Good games are a thing of the past... Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
They all suck: Fallout 3 (Oblivion-esque and doesn't have the "fallout" atmosphere), Dead Space (not scary AT ALL, a bit slow paced and the on purpose narrow fov is really annoying), Far Cry 2 (very annoying gameplay with npcs giving you orders constantly, also has bad fov), Red Alert 3 (Very cartonish and gay EA feel)
It seems Good games are a thing of the past... Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
Go play your beloved 90s games then.
They are certainly a lot better than the utter pile of steaming crap that has been released lately. Unfortunately the old games doesn't offer anything "new" =/
I mean I've played all these new games and really TRIED to like them, but they all fail. 5+ years ago one could still pick up really good games. I know I shouldn't bitch so much, but it is frustrating that all the games you have looked forward to this year all turn out to be less than you expected.
and after watching I wont be trying far fail 2 either..
Uh, if you're seriously using that vid as a reason, then I have to say, that Far Cry 2 not being perfectly realistic is a pretty stupid reason not to play it. It's called a videogame. Are you familiar with the term?
Like, seriously, are you taking the fact that it doesn't make you wait for medicine to heal you as a negative? And the fact that it doesn't have some sort of realistic vehicle diagnostic and repair system, that's a negative too?
If that's a complaint for you, then I'm interested in what sort of perfectly realistic, bug-free reality simulators you're playing.
pwr wrote:
Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
For fuck's sake, quit your baaaawwwing. It's not like consoles are some new influence or anything. Videogames gained their original popularity on then, ya know.
I guess I can't speak for everyone, but I really don't think that you guys who are pretending to be these oldschool PC geezers are considered to be cool or impressive by many people.
Well pwr is right, games in terms of quality have declined alot in only 5 years time. I can count the games that have been really good/enjoyable in the last 5 years time on one hand.
And if you cant see this, well then, what can one say Ignorance is bliss i guess .
Those three last "TOP" games is just very good examples of this fenomena. Look great (ok not RA3) but are booring as hell.
try mount& blade ... if you didnt before allready.
or wait for FM2009 .. King's Bounty The Legend also reallly nice game with high
addiction level. Or just try Fallout 3 ... also highly addictive
For fuck's sake, quit your baaaawwwing. It's not like consoles are some new influence or anything. Videogames gained their original popularity on then, ya know.
I guess I can't speak for everyone, but I really don't think that you guys who are pretending to be these oldschool PC geezers are considered to be cool or impressive by many people.
Well I for one am an oldschool gamer. You see I started playing back before the C64 first came out - in arcades. Galaga, Pacman, Lady Bug etc. etc. So I've played videogames ever since I was a small kid. Been heavily involved in the C64 scene as a coder etc. Me and my brother have had a lot of different computers and consoles through the years. Everything from the ZX-81 (lol) to the C64 to several versions of the Amiga, the PC, consoles from SNES to Playstations etc. etc. Even my brother has often through the years been concerned that I have played too much at periods. So to call me a wannabe oldschool gamer is almost as wrong as you can be =)
Spore, no contest. Be sure to name my nick at the store. The reason is confidential, I can't go into that. Just tell them I send you. And tell them it's 20% this time, I won't work for 15 anymore.
Leo, you might want to read his post again and check your sense of humour. It needs updating. It doesnt help to facepalm every second user on the forum
They all suck: Fallout 3 (Oblivion-esque and doesn't have the "fallout" atmosphere), Dead Space (not scary AT ALL, a bit slow paced and the on purpose narrow fov is really annoying), Far Cry 2 (very annoying gameplay with npcs giving you orders constantly, also has bad fov), Red Alert 3 (Very cartonish and gay EA feel)
It seems Good games are a thing of the past... Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
this is as far as I read and I agree 100%
really only crysis warhead and witcher enhanced edition are the only "true" pc games that came out this year. besides AOC and WAR. I loved AOC all the way until I got lvl 80.
They all suck: Fallout 3 (Oblivion-esque and doesn't have the "fallout" atmosphere), Dead Space (not scary AT ALL, a bit slow paced and the on purpose narrow fov is really annoying), Far Cry 2 (very annoying gameplay with npcs giving you orders constantly, also has bad fov), Red Alert 3 (Very cartonish and gay EA feel)
It seems Good games are a thing of the past... Consoles have taken over and ruined eeeeeeverything.
this is as far as I read and I agree 100%
really only crysis warhead and witcher enhanced edition are the only "true" pc games that came out this year. besides AOC and WAR. I loved AOC all the way until I got lvl 80.
Yeah, you're right I forgot warhead =) I haven't played the withcer that much =)
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