Free zombie games
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 07:36    Post subject: Free zombie games

down at teh bottom, there....decent for a quick waste of time.

survival horror seems pretty cool

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:05    Post subject:
Woohoo!! Zombies!

Thanks SpykeZ Wink
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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:12    Post subject:
ever tried The Last Stand?

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:36    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
ever tried The Last Stand?

ya, all too much lol

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:37    Post subject:
Yeah, it was pretty cool actually.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:43    Post subject:
its quite broken too, headshots don't count for shit, 75% health left on barricade, fix it for 3 hours and only goes up to 88% (supposed to 10% an hour

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 11:49    Post subject:
There's a bunch of Resident Evil games too .. one, in particular, is my favourite. Made in the RM2K editor -- it's called "2D Reborn" and I think it's excellent.

Shame it's only a demo, but it's a pretty large one.

(and more info from the same guy; )


Survival Crisis 2 requires a number of files before it will work on Vista (Vista doesn't have ActiveX control for DX8, like XP does)

=Edit v2=

Does NOT work on Vista. Period. I followed the info found on Ska Studios website (found in comments) and it does NOT work. I get this error;

Fuck. I was reading about the game on Wiki and Youtube .. it looked awesome too Sad

=edit v3=

I hate you SpykeZ. I've been reading up on this game and it sounds freaking awesome! Exactly the kind of zombie game I wanna play ... but Noooooooooooooo... it doesn't work on Vista! *grumbles*

Fine. I WILL play this game today.

*goes off to install VMWare and WinXP-Lite*
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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 13:31    Post subject:
Just buy left 4 dead allready Wink
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 13:33    Post subject:
.... and Left4Dead is anything like this... how? Razz
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 13:41    Post subject:
they honestly aren't all that great, played em after, the only cool thing really is you get to choose a class and shit

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 13:44    Post subject:
It sounds so awesome though, lol. Been reading loads about it.. and it's exactly the kind of Zombie RPG that has been needed!

No biggie.. I've got a 400MB XP-Lite and latest VMWare. Very Happy
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 17:19    Post subject:
I swear to God... life itself is against me today!!!!


What's the betting that this "Tiny" rip of WinXP has removed the very files needed to run this game? (I've manually installed VB5 and VB6 runtime packages.. still no go)
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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 18:01    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
its quite broken too, headshots don't count for shit, 75% health left on barricade, fix it for 3 hours and only goes up to 88% (supposed to 10% an hour

the one i loved the most was the Barrett smg bit , where while you were shooting with and smg and you switched to the Barrett it would fucking shoot like a machinegun
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 13th Dec 2008 19:03    Post subject:

Game works fine on my girlfriends laptop, which has WinXP-Home S2 installed. I'm thinking it's either;

A. Either of the two XP rips I've tried having key shit removed, as per fucking usual.


B. VMWare being a shit and not liking certain parts of VisualBasic. Highly doubtful.

I'm going to try once more with my own WinXP disk .. and if it doesn't work, fuck it.


B was the correct answer. I've just used my own, legit and official and UNTOUCHED, XP disk and the error persists. It's something bogus being caused by VMWare and the only answer I can think of relates to resolution (due to comments I've read about the game) -- it seems that the game needs to change resolution to run in 640x480. VMWare doesn't like that and tries, instead, to run inside a window -- and then craps out.

Fucking game. All this trouble and STILL no solution. Guess I'll just use the missus's laptop while she's at work. Fuck.
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 04:43    Post subject:
God these are so old. Played them years ago. Survial Crisis Z is pretty fun imo. It's kinda hard.
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Posts: 5134
Location: The Evil Empire
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 05:16    Post subject:

Another trash zombie game:

I could only find a russian release, downloading now.
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Posts: 1948

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 08:17    Post subject:
Vodka-Redbull wrote:

Another trash zombie game:

I could only find a russian release, downloading now.

After watching the introduction video I think I've just lost my faith in humanity.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 11:51    Post subject:
Gah. I want that too.. hehehe. Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned, zombie massacre Very Happy
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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 11:52    Post subject:
intro video? you mean this?
i thought it was cool, except for the 2 kids dressed as swats, near the end.
i loved the other cops' old school militia uniforms and hats. they also had that typical fat and dumb look. it made the movie feel scarily real Very Happy
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 14:14    Post subject:
that actually looks pretty good
i'm sick and tired of running zombies
but why is the player a midget?
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 15:04    Post subject:
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 15:05    Post subject:
I never really liked ZP. It was "ok" back when I played the CS1.6 version, but it always "felt" like a mod.. yanno? L4D pulled off the co-op humans v zombies style much more effecitvely, IMO.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 15:16    Post subject:
I played both. Yeah, L4D looks polished and stuff, but in the end effects its just stupid zombie mashing. Come on two bullets to kill a zombie? 200 hits to actually die??

In Zombie panic you try to hide, push desks and drawers infront of doors. You hide in dark corners and if you are lucky, you're able to kill the zombie running up to you with some nice headshots. Or you'll need a load of ammo to survive!
Zombie panic is about tactics and surviving, whereas L4D is just about running through.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 15:22    Post subject:
Horses for courses, my good man. I wasn't knocking your tastes, just saying that I never really "got into" ZP.
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 15:47    Post subject:
Resident Evil 2D Reborn is awesome!
But i'm stuck at the beginning.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 16:20    Post subject:
I honestly can't remember.. it's been a VERY long time since I played the game (and I was gutted that it was just a demo.. probably last around 2-3hrs gameplay - which is actually about the average length for the first 3 RE titles in FULL, hehehe)

This is from the readme:


Stuck? Come across a new room with nothing to do and nowhere to go? Try using items, pushing, climbing, investigating etc. Walk the perimeter of rooms and areas to find more medecine and other important items. Check dead enemies for ammo.

I'm pretty sure I remember partially what area you're talking about .. and isn't there something to do with a fireplace there? *wracks brain trying to remember*

The author is working on a remake of the game and he posted as recently as October 2008 to give updates about it. He hosted a video of one his WIP maps on Youtube;

I think the lighting is a TAD overdone and would prefer if it was either brighter, or didn't pulse so much - but it still looks pretty awesome for an RM2K3 game.
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Posts: 155

PostPosted: Sun, 14th Dec 2008 17:19    Post subject:
human_steel wrote:
Resident Evil 2D Reborn is awesome!
But i'm stuck at the beginning.


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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Mon, 15th Dec 2008 00:20    Post subject:
Vodka-Redbull wrote:

Another trash zombie game:

I could only find a russian release, downloading now.

that actually looks decent..

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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 15th Dec 2008 01:49    Post subject:
Zombie Panic is a really shitty mod imo. L4D is really in a whole other league.

You're saying that you can take 200 hits? Sure, if you play on easy. Expert is where it's at.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 15th Dec 2008 13:00    Post subject:
Gack. Ok, so I downloaded that "Evil Resistance" to give it a try. It's only in Russian and is infested with StarForce. I mount the image, install the game, try to run it .. and the SF dialogue pops up asking to install the driver. I click yes. Then it asks for the key. I type the key in that came with the download.


Conflict with emulation software (I'm using DTProAdv 4.30.0303 with only a vIDE drive enabled)

As soon as I click "exit" -- bang. BSOD.

Fucking StarForce. Now I also can't remove the shit either, as running the SF-Rem tool brings up an error message saying "No StarForce drivers to remove"

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