clear_png.php & clear_txt.php
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:13    Post subject: clear_png.php & clear_txt.php
How do they work....does anybody have or rather is the source available.
One more thing, I want to know if it's possible to build a similar function in ASP? (I know asp's old and stuff... Rolling Eyes )
However, is it? In addition to that can anybody help me or at least point me in the right direction...thanks. Smile
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 16:44    Post subject:
You may want to give a little more information, I may not be right but Im gussing more than one PHP script uses files with such names.. What context are you talking about?
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 16:51    Post subject:
Hey....First of all, thank ye for the reply mate. Well, I am trying' to make my movie database do the same thing which these files or rather pages does.
Make nfo>img & nfo>txt output....Well, I hope ye got the slight idea of what I am tryin' to do.. Smile
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 17:10    Post subject:
Yeah I was clear on what the pages where trying to do, but as I didnt know what you where trying to do I wasnt sure how to help.

*goes to look* (btw, I always find a great source of PHP to be . Although I always google, most results take me there anyway Smile.)

Here are some links that *COULD* be helpful. Anything that Im sure will work is marked with a * next to it (dont know if there will be any yet )

I looked around and found those, I really couldnt say if any of them will be useful but I guess its a start. I would suggest you look at hotscripts deeply, it has links to all sorts of places around the net and is really helpful. I didnt check the ASP section on the site, so give it a go. Hope you find something Smile.
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Posts: 77

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 17:50    Post subject:
if asp has functions to manipulate images, its certainly possible. I've made a nfo -> png parser myself and i've just started adding cool features to it, like post generation filters (so i can apply shadows, anti aliassing, etc. to the image). The way i do it is simple, i have a strip that consists of charachters which is in an image, and by using a fixed width font I can copy a part of that strip to the big image (nfo).
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Oct 2004 01:05    Post subject: Re: clear_png.php & clear_txt.php
morphmanaf wrote:
How do they work....does anybody have or rather is the source available.
One more thing, I want to know if it's possible to build a similar function in ASP? (I know asp's old and stuff... Rolling Eyes )
However, is it? In addition to that can anybody help me or at least point me in the right direction...thanks. Smile

Work on this code began january 31st 2004:

It reverses the nforce and vcdquality images to a character map image. And renders text to graphics from the character map.

It supports tabulation (ASCII character 9), which nforce's and vcdquality's scripts don't (see for example nforce nfo 35731). And it's sometimes able to remove regular blank rows (see for example nforce nfo 7676).
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[Admin] Code Monkey

Posts: 1338

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Oct 2004 13:53    Post subject:
We had blank-row stripping but we removed it. Plain text nfo's looked awfull and squished. Wasnt worth it. Our nfos are 100% originals (well except the removed serials and stuff ), if it looks like that when you leech it and open it localy, thats how it looks here.

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