S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 05:34    Post subject: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat

(temporary image)

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: TBA
  • Developer: GSC Game World
  • Genre: Atmospheric RPG/Shooter
  • Release date: Early autumn 2009
  • Story/Description:

    VE3D.ign: A second S.T.A.L.K.E.R. expansion is set for an Autumn release, according to GSC Game World's Sergey Grigorovitch. Call of Pripyat will include stuff, and then be followed by a proper sequel God knows when.

    Bluesnews: GSC Game World is apparently working on a new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. add-on called S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat as well as a full-fledged sequel to their irradiated first-person shooter. This is according to rough English translations on ClanBase and the TTLG Forums of comments made in a Russian-language chat with GSC Game World's Sergey Grigorovitch. A question asking if the April "Call of Pripyat" entry on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. calendar was an April Fool's joke was answered with with the revelation that this is the name of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. add-on that they expect to release this autumn. He also apparently says they are working on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Thanks Kincaid.

  • Multiplayer: TBA
  • System requirements:


  • Protection: TBA
  • Multilanguage: TBA
  • News article/s: http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/46097/S-T-A-L-K-E-R-Call-of-Pripyat-Announced-Sequel-Touted-Too, http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&threadid=97351

Can't wait for this. While I enjoyed Clear Sky, it was nowhere near the atmosphere and style of Shadow of Chernobyl. One of my fave areas was Pripyat. I wonder if this will be about squad based warfare in the city of Pripyat. In any case, this announcement rocked my world tonight. Very Happy

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 07:53    Post subject:
If the atmosphere is anywhere near what it seems to be in the picture above, and the UI and AI and inventory system stays nearly the same.....I'm POSITIVE I'll try it out, and by try it out, I mean complete the entire game.
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 08:32    Post subject:
Picture looks more like concept art... or a kickass ingame shot O_O
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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 08:52    Post subject:
Dude...that's a real photograph there Laughing
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Posts: 13457
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 08:55    Post subject:
Great news Smile
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 09:07    Post subject:
Mikenski wrote:
Picture looks more like concept art... or a kickass ingame shot O_O

Yeah, it's DirectX 11.1 actually Very Happy
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 09:14    Post subject:
Photographs can be concept art, too >:o
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 09:21    Post subject:
Yes, it's a temporary photo from Pripyat I found somewhere until official art has been released.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 11:23    Post subject:
Call of Pripyat will include stuff

Anyway, great news. Even if it's more of the same with a couple of new features tacked on(like CS) I'll probably have a blast playing it... when most of the bugs and crashes are eventually fixed.

However "Early Autumn 2009" sounds improbable me. Remember that Clear Sky was supposed to ship in March 2008 and then was delayed until August? That really sucked and the same will probably happen with this one.

I'll wait as long as it takes, though.

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 11:27    Post subject:
I think Clear Sky was a great expansion. I really enjoyed playing it. So I find this as very good news. I just like the setting no matter how many games they make. It's just damn good.
And I guess with the money they made they can create better games with less bugs.
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Posts: 17780
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 11:47    Post subject:
Clear Sky was made the way original Stalker should have looked like, hunting for artifacts, faction wars etc. only with a 6 years delay Smile
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 12:23    Post subject:
As I said in the other topic; with all the modders out there, especially after huge restoration packs like Oblivion Lost and Faiakes, I'm hoping someone manages to merge SoC and CS. Imagine the atmosphere and design of SoC, with the graphics/combat/RPG elements of CS.

Now THAT would be a mod.
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Posts: 9026

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 12:32    Post subject:

Last edited by M4trix on Sun, 31st Mar 2024 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1733

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 12:34    Post subject:
Uhm yeah...
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 14:44    Post subject:
M4trix wrote:

do you guys see something weird on that picture?

Nah, it's just one of the infant bloodsuckers, which still isn't fully capable of using its invisibility.
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Posts: 1733

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 14:48    Post subject:
It has shoes, lol.
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Posts: 2756

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 15:00    Post subject:
I really tried playing clear sky, i really did. Restarted everything from the beginning about 6 times, due to all my savegames getting corrupted, new patches, new PC, crashes etc.
Everytime i cleared the swamp, and i'd get a random hang somewhere, and would have to start from the beginning.

And what was with the retarded radiation sickness that seemed to be permanent, even after 3 rad shots, 2 vodka bottles, and a SHITLOAD of medikits in an effort not to die?

Yeah, i'm skipping this.

Clown Fiesta
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 15:02    Post subject:
Will this try and be shorter than Clear Sky? Also crappier?

Dear Lord.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Apr 2009 18:03    Post subject:
That isn't a figure in the picture above. It is a character with a really low polycount

Remember, it is an in-game shot. Wink
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Apr 2009 11:28    Post subject:
xTerro wrote:
I really tried playing clear sky, i really did. Restarted everything from the beginning about 6 times, due to all my savegames getting corrupted, new patches, new PC, crashes etc.
Everytime i cleared the swamp, and i'd get a random hang somewhere, and would have to start from the beginning.

And what was with the retarded radiation sickness that seemed to be permanent, even after 3 rad shots, 2 vodka bottles, and a SHITLOAD of medikits in an effort not to die?

Yeah, i'm skipping this.

The last thing you described was a particular nasty bug that was fixed with either or

Other than that I have to say I must have been very lucky since I finished it three times without hitting any major or even semi-minor bugs.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 2756

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Apr 2009 12:07    Post subject:
Ya, i just played the game 2 days ago, with the patch applied. No dice, still happens.

Clown Fiesta
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VIP Member

Posts: 34502
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 13:01    Post subject:

There's two threads for this but I'll use this one, some small details on Call of Pripyat and it seems GSC might consider using Cry Engine (3rd version) on Stalker 2.
(And no that doesn't automatically mean jungle environmeants in bright and sunny locations. Very Happy - Albeit the game might end up on consoles as GSC are certified for console development last I heard, X360 devkit or what that thing is called.)
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Posts: 1171

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 13:07    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:
GSC might consider using Cry Engine (3rd version) on Stalker 2

That would be interesting. Hopefully they won't fuck up the PC version if they decide to release the game on consoles.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 13:13    Post subject:
Hm, I would have prefered the Dunia engine. That seemed to have much more open levels, while Crysis is still pretty much a corridor shooter, just with wider corridors.

Well, in the end it's up to how the engine is used, so I really shouldn't be hasty about judging their choice.
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Posts: 791
Location: Lost
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 13:30    Post subject:
Clear sky was pure ownage,
enjoyed it from start till end, no crashes or any of that other bs mentioned here Smile
can not wait for this!

Thanks for the info
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 13:32    Post subject:
Heh, as if Clear Sky wasn't system rape enough .. now they're thinking of using the CRYSIS engine!? Dear Lord.
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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 14:00    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Heh, as if Clear Sky wasn't system rape enough .. now they're thinking of using the CRYSIS engine!? Dear Lord.

crysis engine on stalker ? oh god

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 14:15    Post subject:
I stil think first stalker was perfectly good for fun and those tense moments.. just mod it slightly for animation changes maybe, and throw in some great models with some hires textures would do it for me..

All these must push the limit developers to tax every new pc out there is rediculous, im looking for fun not worrying if something is going to run good enough because they wanted to impliment some new fandangle engine cause it can make your avatar pick his nose with his middle finger with a 3 jointed digit ability..
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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 14:19    Post subject:
Clear sky with anisotropic on max and all textures maxed out was like the most beautiful game .

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Apr 2009 14:41    Post subject:
Never tried that due to all the negativitiy about the bugs and how shit it run on good rigs etc etc.. I normaly dont listen to that and give it a go anyhow, but the whining was so incredibly huge I thought this time around something has to be in this so didnt bother..
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