Ok guys, search function isnt working for me, my MAG blu ray disc got too damaged after 400+ hours and my ps3 wont read it anymore so i decided to buy myself another shooter.
I want something to get addicted to.. to last me at least 100 hours, so what are my options? =D
First purchase will be Call of Duty World at War; i always wanted to try call of duty on consoles just to see how competitive (or dumbed down) or whatever the experience will be, im sure ill get something out of it, plus i love the single player on this one and its cheap. Unless there arent many players online but i really dont think it's the case..?
Already bought Killzone3 and i dont like it at all.. the movement and the controlls feel too heavy and unresponsive, i like it in-between like in BC2 but i already have the Battlefield games for my pc
Also tried Medal of Honor but that game is a nub tube fest so im definitely skipping that one.
So whats left? Resistance 3.. very tempting but.. after watching tons of reviews im still not sure what to make of it.. Are there many people still playing it online? How deep is it? How addictive? Are there clan battles? =D
WHAT ELSE? According to everyone the market is infested with military shooters yet, besides the trillion call of duty games, what ELSE is there for me to play ?

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4