360 Burns ok and verified but Console can not play game.
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 06:45    Post subject: 360 Burns ok and verified but Console can not play game.

Burned this twice now. Verified, all good. When I put into 360 it gives play DVD option and restarts then just sits on 360 logo. Pressing controller brings up DVD play controls.
Just wont recognise game. Any ideas?
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 07:02    Post subject:
I'd say wrong forum first of all..

Anyway. you have to ask yourself a series of questions.

1.Are you using the same media as usual? (people here will tell you only use Verbs but that is totally unnecessary, just find a brand that works and stick to it. I have been using unbranded printable and never yet had a bad burn).

2.Are other games ok? Any skipping etc?

3.Are you using the same burner prog? Clone CD?

4.Did you burn from the layer break file and not just burn the image without using the layer break? (its similar to cue/bin files)

5.Is the game the correct region for you? To be honest I have never burnt a region locked NTSC game so I dont know what it would display in my box. I assume a message such as 'Wrong region'

6.Try burning another game mate and make sure and use Clone-CD at 1x

7.If you are new to burning 360 games then do a search for a good tutorial, there are plenty out there that explain it all in depth
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 11:49    Post subject:
Reg67 wrote:
I'd say wrong forum first of all..

Anyway. you have to ask yourself a series of questions.

1.Are you using the same media as usual? (people here will tell you only use Verbs but that is totally unnecessary, just find a brand that works and stick to it. I have been using unbranded printable and never yet had a bad burn).

2.Are other games ok? Any skipping etc?

3.Are you using the same burner prog? Clone CD?

4.Did you burn from the layer break file and not just burn the image without using the layer break? (its similar to cue/bin files)

5.Is the game the correct region for you? To be honest I have never burnt a region locked NTSC game so I dont know what it would display in my box. I assume a message such as 'Wrong region'

6.Try burning another game mate and make sure and use Clone-CD at 1x

7.If you are new to burning 360 games then do a search for a good tutorial, there are plenty out there that explain it all in depth

oops, was sure I was in Console Tech.

1. Media good, all other games working(just burned 10)
2,3,4 Imgburn takes care of all these.
5. It says RF.
6. As 1.
7. 3 years young to it. Wink

So im still at a loss as to why it wont work. Will prob just pick up the original, im sure its dirt cheap by now.

Thanks for your time mate.
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 12:48    Post subject:
Do you have a firmware capable of playing third wave games (if the game is third wave, that is)?
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 14:10    Post subject:
dezztroy wrote:
Do you have a firmware capable of playing third wave games (if the game is third wave, that is)?

Game is from March, I dont think its even wave2. Wave2/3 games I patch with ppf-o-matic. Didnt bother with this but shit, maybe it is wave2?
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 14:12    Post subject:
pumbertot1 wrote:
dezztroy wrote:
Do you have a firmware capable of playing third wave games (if the game is third wave, that is)?

Game is from March, I dont think its even wave2. Wave2/3 games I patch with ppf-o-matic. Didnt bother with this but shit, maybe it is wave2?

It's 3rd wave, learn to use abgx360.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Wed, 5th Aug 2009 15:59    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:
pumbertot1 wrote:
dezztroy wrote:
Do you have a firmware capable of playing third wave games (if the game is third wave, that is)?

Game is from March, I dont think its even wave2. Wave2/3 games I patch with ppf-o-matic. Didnt bother with this but shit, maybe it is wave2?

It's 3rd wave, learn to use abgx360.

lol im an ass. ok abgx360 dl on the way.

thanks m8.
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