[PS3] New update: Awful beyond words
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 13:26    Post subject: [PS3] New update: Awful beyond words
Has anyone updated their ps3's to 3.0 yet?
A combination of the huge fonts and ugly ugly grey borders around your friends listing has to make this TB's worst ever update on any console. I am sure people with 50"+ screens see an advantage but to increase the font size by so much yet deny the user a 'standard' option seems crazy!

I DO like the fact you can now use multi-audio inputs, allowing you to use both hmdi and optical, but the rest...awful..awful beyond words.

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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 14:02    Post subject:
Glad i didn't upgrade. Laughing
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Location: portugal
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 14:27    Post subject:
updating now , any new update are always wellcome , but is takin to long to make ps2 games playable again Sad

Sin317 wrote:
while you can't "turn gay", you can cut off your balls. believe me, you'll never think of women again.

zmed wrote:
Or just a defense mechanism. If you fart, you'll most definitely smell it so your brain tells you it ain't bad as strangerfarts.
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Posts: 881

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 14:36    Post subject:
i do not welcome console updates most of the time
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 14:55    Post subject:
The larger fonts are an improvement IMO. The grey borders around friends names is a strange choice though and it doesn't seem to tie in with the rest of the look at all. Also, for me the whats new page is very slow to update when you select it.
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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 15:24    Post subject:
awful beyond words? lol..
isn't that slightly exaggerated?

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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 15:57    Post subject:
Is it going to make it less likely for my PS3 to be hacked? I might hold off until I want to play online / a game that requires it ... just incase Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 16:08    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
Is it going to make it less likely for my PS3 to be hacked? I might hold off until I want to play online / a game that requires it ... just incase Very Happy

That should be put as a sticky in here, bud. Something along the lines of;

"Do NOT update your Wii, 360 or PS3 until a game specifically asks for it - as you never know when a new update will break, and then prohibit, hacks or backups"

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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 16:14    Post subject:
I honestly think the guys responsible for these firmware updates have no taste whatsoever, it's as if they've been given the code for the UI and are slapping stuff on willy nilly. It really shouldn't have been released like that. It's fuck ugly. Aesthetics aren't everything but they have a nice UI to start with and are slowly eroding it.

There are some improvements though. I like the size increase for example, although I agree it should have been optional, the new PS3 logo too (but why is it right aligned?), the animated background and focal effects when going through menus are nice, and the ability to use the analogue stick in films to control the speed of playback is very cool... but those grey backgrounds, the clunky user account stuff at the top right of the screen and the incessant need to have the Playstation store in every menu selection...

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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 16:29    Post subject:
Havent updated myself, but I sense no love for this thing. What they need to be working on is BC for the consoles that don't have it...

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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 19:12    Post subject:
RMFX wrote:
The larger fonts are an improvement IMO. The grey borders around friends names is a strange choice though and it doesn't seem to tie in with the rest of the look at all. Also, for me the whats new page is very slow to update when you select it.

What size is your tv?
Agree with you about how slow it is now, and not just 'what's new' Sad

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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 19:14    Post subject:
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 19:19    Post subject:
RMFX wrote:

Yeah on 40" and above the font size increase probably doesn't detract from the experience but 32" and below..............jeeze.

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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 19:20    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
awful beyond words? lol..
isn't that slightly exaggerated?

Awful beyond words, truly AWFUL Wink

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 20:35    Post subject:
I think you're obsessing a little bit too much over this, how much time do you actually spend in the XMB? Like 20 seconds if that? ;p

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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 20:50    Post subject:
I spend at least 2 or 3 hours a day on the XMB. With no games to play what else is there to do?

...although it's hyperbole they have uglified it in a very amateurish way.

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 20:54    Post subject:
Ispep wrote:
I spend at least 2 or 3 hours a day on the XMB. With no games to play what else is there to do?

...although it's hyperbole they have uglified it in a very amateurish way.

lol, no fat princess for you? no crash commandos? I'm only in the XMB long enough to launch a game or a movie.

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Posts: 430

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 21:43    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
Ispep wrote:
I spend at least 2 or 3 hours a day on the XMB. With no games to play what else is there to do?

...although it's hyperbole they have uglified it in a very amateurish way.

lol, no fat princess for you? no crash commandos? I'm only in the XMB long enough to launch a game or a movie.

He probably doesn't play anything he has to pay for Razz That's why he only looks at XMB.

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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 21:50    Post subject:
I have many games on the PS3, ranging from casual to AAA - so no worries there - t'was just a joke guys Very Happy I still spend enough time in the XMB to be annoyed by the changes however. Wonder whether they will (or have?) respond to the negativity...

*Not bitten on Crash Commandos even though it's on special offer, any good?
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 21:53    Post subject:
Ispep wrote:
I have many games on the PS3, ranging from casual to AAA - so no worries there - t'was just a joke guys Very Happy I still spend enough time in the XMB to be annoyed by the changes however. Wonder whether they will (or have?) respond to the negativity...

*Not bitten on Crash Commandos even though it's on special offer, any good?

Of course they won't. You'll just have to learn to like it.
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PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 21:58    Post subject:
I don't mean respond as in change, but respond with a statement. They aren't going to rush out another firmware update so soon, and I wouldn't want them to (take your time, and get it checked out by someone with functioning eyes) - but it'd be nice to see what their take on the negative opinions are (like with Blizzard and peoples response to the so called rainbow colours).

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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Sep 2009 23:21    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
I think you're obsessing a little bit too much over this, how much time do you actually spend in the XMB? Like 20 seconds if that? ;p

Yeah you got me good, I'm wearing Obsession for TB lol.

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