DUSK-12 Russian Demo
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 00:34    Post subject: DUSK-12 Russian Demo
DUSK-12 Russian Demo

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: Buka Entertainment
  • Developer: ORION design
  • Genre: FPS
  • Release date: Q1 2008
  • Story/Description:
    DUSK-12. The project to create the perfect soldier ran out of control, and turned itself into an incurable virus. The whole city is now under quarantine as the inhabitants transformed into blood-thirsty assassins. A group of Spec Ops. soldiers are now trying to uncover the secrets of those aborted experiments undertaken 4 years ago...

    DUSK-12 is a state of the art first person shooter, full of action for single and multiplayer and hyper-realistic graphics full of details where the player will incarnate two heroes. One of the soldiers of the group, with an unknown past and one of the infected men with the virus, who has strength, speed and fortitude beyond human limits.

    Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch are available in multiplay, along with a huge amount of different weapons and superpowers gather in this title that will be a revolution of the genre.

  • Features:
    * Totally new graphic engine that uses to the limit the latest technology available for the PC platform
    * Play alone or in squad mode as you control the mutated man or the soldier. Use your superpowers or give orders to your companions to aid you in the combat.
    * Innovative physic system. Take everything you want, break hundreds of objects, use elements of the scenario as weapons.
    * Several vehicles that you will be able to use for traveling through the scenario and transport your group.
    * Intense multiplayer mode up to 16 people. Choose between a soldier or a mutated human.

  • Russian Demo: Here
  • Trailers: Gametrailers
  • Screenshots: AG
  • Interview: Gamershell

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Posts: 388
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 01:01    Post subject:
* Totally new graphic engine that uses to the limit the latest technology available for the PC platform

Rofl, i can tell.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 01:11    Post subject:
nLight wrote:
* Totally new graphic engine that uses to the limit the latest technology available for the PC platform

Rofl, i can tell.

u maybe require all that latest tech but it doesn't mean it will look that good Laughing

anyway it doesn't look half bad just hope all that latest tech can run it smoothly Cool
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 01:22    Post subject:
Hell yeah, directx8 all the way baby.
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 03:29    Post subject:
for Russian standards this game looks OK ,
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 03:35    Post subject:
Why russians dont stick to what they do best...Making Vodka and shitty cars

And Jigsaw, the link for gametrailers doesnt work, the last character at the end of the link doesnt belong there
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 04:12    Post subject:

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Posts: 203

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 06:00    Post subject:
Where's RedBull saying "game is shit"
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 15:51    Post subject:
roberta507 wrote:
Where's RedBull saying "game is shit"

I gave him a vacation last week, he'll be in shortly.

Non the less, it's a zombie game, reguardless if it sucks or not, it's 1 more zombie game, 1 more game that might spark an interest in developers, cause quite frankly, we have more than enough WWII, we need some fucking post apocalypse/zombie games damnit.

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Posts: 133
Location: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 16:24    Post subject:
have the game in Russian but didnt try yet - local community says its another trash...
if you dont buy Russian trash - there will be less Russian trash. Europe supports trash - then why not to sell it to Europe? Please bankrupt our trash-makers.
Timeshift is what can be done in Russia with a low budget and under good management. Thou I liked 'Death to Spies' as well.

btw - shitty cars are the best ones for Russia - just imagine 17 mio sq km. and the kind of roads able to cover this area.
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Posts: 203

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2008 19:59    Post subject:
roberta507 wrote:
Where's RedBull saying "game is shit"

Its a joke
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Posts: 133
Location: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Feb 2008 09:17    Post subject:
so many bugs i found...did not play long yet thou...
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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Feb 2008 16:52    Post subject:

P5W DH Deluxe,C2D E6600@3GHZ,2GB CORSAIR 800MHZ,HIS X1900GT
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 09:32    Post subject:
anyone tested the full version?

(the skid's released version) i mean how bad it is Very Happy ?
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Posts: 2335

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 09:35    Post subject:
Reminds me of Prototype somehow.
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Posts: 13314
Location: I do not belong
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 09:39    Post subject:
the trailers don't look anywhere near promising, everything in the game is poor
but the trailers were from 2007, but being a russian FPS I don't hold any anticipation for this title.
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 10:14    Post subject:
Russian fps are the best they have soul I tell yi!
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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:01    Post subject:
i think i'll give it a try..the only thing i have to loose is little ratio and some time, but it's a bet cause maybe it will be ok so..the hell...i'll get it:)
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Fuku2 Rage

Posts: 262
Location: Brentwood Bay, Vancouver Island
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:02    Post subject:
It stinks.
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Posts: 9881
Location: Outhouse
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:07    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
Russian fps are the best they have soul I tell yi!

maybe they eat our souls... cause they do "not" have one.

didnt i see this game before? there was already a shooter with the same logo but i dont remember if it was russian or from poland.. hm i cant remember. it really looks the same.. shit!
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Posts: 34531
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:07    Post subject:
Quite a few configuration options but the voice acting is pretty low-budget and it only supports 4:3 resolutions (GPU scaling helps a bit but still.) though it runs pretty well but it doesn't really look that good and the story is somewhat confusing due to the split characters or how to say it. (Explained in the manual, PDF that gets installed with the game.)

Uses PhysX as well but version 8.01.13 or something like that (One of the last versions before NVIDIA bought AGEIA.) and it's only CPU accelerated.
(Not that many physics effects aside from ragdoll either.)

Not much more I can say, some of these lower-budget shooters can be fun like Red Ocean or Vivisector (Cryostasis as well but it's a bit different.) but this wasn't exactly what I would call a good first person shooter. (With horror elements like mutants and experiments and military covert ops.)

EDIT: Then again Buka did do (Or rather publish.) some similar lower-end FPS's like Operation Matriarchy, Hellforces and some others so it was somewhat expected the game wouldn't be that good.
(Seems 1C handles the better licenses, somewhat unsure on all that Buka has published though. )

EDIT: Stalin Subway, Ubersoldier and more, played a ton of FPS titles from eastern-European countries if I think back a bit about what I've played. Very Happy

EDIT: http://www.buka.com/int_sales.Our_games.Current_line__up.aspx
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:17    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:
it only supports 4:3 resolutions (GPU scaling helps a bit but still.)

I've noticed that most games developed in Europe (mostly German and former USSR countries) don't support widescreen properly as well as almost never support Vista and 7's Game Explorer (which is, by now, 3 years old). Don't know, perhaps they are living in 2001 where everyone has XP and 17" CRTs?
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Posts: 9881
Location: Outhouse
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:21    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:

EDIT: http://www.buka.com/int_sales.Our_games.Current_line__up.aspx

hmm its not in their list... i cant fucking remember. it was utter crap for sure. you were fighting some lunatics, soldiers and zombies in an facility or research facility and it had physics. it had this biohazard symbol too and should be from 2005-2008

EDIT: FOUND IT! http://www.gametrailers.com/video/trailer-instinct/24468
Its called Instinct. Oh damn, this game sucked!

Anyways, are Dusk12 and Instinct related or something?
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Posts: 3902
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:31    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
Don't know, perhaps they are living in 2009 where everyone has XP?

fixed Wink

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VIP Member

Posts: 34531
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:35    Post subject:
I remember Instict (Somewhat, big tunnel sequnce riding on the back of a truck and mowing down enemies with a mounted minigun. Very Happy )

But no they're a bit similar but not related to each other. Smile
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Posts: 13314
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:37    Post subject:
still doesn't justify the 4:3 only support
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:44    Post subject:
lhzr wrote:
iNatan wrote:
Don't know, perhaps they are living in 2009 where everyone has XP?

fixed Wink


Well, according to games developed in Europe, must be all ze Ruskies and Germans then. Because 28% is not something to just throw. Wink

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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:46    Post subject:
haha, prolly yeah Very Happy

guess it's about cutting costs by not adding any 'unnecessary' features. only 4:3 support is stupid, though
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Posts: 555

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 11:55    Post subject:
What a crap.

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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 12:11    Post subject:
Why do they even bother? Seriously? There should have came a point where the development team looked at the quality of their product, shook their heads, and just said "no".

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