[XBOX360] Just Cause [R]
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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 19:57    Post subject: [XBOX360] Just Cause [R]


Title..........: Just Cause
Platform.......: XBOX 360
Company........: Eidos
Genre..........: Action
Release Date...: 15/09/06
Origin.........: PAL UK
Languages......: English
Filename.......: ukt-justc.xxx
Size...........: 64 x 100 MB
Source.........: DVD
Game Info......: www.justcausegame.com

In Just Cause, you take on the role of the flamboyant Rico
Rodriguez - an undercover CIA operative specialising in
regime change - as he tries to overthrow the corrupt
government of San Esperito. This rogue South American
island is suspected of stockpiling WMDs and it's your job
to negate the threat to world peace. It could be to your
advantage that this tropical paradise is about to implode
as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle
nudge in the right direction.

Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignment
however you want: play the island's factions off against
one another; incite a rebellion among the masses; or build
alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The
incredibly detailed game world consists of 1,225 sq. miles
of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages which
can be explored by land, sea and air. And you will have at
your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of
vehicles, planes and watercraft ever seen in a video game.


SWE6RUS - Pr0nStarS - LiNE - FTP
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 19:58    Post subject:
Its an ok game, but im still thinking on burning it since i got 2 DVD-DL left

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Posts: 177
Location: EARTH
PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 20:12    Post subject:
is it region free?

no one can harm me now that i have my
cheesehelmet on!!!!!
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Posts: 2407

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 20:16    Post subject:
Mhh why the fuck are Xbox games out earlier than fucking pc games? Saw this often....

Because I think Just Cause is a lot of fun but I think it might be a little bit better on pc. So lets wait! Maybe its out for pc this weekend? ^^
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Posts: 678

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 20:17    Post subject:
i'll scan the xex and let ppl know if its region free, chances are over average for it being region free since eidos games generally seem to be.

And honestly this game looks a ton better on 360, compared both demos i have a 7800GTX and the 360 version looked better with its shader effects etc etc , but was essentially the same game
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Posts: 177
Location: EARTH
PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 20:21    Post subject:
hoping fingers crossed it is region free

no one can harm me now that i have my
cheesehelmet on!!!!!
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 20:42    Post subject:
w0000t! Some of the guys on console news say its region free, but I wouldnt use that as 100% truth yet.
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Posts: 33

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 21:16    Post subject:
Sweet as. Just grabbed this, looks ok.
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 21:28    Post subject:
Hahah I'll have to settle for the Xbox version, the demo ran like poop on my PC and no 360 yet. Razz

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Posts: 329

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 22:01    Post subject:
I finally downloaded the LIVE marketplace demo the other night, really incredible views in this game. The controls seem a little wonky.. and are similar in wonkiness to GTA controls, but that didnt keep me from having a blast. Im definately looking forward to this game. Look out Saints Row! Theres a new open-ended shooter in town.

*EDIT* Come to think of it... Freedom Fighters might have been a better example. Same floaty sort of feeling though.
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 22:34    Post subject:
fucking class! been waiting for this release with baited breath! superb news. Now if only my isp supported the xbox 360 binary newsgroup.
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Posts: 678

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 23:11    Post subject:
ok guys can comfirm its region free, and is working burnt and using the sammy drive NTSC console
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Sep 2006 23:24    Post subject:
its region free
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Posts: 807

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 00:06    Post subject:
Decisions, Decisions, got 2 DVD+R left, do I use one up or wait for the PC version. But then I dont know how it will run on my 7800gt and will the game be optimized enough for the pc!!!! Also I am still old school mouse-kb fan, havent still warmed up to the gamepad for shooters....
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Posts: 678

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 00:22    Post subject:
game doesnt look as good graphically on pc dont care what res its run at it doesnt look as good
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VIP Member

Posts: 34330
Location: UK
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 04:49    Post subject:
Nice! Wasnt expecting this one so soon! Very Happy

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 14:13    Post subject:
well who is playing this bad boy on the 360 ? i still have to wait 2hrs Razz
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 14:21    Post subject:
I have it downloaded and unrared.. haven't burned yet tho. Only have 3 DL discs left, waiting for some reviews.
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 14:30    Post subject:
fuck it man , burn that sucker and play!
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 15:36    Post subject:
Why not just download the demo from live? Then you don't need to bother with reviews because you can form your own opinion of the game.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 15:57    Post subject:
iam burning almost all the time only exclusive games
just if the game run bad or play bad on my PC iam burning it to my XBOX 360
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 16:48    Post subject:
Game rocks , im a fan for sure
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Sep 2006 17:00    Post subject:
This game rocks !! Nuff said
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 01:14    Post subject:
So any good? ive had the game on my hdd for a day but got 2 dvd-dl left, prolly order some more friday.

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Posts: 1094
Location: Right behind you!
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 01:21    Post subject:
I wont give a review for the game because havent played the full, but the demo I didn't like. Not chance enough to explore, hated those objectives and the time limit and shit. Pissed me off when the game is supoosedly The Most open-ended game ever. IMHO saints row demo was how it should be done. Total exploration, no limits, ect. I wasn't gonna buy that game till the demo, which sold me 100%. With this game, I still have no idea if I want it from the demo. Will wait to see if it lives up to expectations, I guess.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 04:54    Post subject:
Well, I burned it and have been playing it for the last hour or so.

I regret not burning it sooner. It's an amazing game.
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 09:47    Post subject:
you have plenty of time to explore if you don't start a mission
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Posts: 1345

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 10:39    Post subject:
upstart_69 wrote:
I wont give a review for the game because havent played the full, but the demo I didn't like. Not chance enough to explore, hated those objectives and the time limit and shit. Pissed me off when the game is supoosedly The Most open-ended game ever. IMHO saints row demo was how it should be done. Total exploration, no limits, ect. I wasn't gonna buy that game till the demo, which sold me 100%. With this game, I still have no idea if I want it from the demo. Will wait to see if it lives up to expectations, I guess.

Saints Row is indeed a master piece hands down.

Interinactive wrote:
Achievement unlocked: More unoptimised than a Ubishit game

No worries. The Division is just around the corner. Devil Troll
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 10:54    Post subject:
the sheer size of this game is utterly astounding, I stole a plane and took it up and was utterly gobsmacked how large the game is.
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Posts: 333

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Sep 2006 10:58    Post subject:
You're judging the game from a timed demo and relating it the full game of Saints Row.

Remember the True Crime demo..... 60 seconds of gameplay. That, is what you call a bad demo.

And seriously, when you want to talk freedom..... you're talking Just Cause. Base jump off a cliff, parachute onto a car, speed down the road, go into stunt position, leap into the air and deploy the 'chute, grab onto a chopper, fly near another chopper and go into stunt position, leap onto the other chopper, kick the driver out, fly really high.....really high......., drop out and freefall (torpedo style), down to the ground, deploy before hitting the ground, coast over to the water and land on a boat, hijack it.....etc etc etc etc.

That's what I call freedom. But Saints Row did well with the 'go anywhere from the beginning', but then again, so did True Crime and True Crime NYC.
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