[Wii] Wii 2 Specs Rumors
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 01:00    Post subject: [Wii] Wii 2 Specs Rumors
Exclusive: Wii 2 specs leaked, Blu-ray enabled and 1080p support?

We've just received some exclusive news and specs on the Wii 2 via Logic-Sunrise.com) (though a Nintendo of France marketing employee). The leaked specs denote the Wii 2 will get a Blu-ray drive (mainly to stop piracy), but will also support 1080P for games as well as movies. The new system is due out during the third quarter of next year and there will be the option to trade in old Wii's!

More details below (translated from French):

This is a nice exclusive we have here at MaxConsole courtesy of Artik from www.Logic-sunrise.com on the Wii 2. The actual information is said to have been leaked from an internal source of the marketing Nintendo France Service. Unlucky for them, this kind of information should stay internal, but that's not our philosophy.

- The Wii2 system will feature a Blu-Ray drive with a secondary aim of stopping piracy.
- 1080P and lower resolutions will be supported, for blu-ray movies and games.
- The release date is scheduled for third quarter of 2010.
- The release will be worldwide and on the same day for all countries.
- A scheme will be available in which it is possible to trade in the original Wii for a cheaper price on the new Wii 2.

Moreover, Nintendo wants to make a worlwide annoucement, only one month before release date. Huge publicity and Viral Marketing will be utilized to create the Buzz. Official pictures are not yet available, and more specs will be released in due course.

Why do we believe it at all ?

* Artik from Logic-Sunrise.com has regularly provided news to MaxConsole and has a lot of 'insider' contacts.

* Nintendo has suggested that it's time they embraced high definition technology for the Wii and Blu-ray has firmly established itself. So a Wii 2 with Blu-ray support does make sense.


Well, there you go, a Wii with the power of a 360/PS3 - a real winner! Very Happy And if the rumors that "traditional" next generation consoles will only arrive in 2012, the Wii 2 will give MS and Sony stiff competition even before their consoles are out.
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 07:52    Post subject:
sounds fishy. I don't buy it.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 10:16    Post subject:
Well Microsoft have already proven they are willing to hit the market first. I highly doubt they will let Nintendo have the first-mover-advantage. Though I reckon its more likely they are betting on the Natal/360 combo which IMO will blow Wii/Wii2 out of the water.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 556

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 10:59    Post subject:
natal = gimmick
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 11:04    Post subject:
Wiil = gimmick look how many of those they sell
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 11:28    Post subject:
azzman wrote:
Wiil = gimmick look how many of those they sell


Still found the Wii exciting when it first came out, but the sheer lack of exclusive titles and ridicolously bad cross platform games was a disappointment.

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 11:51    Post subject:
Indeed, loved the idea it does work. Just look at wii sports, shame about the lack of innovation and cynicism from publishers
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 11:53    Post subject:
You guys are missing the point. It might be a gimmick , and I don't think it is, had it not been for the Wii, you wouldn't see MS and Sony rushing to make a motion sensing competitor, but the appeal of the Wii is not just from the controller, but also from its library. When Natal and the Sony equivalent come out, do you really believe people will care that now the heavy consoles have motion sensing? To them, these consoles will still be the hard core, "not for me" type of consoles, while the Wii will still be their console of choice. Wii 2 just gives them an option for a refresh (and if there is a Bluray player, all the more reasons to upgrade). If anything, Natal and the Sony equivalent are the gimmicks, because they try to steal Nintendo market by winking at them, but they are grossly missing the point. Volumes of Wii customers won't rush to buy a 360 or PS3, and heavyweight console gamers won't replace their beloved controller for some wonky control scheme. Even if the buy them (they are a gimmick after all Wink), use will be limited pretty much until the cool factor wears off.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Smile
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 12:04    Post subject:
Im skeptical about this Wii 2 info, I hope its real as im a sucker for new machines Razz
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 12:13    Post subject:
Sounds BS, but whatever. And the whole Bluray to stop piracy? PLEASE. By then it will be cheap to burn bluray, the media doesn't really help "fight piracy", unless it's not a common media format! AND EVEN THEN, USB ISO LOADERS etc.

Sounds BS to me!

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 12:20    Post subject:
Yeah, didn't Nintendo try that with the Game Cube and fail hard? How long did it take to crack the GC format? Very Happy
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Posts: 881

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 19:27    Post subject:
bluray to stop piracy Smile

no problem for me as long as we have a usb loader
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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 22:29    Post subject:
Most of the time Nintendo always releases something that is years behind Microsoft and Sony in terms of graphics. I mean we are currently at 1080p with the 360 and PS3. Yeah i know some games are 720p but at least we can reach those high resolutions.

The Wii on the other hand to still stuck at 480p. Something we have had for years. Maybe they will upgrade but don't think they will go straight to blu-ray. Most games for the wii are in DVD format.

For Nintendo, they always stick with something that has been used for several years which means less money spent and more profits for them in the end.
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 23:01    Post subject:
Same crappy low-poly games, now in hi-res
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Posts: 1075
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 23:04    Post subject:
manu_xl wrote:
bluray to stop piracy Smile

no problem for me as long as we have a usb loader

Blu ray for what

Mario Sunshine in HD that will take up about 6 gigs of space....

Not looking forward to this if it is true.
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Posts: 346

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Oct 2009 23:40    Post subject:
It wont be a big step up, spec wise, if they are really bringing out another Wii - I'm willing to bet that it would more likely be a revised version of the Wii, similar to what they've been doing with the DS. New features, but nothing that'll force you to upgrade. There will be more iterations of current gen consoles for a good 2-4 years longer before we really hit the next gen platform wars again. Xbox 360 with Natal built in, another slim PS3 with BC added back in, etc. IMO
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Oct 2009 07:23    Post subject:
Yes. I can see an HD Wii coming in 2010 but it would barely offer anything else. Maybe minor changes to go with the times and increased graphics capabilities to support 720/1080p output.
Maybe some additional changes to combat piracy.

But there's just no way a 2010 wii upgrade/successor would feature a bluray drive. It would make no sense whatsoever. It's true that bluray drives and disc got cheaper since the PS3 was first released for example, but it's still too expensive for what Nintendo is going for with the Wii.
If they actually added that stuff, the games would become more expensive and the consoles would also be have to be more expensive by a noticable amount.

The best and most efficient way to increase wii sales again without dropping the price and allow it to stay competitive is releasing an HD Wii.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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