[XBOX] driv3r.xbox.pal.fulldvd.real.proper.retail.multi5-smb
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Posts: 476
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:12    Post subject: [XBOX] driv3r.xbox.pal.fulldvd.real.proper.retail.multi5-smb
This is the real one Laughing and i know it Surprised
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:17    Post subject:
How do you know it?
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:20    Post subject:
cuz all the missions is theré i played and no lag speed meter is there 2
all the music etc etc
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:20    Post subject:
so enjoy the game
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:23    Post subject:
damn and im over half way on the other one Sad
i will have to get this one then heheh
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:24    Post subject:
What missions are missing on the other releases? Ive gotten to turkey on the AOC release and I think the story has been fine, nothing missing AFAIK
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 14:43    Post subject:
yeah speed meter and less lag and music Smile makes the game a lot better imo !!
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 15:00    Post subject:
Does your car still stops, like hitting in a concrete wall when driving 120mph to a lamp post? I hope it was only in AOC-beta-promo-version...pretty weak if this is still in final version.
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 15:34    Post subject:
I got both versions, they're exactly the same when it comes to gameplay. Absolutely no difference at all, so it doesn't matter whether you get the Promo or the Retail version.

Anyway, this is by far one of the worst games I've played this year. What a disappointment...
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 18:34    Post subject:
ok now Ive gotten my dirty hands on:

First off, while SMB release is 65 rars, WAR3X is 43 and AOC is 41 this is just due to different raring it seems (the ISO is almost the same size, a few kbytes different).

Secondly, I tried extracting all files from the 3 isos, made SFV files for each release and ran each SFV on each release and according to the SFVs the content of the WAR3X and SMB releases are _identical_ the AOC however differs on some of the small files (default.unpatched, default.xbe and update.xbe)

So to sum it up, I'd say WAR3X is the best release since its retail/final (it seems) and its way smaller than the SMB release, since I don't know exactly whats stored in the files that are different in the AOC release it might be just as good..

btw, I still don't have a speedometer in the SMB release, is there supposed to be one? Ive only seen it on one mission, a mission where you had to keep a certain speed to do the mission.
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Posts: 94

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 19:36    Post subject:
Wow, they are identical yet the SMB release is 1whole GIG bigger... what awful compression.
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 22:17    Post subject:
im down the war3x release now since the AOC release frezzze for me @ a mission in nice... smb and war3x release is the same, nice people, smb make smaller next time...

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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 19:15    Post subject:
this game is a unfinnished pos, that they should have dev. another year such a disapointment.. Sad

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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 20:05    Post subject:
I liked it love driver 3
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 21:10    Post subject:
Just a thread ago you were bitching about it.
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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Jun 2004 22:40    Post subject:
it whas then not now Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 00:20    Post subject:
Splinter wrote:
it whas then not now Rolling Eyes

yes after i got to istanbull it kinda grew on me a little. not enough though. it didnt deliver the hype so to say.
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 11:37    Post subject:
bro is in istanbull and i played abit in there too and to be honest i think the game is laging so damn bad its undriveable when ur chaseing that chick around the small streets.. so damn disapointing that it chops abit and then ur in a wall and shes gone..

Corvette - Simply The Best...
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 11:40    Post subject:
hahah i got my retail driver 3 now =) i bought it and i can say NO lag
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 13:34    Post subject:
still don't make it any better,lol
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 15:10    Post subject:
exactly my pow mcmanic, shitty GTA clone they should kept the driver theme without running around shooting part... just like good old driver.. Smile

Corvette - Simply The Best...
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 15:26    Post subject:
yeah the old driver is what its all about,they've changed it to much and made it ANOTHER GTA,LA CRIME clone and we have anough of them all ready which do what Driver3 attempts to do so much better.

this game is ok for a rainy day,but summer is here,lol

btw not had any real lag issue's with my version,but draw rate(distance that it renders full render) is dire for such a game on the mighty xbox which can do so much better.

I'll be glad when the ps2 is dead,as its that console and game makers producing games for a quick buck AKA driver3 that ruins the whole gaming scene when they have to limit graphics to suit a lesser graphic producing console AKA PS2!
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 16:58    Post subject:
Splinter wrote:
hahah i got my retail driver 3 now =) i bought it and i can say NO lag
Haha..Well ive still got AOC and ive had no "lag" so far. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 17:31    Post subject:
and i've got AOC and it lags alot, but its still playable.
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 18:05    Post subject:
Hmm strange that i've yet to see any of it. Not that i'm bothered anyway, i still say the game is shite.
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PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 22:54    Post subject:
I've been trying out all the versions for a few days now and all I can say is that I see no difference. No speedometer in any release, no different music and so on. I think they are all basically the same. come to think of it the only one who seems to be thinking otherwise is Splinter? He's just been going drivercrazy.
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Posts: 36

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 22:54    Post subject:
i havent had no lag neither on the AOC release?????

maybe hes just trying to justify that he spent money on the game.......hehehehe
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Posts: 699
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 23:54    Post subject:
maybe its a pal/ntsc problem with you guys?
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jun 2004 00:11    Post subject:
Supino wrote:
maybe its a pal/ntsc problem with you guys?
Well that would be my guess.
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jun 2004 00:26    Post subject:
pal/ntsc is usually the problem when it comes to freezing and lag in cutscenes and so on.
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