[XBOX360] Rogue_Warrior_PAL-XBOX360-DAGGER
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 18:32    Post subject: [XBOX360] Rogue_Warrior_PAL-XBOX360-DAGGER


Rogue Warrior is a character-driven, first-person-shooter, featuring Richard “Demo Dick” Marcinko’s explosive personality in an action-packed single player campaign, and intense multiplayer combat.

Playing as Richard “Demo Dick” Marcinko, you go behind the iron curtain to disrupt a suspected North Korean ballistic missile program. Soon into the mission, you uncover a conspiracy that could turn the tides of the Cold War in the communists’ favor. You must then take the mission into your own hands as you enter into the bowels of the USSR to destroy a technology that could change the balance of geopolitical power, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake!


* Play as Richard “Demo Dick” Marcinko – a real-life American badass. His defiant, crude, and sometimes ruthless behavior has earned him both glory and infamy in the history books. Now you take on his explosive nature as you engage in black ops and go against the rules of conventional warfare to get the job done.

* With more than 25 uniquely brutal kill moves, do what it takes to take out the enemy. No trick is too dirty as you maintain the element of surprise whenever possible - find and kill the enemy before they find you.

* Be an instrument of destruction as you create tactical advantages by eliminating any and all targets that would otherwise benefit the enemy.

* Go head to head against others online and even perform brutal kill moves on your friends.

* Golden Globe winner and Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke voices Dick Marcinko’s in-game character.



May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 176

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 18:58    Post subject:
i dont know why this was on my 2009 must play list..what a pile of poop!!!

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Posts: 1605
Location: NL
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 19:03    Post subject:
Ihump4nfos wrote:
i dont know why this was on my 2009 must play list..what a pile of poop!!!

You actually downloaded, burned & played it? Laughing
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Posts: 839
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 20:12    Post subject:
RF or not?
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Posts: 428
Location: Antarctica
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 20:25    Post subject:
Breakneck wrote:
RF or not?

its pal and ntsc-u
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 20:56    Post subject:
It's on the groups.
Take your pick.
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Posts: 182
Location: Lithuania
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 21:17    Post subject:
If i were you, i would not waste a dvd on this Smile Played it on PC and yeah it really sucks Wink It was enough to shoot the AK... The sound is like from the underground, just no feel of gun being fired.
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 22:06    Post subject:
the frame rate in this game really sucks.
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Posts: 1426

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 22:16    Post subject:
Wow, the screenshots are two years old. They took their time. I bet this game must be awesome then, and you guys above are just jealous, mean or whatever.

11th "Thou shalt not flash"
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 22:18    Post subject:
Indeed, this beats MW2 hands down, worth a DL for sure!
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 23:06    Post subject:
The .nfo is extremely well written and informative, you guys sure this is NTSC-U?

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Posts: 34275
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Nov 2009 23:41    Post subject:
lol bad game then? I thought it might be half decent since it had Bethesda on the box! Shame!

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 00:13    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
The .nfo is extremely well written and informative, you guys sure this is NTSC-U?

Yes i burned it and it played fine on my ntsc-u console.also ran it thru abgx and it said pal and ntsc=u.
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Posts: 176

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 00:34    Post subject:
jmdeking wrote:
Ihump4nfos wrote:
i dont know why this was on my 2009 must play list..what a pile of poop!!!

You actually downloaded, burned & played it? Laughing

played it on the pc, I try not to waste my disks on multiplatform titles
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 01:40    Post subject:
jjbadnell wrote:
sTo0z wrote:
The .nfo is extremely well written and informative, you guys sure this is NTSC-U?

Yes i burned it and it played fine on my ntsc-u console.also ran it thru abgx and it said pal and ntsc=u.

Epic, thanks.

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Posts: 1426

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 07:32    Post subject:
jjbadnell wrote:
sTo0z wrote:
The .nfo is extremely well written and informative, you guys sure this is NTSC-U?

Yes i burned it and it played fine on my ntsc-u console.also ran it thru abgx and it said pal and ntsc=u.

And? Any impressions?

11th "Thou shalt not flash"
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Posts: 11155

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 17:23    Post subject:
Mickey Rourke's one liners are epic, but the rest of the game is freakin horrible.
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Posts: 3004
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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 19:46    Post subject:
oh Sad

I just wanted to burn it... nvm then..

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 19:50    Post subject:
TheGame110011001 wrote:
oh Sad

I just wanted to burn it... nvm then..
I did...

and it seems shooort! played less than 2 hours and im on 5th out of 8 mission.
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Posts: 3004
Location: HEHE
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 20:11    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
TheGame110011001 wrote:
oh Sad

I just wanted to burn it... nvm then..
I did...

and it seems shooort! played less than 2 hours and im on 5th out of 8 mission.

Is it really really really bad or just shitty Surprised

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Nov 2009 21:00    Post subject:
TheGame110011001 wrote:
deelix wrote:
TheGame110011001 wrote:
oh Sad

I just wanted to burn it... nvm then..
I did...

and it seems shooort! played less than 2 hours and im on 5th out of 8 mission.

Is it really really really bad or just shitty Surprised
It does absolutely nothing we haven't seen before. Well, iv never played a game with so many swear words in it... I mean, the game got endless swearing from this wannabe "badass" guy you play. He also comes with pretty lame and tastefulness comments like "rather dead than red" (Been fighting north koreans and russians so far) and stupid shit like that. And the stupid combo swear words he comes with is even more lame, sounds like a 12 year old trying to be creative Laughing

The controls are pretty shitty too, not to fluid. And yeah, as mentioned earlier it runs like shit... about to say it looks like shit too. But guess the gfx is one of the few pluses in the game. And the voice acting is far from great

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Posts: 123
Location: Milk is good for me
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Nov 2009 15:42    Post subject:
mmh played on med, killed 80% of the people with knife^^ 3-4 hours i guess... very short game , stupid but fun... it´s so fun to run to a 3-4 soldiers armed with aks, shotguns and mps and kill them all with only a knife, liked it in cod mw2 too, the challenge missions in cod mw2 are maybe even more fun than the story missions...
damn so where way of samurai.... or what to play next.
btw controls sucks... aiming is so terrible in rouge warrior

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Posts: 1426

PostPosted: Thu, 26th Nov 2009 16:27    Post subject:
TCell4Victory wrote:
aiming is so terrible in rouge warrior

I guess it ain't much of a problem since you kill'em off with a knife.

11th "Thou shalt not flash"
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Posts: 1426

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Dec 2009 12:13    Post subject:
LOL, it got a 2.0 rating on gamespot. It's a "don't even bother to waste bandwidth" game.

11th "Thou shalt not flash"
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Dec 2009 12:30    Post subject:
yeah, many people think I overrate some games, this is the 2nd game I think deserve 5/10.
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