Portal 2
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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:14    Post subject: Portal 2

Portal 2 Announced

Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike and Half-Life) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced Portal 2 for shipment this coming holiday season.

Portal 2 is the sequel to 2007's Portal, which won 70 industry achievement awards.

For more information, please visit www.steamgames.com

dratmannh0neen = dr.ratmann horny


New info every other day.

Last edited by Karmeck on Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:29; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:16    Post subject:
Thank you valve for not making L4D3.... god.

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 1273

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:18    Post subject:
Sweet. I loved portal and can't wait to see part 2.
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:19    Post subject:
Is it even slightly possible that this may be included in a bundle alongside with the long-awaited hl ep3?
Anyway, great news. Smile
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Posts: 2335

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:19    Post subject:
I'd be more happy about Ep3.
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:21    Post subject:
human_steel wrote:
Is it even slightly possible that this may be included in a bundle alongside with the long-awaited hl ep3?
Anyway, great news. Smile

ROFL Laughing That'll be the day. By the time HL3 arrives, I hope I'm not an old and married man.

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 868

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:23    Post subject:
That's awesome because portal actualy entertained me! Many games today can't be that entertaining.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64925
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 19:23    Post subject:
A great news indeed Smile
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Posts: 3807
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 20:10    Post subject: Re: Portal 2
Karmeck wrote:

dratmannh0neen = dr.ratmann horny

it's acutally a login + password combo there , nice try tho
maybe even this


they'd better fucking announce EP 3 for the same timeframe during E3, bundle both for PROFIT!!11


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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 20:30    Post subject:
ive not played portal yet, is it epic? what i saw on youtube looked a bit boring..
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 20:31    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
ive not played portal yet, is it epic? what i saw on youtube looked a bit boring..

It was really really good Smile

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Posts: 621
Location: Estonia
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 20:47    Post subject:
Hope this will be tied somehow into the Half Life universe. Would be somewhat interesting.
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 20:49    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
ive not played portal yet, is it epic? what i saw on youtube looked a bit boring..

Epic by length? No.
Epic by quality? Hell yes!
Boring? FUCK NO!!!!!

Download it, play it, love it Very Happy
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:03    Post subject:
companies still doing this! Announcing the game,but not platform!
sure,it's pretty match obvious PC and 360 versions for sure{Valve making a lot of money form PC and 360},but I want to be 100% sure,not 99%.

Edit: Yep,pretty match as expected,form gamestop

PC and 360,seems there will be not PS3 version

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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:19    Post subject:
hmm ok peeps ill leech it later (one can do that cracked right?)

Ill redeeme myself by saying ive bought everyother valve game package but the portal one..

Very Happy
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Posts: 14555

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:29    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
hmm ok peeps ill leech it later (one can do that cracked right?)

Ill redeeme myself by saying ive bought everyother valve game package but the portal one..

Very Happy

You haven't bought Orange Box?

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:51    Post subject:
Valve just needs to make a new engine. The source engine is 6 years old now. Enough with the sequels already.
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:53    Post subject:
panzieman wrote:
Valve just needs to make a new engine. The source engine is 6 years old now. Enough with the sequels already.

Maybe but still owns Smile
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 21:53    Post subject:
dingo_d wrote:
moosenoodles wrote:
hmm ok peeps ill leech it later (one can do that cracked right?)

Ill redeeme myself by saying ive bought everyother valve game package but the portal one..

Very Happy

You haven't bought Orange Box?

I had the first package with the HL-ifes etc 1, 2 etc think it is, got that on steam...

i bought some other stuff for HL, and i bought TF2 seperate when it was on offer for 2.99 Very Happy but never thought buying the orange box was worth it as i had most of it already but portal..

so see what i mean? Very Happy
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 22:14    Post subject:
Platform Confirmed:
PC/360 only,no PS3.

"Fuck Denuvo"

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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 22:26    Post subject:
PS3 got Heavy Rain. Redemption, hah.

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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 22:35    Post subject:
Clcancellation wrote:
Platform Confirmed:
PC/360 only,no PS3.

Coming this holiday. Portal 2 is the sequel to 2007's Game of the Year and draws from the award-winning formula of innovative game play, story, and music that earned the original over 70 industry accolades. Portal 2 introduces a cast of dynamic new characters, a host of fresh puzzle elements, and a much larger set of devious test chambers. Players will explore never-before-seen areas of the Aperture Science Labs and be reunited with GLaDOS, the occasionally murderous computer companion who guided them through the original game.



fucking full price ?!?!?!!?!?

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 22:49    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
Clcancellation wrote:
Platform Confirmed:
PC/360 only,no PS3.


fucking full price ?!?!?!!?!?

the PS3 as quite good games now-Heavy rain,GOW3 , KillZone 2,UT1,UT2 etc...

and yes,it will be full price,but full game also-a lot more hours of gameplay,COOP and multiplayer.

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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 23:02    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
fucking full price ?!?!?!!?!?

The modern warfare games also retailed for full price and were barely longer then Portal (yes, yes, they had multiplayer but I don't care about multiplayer).
That's just the way the world is now Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 23:06    Post subject:
Valve will have a discount for people who pre-order it though, don't forget that.

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Posts: 3807
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Mar 2010 23:11    Post subject:
me7 wrote:
Hierofan wrote:
fucking full price ?!?!?!!?!?

The modern warfare games also retailed for full price and were barely longer then Portal (yes, yes, they had multiplayer but I don't care about multiplayer).
That's just the way the world is now Crying or Very sad

i'm expecting/hoping this to change tho , 30 bucks would be more acceptable , but this probably aint gonna happen (*cough* l4d2 *cough*).

but still , where the fuck is mah EPISOAD 3 ??
Half-Life '98 -> Half-Life 2 '04 => 6 years
Half-Life 2 -> Half-Life 2 Episode 3 => + 6 years ??? fuck
sure Source engine is still doing a pretty good job , better than most in some departments , but still, using 10 year old tech isnt going to win any beauty contests (not that it should) , but new tech would mean nu posibilities in level design and whatnot .
would be time for Source 2.0

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 01:21    Post subject:
seems there will be MAC version as well:

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Posts: 613
Location: Chipmem
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 01:59    Post subject:
Do you guys really think only because there is not much hype about the source engine and they do not add funky version numbers to each update/upgrade and let the world know about its still the same engine used in HL2? Thats naive a lot. EP3/Portal 2 will run and look amazingly featuring latest DX11 shit. I bet my mom on this!
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64925
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 02:00    Post subject:
FastMemFirst wrote:
I bet my mom on this!

I've took note of that, just in case Cool Face
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Posts: 1480

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 06:21    Post subject:
panzieman wrote:
Valve just needs to make a new engine. The source engine is 6 years old now.

Source has been so massively updated since HL2 that it practically is a new engine. They just haven't actually gone and forked the codebase, or started marketing it as "Source 2" yet.

Hierofan wrote:
fucking full price ?!?!?!!?!?

Why is is that ever since The Orange Box, people seem to think that Valve isn't EVER allowed to charge the usual full price for their solo games anymore? That's stupid. Aside from that, judging from the info so far, Portal 2 is on an entirely different scale and scope from Portal 1. This isn't going to be another 3-hour single-player-only game.

Hierofan wrote:
using 10 year old tech isnt going to win any beauty contests

Last I checked, HL2 wasn't 10 years old (it's barely 5), and there sure as hell wasn't anything in 2000 that looked like HL2, either. Such exaggerations are pointless.

would be time for Source 2.0

Uh, yeah, it was called The Orange Box. TF2, Ep2, and Portal were all running on what was basically Source 2.0.

Clcancellation wrote:
seems there will be MAC version as well:

Yes, this would be in line with the recent Valve/Mac rumors.[/i]
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