[PS3] [360] 'HD Enhanced' versions Of Your old Games?
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 19:40    Post subject: [PS3] [360] 'HD Enhanced' versions Of Your old Games?

I am currently playing GOW collection on the PS3 and really enjoying it, suddenly I realized that as long as other developers did as good a job I might pay for enhanced versions of some of my favourite games such as Rogue Galaxy if it didn't impede PS3/360 game development.

For those of you who haven't played the GOW Collection DF have upgraded the graphics of God of War 1 & 2 so well and received such a reception that publishers are considering rolling out their back catalogues.
I believe Sony is working on software-based PS2 emulation which has to be said is taking a very long time and remember they won't be 'HD' just playable and somewhat upscaled.

So how about it would you pay for an enhanced version of your favourite game?


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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 19:54    Post subject:
yeah the gow collection was nice.. it's a pity they didn't re-render the cutscenes in HD.. but other than that it's great. there's some games I'd buy without a second thought if they got the gow collection treatment... I know this has been brought up before, but.. shadow of the colossus anyone?

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 10797
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PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 19:58    Post subject:
It would depend on the price, for me. I wouldn't like to pay the cost of buying a recent top title on an old game. £10 - 15 would be about as much as I would pay.

Ryzen 5 5600, ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING WIFI II, Corsair Vengeance RGB RT 32GB 3600MHz C16, Zotac RTX 3060 Ti, Corsair RMx Series RM750x. AOC AGON AG324UX - 4K 144Hz 1ms GTG IPS FreeSync KVM
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 19:59    Post subject:
considering the gow collection is like 30$ and contains 2 full games that sounds about right.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:01    Post subject:
Not EXACTLY the same thing you're talking about, but pretty damned close; one of my all time favourite RPGs "Wild ARMS", on the PS1, was remade and ported to the PS2 with enhanced graphics/audio and a whole slew of new content. It was released as Wild ARMS Alter Code F and it's awesome.

So yeah, I'd buy enhanced ports/remakes of games.



Last edited by sabin1981 on Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:08; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 113
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:05    Post subject:
right, why make ps3 backward compatible, you only need people hyped about something they allready have hmmm and charge the full price for it

oh right no i wait for the remake argument, wii store argument, Rare argument
go on

I agree. It's no big deal. Animal, mineral or vegetable; I'll DO anything TO anything.
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:06    Post subject:
oh and I'm still waiting for a final fantasy 7 remake on the ps3... and while they're at it they can remake 1,2,3,4,5,6, 8, 9 and 10 as well.
I'd buy them all!


Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:08    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Not EXACTLY the same thing you're talking about, but pretty damned close; one of my all time favourite RPGs "Wild ARMS" was remade and ported to the PS2 with enhanced graphics/audio and a whole slew of new content. It was released as Wild ARMS Alter Code F and it's awesome.

Hmmm...downloading it now.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:11    Post subject:
You've not played ACF yet, bud? Holy shit. Honestly, you won't regret it. I prefer it to the original, truth be known. IMO the series died after WA2, the rest of the games were just shite .. especially the hex-grid combat ones starting from WA4.


As for the enhanced God of War releases? Meh, not impressed. The same effect can be had via PCSX2, nothing has been physically upgraded - it's just an upscale of the internal resolution.
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Posts: 4670
Location: Celephaïs
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 20:50    Post subject:
There are quite some games which, if not only upscaled but graphically redone, I'd pay full price for.
Metal Gear Series is one of those cases.
Final Fantasy 6,7,9 pobably.
Shadow of the Colossus, Ico.
Pretty much the complete level-5 PS2 library (ok, only consisted of 4 games but whatever).
Yakuza 1 & 2.

Just to name a few. I wouldn't pay 50 something € for them but 20-30 I'd be willing to pay, probably.

and what are people like me who can't run PCSX2 properly do? Are we supposed to invest 200€ in new pc components to emulate them "good"? Wink
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 21:01    Post subject:
Wow the emulation looks spot on Shocked last time I tried pscx2 it couldn't run GOW past the menu.
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PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 21:02    Post subject:
As for the enhanced God of War releases? Meh, not impressed. The same effect can be had via PCSX2, nothing has been physically upgraded - it's just an upscale of the internal resolution.

Even if that were true, which I'm not saying it isn't, the collection runs flawlessly without any glitches. The same can't be said for PCSX2 even in the best of environments. If I had a choice between a 'remastered' edition and emulating I know which I'd choose. It'd be nice if they were proper remastered editions though, like a criterion collection for videogames or something documenting it's history with more recent extras.

I know this has been brought up before, but.. shadow of the colossus anyone?

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus would be absolutely amazing... but they have enough trouble just releasing PS1 games that I'm not going to get my hopes up!

Last edited by Ispep on Sat, 6th Mar 2010 21:04; edited 1 time in total
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 21:03    Post subject:
Reklis wrote:

and what are people like me who can't run PCSX2 properly do? Are we supposed to invest 200€ in new pc components to emulate them "good"? Wink

Of course not, I never insinuated that :\ I just said that *I* was unimpressed as I can already get the same effect for free, without having to repurchase my games.


PCSX2 has come lightyears since then mate. GoW 1 and 2 are both spot on now. Of course Reklis is right; you need an extremely powerful PC to run them properly.
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Posts: 327
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 22:12    Post subject:
This is one of the reasons I am glad I kept my fat PS3 with BC. I still picked up the GoW collection not having the originals. But this way, I can just play the PS2 games I already have (or can pick up on the cheap) without worrying about buying a re-release. Either way, this is a good idea in many ways as it allows many people who didn't catch it the first time to experience some great games. I like the Criterion-style idea too, with some extra stuff detailing the history of franchises and whatnot.

Even though I already have the PS2 versions, a collection of all the Ratchet and Clank games, or Silent Hill, MGS would be great (on one or two BD discs) with some nice bonus features.
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Posts: 4670
Location: Celephaïs
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Mar 2010 22:21    Post subject:
MGS pretty much had anything you could imagine as bonus features in the Substance / Subsistence (maybe Twin Snakes) versions of the respective games but nonetheless I'd like a rerelease of that since I still haven't played MGS3 because it looks like a big splot of brownish-green on my TV :/
Ratchet and Clank would be cool as well (reminds me that I still have to get Crack in Time)
Silent Hill 1 & 2 would be cool the rest were meh in my opinion.
Damn I want those games redone for the PS3 ;_;
damn you tb! You started this thread, now go make it happen!
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Mar 2010 15:44    Post subject:
Aye, same here mate. WA and WA2 are absolutely spectacular! Amazing gameplay, great art-style (I actually miss sprite-based gameplay - and the way WA did sprites for the overworld and 3D in battles was brilliant) and absolutely fantastic music. If you've not done it yet, you should check out ACF. A worthier remake I've not yet seen.


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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Mar 2010 15:45    Post subject:
the_legend2k7 wrote:
This is one of the reasons I am glad I kept my fat PS3 with BC. I still picked up the GoW collection not having the originals. But this way, I can just play the PS2 games I already have (or can pick up on the cheap) without worrying about buying a re-release. Either way, this is a good idea in many ways as it allows many people who didn't catch it the first time to experience some great games. I like the Criterion-style idea too, with some extra stuff detailing the history of franchises and whatnot.

Even though I already have the PS2 versions, a collection of all the Ratchet and Clank games, or Silent Hill, MGS would be great (on one or two BD discs) with some nice bonus features.

Which is why I loved my launch console but it died so it meant buying the game yet AGAIN but wow I am glad I did!

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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Mar 2010 15:45    Post subject:
FFVII, FFX and MGS1 and 2 - all remade for the PS3 = me jizzing all over the place of joy Razz

Ill probably never happen, or atleast not in the forseeable future..

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Posts: 4670
Location: Celephaïs
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Mar 2010 19:46    Post subject:
I wouldn't be too sure about FFVII because I still can't believe that Square made the PS3 FFVII tech demo just to say "look at what we can / could do but won't!"
If it was just a tease, then I freaking hate them for it. Bunch of douchebags :/
and I wouldn't be too sure about MGS too. Kojima is such a tech freak that I believe he'd be going for that.
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Posts: 12108
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PostPosted: Sun, 7th Mar 2010 19:54    Post subject:
We can only hope Very Happy

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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Posts: 121
Location: London
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Mar 2010 00:02    Post subject:
2 games i would love to have remade are the original blood omen and final fantasy 6
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