2004 good yaer/bad year?
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 15:42    Post subject: 2004 good yaer/bad year?
For me,probably the worst year ever :

Jan - Diagnosed with deppresive illness
April - had to give up work as deppression got so bad
may - found out what living on state benefit was really like!
September - illness causes more problems between my amazing wife and myself, talking about splitting
October - still really bad
November - get summons for non payment of council tax which I can't afford to pay, kid comes home from school with feckin' nits, contract viral meningitis

Though I know there's always people a lot worse off than me I am grateful to be alive and have a beatiful and supportive partner I thought starting this thread as we approach 2005 might be a good place to excorsize the crap stuff that's happened to us all and big up the good stuff. I mean with all my crap going on I've spent more time with my 2 kids, time I wouldn't have had otherwise and that's really cool.

So let's vent our spleens, share our joys and look forward to a corking 2005!!!!

"one thing I could never stomach about Santa Carla, all the damn vampires."
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 15:46    Post subject:
pretty ok, can be better. Smile

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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 15:52    Post subject:
hahahahaha 2004 sucked for you, man! HAHAHA I’m sorry but it’s true, but yeah I guess being alive is cool and all but seriously 2004 screwed you over as if you were a two dollar whore at an all you can eat buffet. Crying or Very sad but alas 1985 to 2004 sucked shit for me except this year. This year rocked! Laughing But if i nitpick at all the bad things that happened to me this year i would come up with a big big big big nay an enormous list! Everyone has a bad day here and there but you must have had a bunch of consecutive shitty days. It has to suck what you went through I mean reading it all just made me stop, think and appreciate what I have now. I hope 2005 will get better for you. But just to put a smile on your face here’s a monkey screwing a pooch
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 16:00    Post subject:
Laughing Injurious I just spat tea all over my monitor that little pic made me piss myself. cheers m8!!

"one thing I could never stomach about Santa Carla, all the damn vampires."
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PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 16:03    Post subject:
Very Happy
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 16:44    Post subject:
This year has been filled with some problem. Not going to tell everything in detail hehe...
School is messed up (3rd grade in "high school"?) while first and second were pretty good. I'm also going to rehab because of slight depression. Having some slightly stomach illness that adds more force to the depression. I've also argued a lot with my best friends Sad. But that's life hehe, it's very hard. Only thing that's good for me today is money Smile.
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 17:11    Post subject:
for me life is getting better and better.
school is pretty hard and i don't think i'll pass my first year in high school but i'm gonna try. if i have to do my year again then i atleast know how to do the things.
next year maybe going "op kot" don't know in english (going to go and live in a small room in the same town as school and go out alot, that should ring a bell)

i'm a very optimistic person. if you would start to think about all the bad things you will never be able to get out of a depression. I have had them myselve to although i didn't realize it at the time. Catch a good nite sleep, go out and do some crazy things, that should help

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Posts: 165

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 17:13    Post subject:
for me i would say it was as bad as all the others, or even worse
struggling with depression for 5 years now, not getting much better
last grade in school and messed up pretty much, cant say if im getting through it

<current favourite song:> [Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (Acoustic)]
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 17:15    Post subject:
i hope you get through it

i never really realized how someone could get a depression. but now i understand completly, just like i never understood how you could black-out.

wow, i'm getting old

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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 18:39    Post subject:
so everyone in nforce is depressed highschool student??? for me i had some hard ships this year, was trying to join the police force, and some credit problems ... met my current girlfriend which made things alot easier and motivated me... things are looking up for me, trying to stay on top of the water .. tonup, make SURE you work things out with your wife, if not for urselves, but for your kids....
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Posts: 1106
Location: Rochester, NY
PostPosted: Sun, 5th Dec 2004 19:08    Post subject:
Good year Very Happy bringing GPA back up from a lackluster start in college, adding a second major (brain/cognitive science), girlfriend's suite is right below mine, no longer have to deal with the 3-4 hours a day of varsity sport (after bitching out the coach and trying to get her fired, which might actually happen now that her contract is up), someone broke into my car (which sucked) but stole my broken cd player, giving me motivation to buy a new one Razz but on the downside, bush got re-elected, but hey Razz at least comedians will have more material to work with Very Happy great year so far.
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 15:30    Post subject:
MAD_MAX333 thanks for your kind words. Me and the missus are really getting it together, and the kids aremore than happy as we try not to let our problems become theirs. Mind you they are both insane anyway!
Very Happy

"one thing I could never stomach about Santa Carla, all the damn vampires."
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 15:49    Post subject:
Interesting that depression has become a topic in this thread because I started taking medication for depression in October. So far it has actually made me feel worse! If I make it to 2005 it will - no doubt - be as shit as 2004. The only decent thing that has happened this year is that Hibs have gotten a decent manager!

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 16:02    Post subject:
Sorry to hear that all you guys are depressed. I wonder if there is any correlation between posting on NFOrce and depression.

I, for one, am doing pretty well. This was not the best year of my life but not the worst.

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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 16:13    Post subject:
I wish I could get a prescription for anti-depressants. I mean everyone I know (out side this board) is taking anti-depressants! Everyone seems to be depressed and shit as the months go on and then the holidays and people are happy and joyous and all that shit and then boom the day after tomorrow everyone goes back deep into depression. It’s pissing me off! Compared to my friends my life is the worst but no no no no no they get to take anti-depressants cause they get a lot of homework at school, the radio exploits the natures of the dead body, the tv just fills their ears with bad news and the newspaper fills their eyes with glossy eye candy. Crying or Very sad Why don’t I get to wake up at 3 am with a razor blade in my hand. FUCK! Everyone seems to have more fun than me Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 16:21    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
Sorry to hear that all you guys are depressed. I wonder if there is any correlation between posting on NFOrce and depression.

I, for one, am doing pretty well. This was not the best year of my life but not the worst.

Probably because games are a good way to lose a few hours.

BTW, Injurious, you can have mine if you want.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 16:30    Post subject:
dryan wrote:
The only decent thing that has happened this year is that Hibs have gotten a decent manager!

........ but they're still shit Very Happy
pretty shit year if you ask me.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Dec 2004 20:58    Post subject:
dryan wrote:

BTW, Injurious, you can have mine if you want.

deal! Now I can be like everyone... yay! Being one in a million sucks!
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