Well considering all the confusion behind wether the AOC release is a full game or not I decided to download both releases. So far i've been playing the AOC release which is a great game but has many bugs. I saw an article on ebgames about them reviewing a promo of the game and the frame rate being shitty. I can't help but wonder, is the AOC release perhaps the same version they reviewed? Anyhow, I also noticed a few things missing in the AOC release. Most noticable is 8 licened songs were supposed to be on this game yet i've only heard generic techno. One cheesy beat while you're not being chased by cops and another when you are. I've also noticed many flaws such as when you try to enter the car the guy sometimes gets all weird looking and just stands there. Well, so now for the WAR3X release. In about two hours i'll be done downloading it and will keep you all up to date on wether this game infact was released with a lot of flaws or the AOC release is just a buggy POS like the NFO on SMB claims. I'd really like to get my hands on the SMB version next seeing how its substantially bigger than the others. Perhaps i'll get it later.
Last edited by sgr42o on Sun, 20th Jun 2004 09:16; edited 1 time in total