Operation Payback
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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 02:38    Post subject: Operation Payback
So I'm watching this thing go from the start, I was in it from the first DDOS. Tonight they were targeting some law firm called DGLegal. They took down their website some 7 hours before the attack started in order to avoid the DDOS. So 5 minutes before the attack anon had no target so they decided to attack...

www.ministryofsound.com Confused

Apparently they're DGLegal's biggest customers, but still this is kinda lul.

Opinions on this whole DDOS rampage matter?
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PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 02:51    Post subject:
they need to GROW UP
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Posts: 6617

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 07:44    Post subject:
They attacked MoS site... wtf...
"The Anon" have really pissed on their own pants now.

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Posts: 1747

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 14:50    Post subject:
FireMaster wrote:
they need to GROW UP

If they grow up, where are we gonna get our lulz from?
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PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 14:51    Post subject:
well there's always FOX news and republicans.
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Posts: 1914

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 14:54    Post subject:
Ministry of Sound are very anti-piracy... even tho most of their music is shit.

Cohen wrote:
I'm a troll! well done, you caught me lying my ass off on a forum. I post pictures so that it makes you angry and that you wish you could have my awesome material things Smile Cool
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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 15:23    Post subject:
SilverBlue wrote:
FireMaster wrote:
they need to GROW UP

If they grow up, where are we gonna get our lulz from?

Don't confuse 4chan with Anonymus, though. They're really not the same folks. 4chan is mostly just the grounds for recruiting bots which is, ironically, how I got into this.

And yeah, in a weird way MOS had this coming, but when they took that IP down they took 80 other completely unrelated websites on that server with it.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 15:25    Post subject:
I had to google in order to know what the hell is this Ministry of Sound Laughing
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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 15:34    Post subject:
Are you kidding me? They're responsible for that whole bullshit happy house music from the last decade and are the primary culprit for Ibiza parties.

If for no other reason they must be punished for this:

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PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2010 17:04    Post subject:
FireMaster wrote:

fixed Cool Face
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Posts: 3807
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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 16:08    Post subject:
MirkoOdora wrote:
Are you kidding me? They're responsible for that whole bullshit happy house music from the last decade and are the primary culprit for Ibiza parties.

If for no other reason they must be punished for this:

what the fuck ?
you are either
1. trolling
2. an idiot

assuming your defensive posts on meaningless ddos attacks on meaningless websites i'd go with 2.
want to do something effective ?
ddos the fucking fbi website , nasa , sony records or some shit , but ministry of sound is just fucking pathetic , i'm amazed some anons bought into this shit

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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 17:34    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
I should go hide and jerk off to ease some of this stress.

I agree.
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 18:20    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
MirkoOdora wrote:
Are you kidding me? They're responsible for that whole bullshit happy house music from the last decade and are the primary culprit for Ibiza parties.

If for no other reason they must be punished for this:

what the fuck ?
you are either
1. trolling
2. an idiot

assuming your defensive posts on meaningless ddos attacks on meaningless websites i'd go with 2.
want to do something effective ?
ddos the fucking fbi website , nasa , sony records or some shit , but ministry of sound is just fucking pathetic , i'm amazed some anons bought into this shit

What exactly is the point of DDOSing NASA. With all their budget cuts they only have like 1 computer now anyways. Poor guys.
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Posts: 14962
Location: Republic of the Seven United Provinces
PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 18:33    Post subject:
What exactly is the point of ddosing any website? When the attack stops the website is back up and you have committed a crime (felony in the USA).

Formerly known as iconized
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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 18:44    Post subject:
iconized wrote:
What exactly is the point of ddosing any website? When the attack stops the website is back up and you have committed a crime (felony in the USA).

I'd say it's more to make a stand than to do any real damage although damage doing is also possible like demoed with MinistryOfSound where when they took down their web server they took down the online shop with it. And it's a music label. They don't just sell t-shirts and mugs.

As for crime, isn't it a crime for these law firms to use various malversations to bend laws in their favor? Also, they admitted to DDoS-ing various torrent sites too. That's also illegal.
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Location: Republic of the Seven United Provinces
PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 19:01    Post subject:
Even if it is, reacting with a crime to a crime makes you no better.
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24434
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PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 19:13    Post subject:
Damn, a bunch of pirates sitting on their high horses like they're on some kind of moral high-ground. This thread is hilariously full of hypocrisy. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 20:19    Post subject:
This case might be a little bit hypocritical which is why I started this thread, see my first post, but are you guys intentionally missing the point or you really aren't familiar with the whole bullshit where authorities use music piracy as an excuse to take control of and filter internet traffic; i.e. the whole net neutrality thing which consequently spawned this whole Anonymous ordeal?

Asus, B550, 3700X, 3060, 32GB.
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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 21:09    Post subject:
MirkoOdora wrote:
Hierofan wrote:
I should go hide and jerk off to ease some of this stress.

I agree.

what are you ? 12 ? this is some pretty cheap shit you're pulling out of your ass bud

Cool Face

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Posts: 1031

PostPosted: Tue, 5th Oct 2010 21:27    Post subject:
Hierofan wrote:
what are you ? 12 ? this is some pretty cheap shit you're pulling out of your ass bud

But it worked. Cool Face
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