GTA San Andreas
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Posts: 444

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 09:27    Post subject: GTA San Andreas

As announced today, Rockstar is introducing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Xbox in the third quarter of fiscal 2005, along with a simultaneous release of the PC version of the title.

I was hoping that they would release it in the second quartel but okay I can handle those extra months. At least it will be a great summer holiday with very little suntan Very Happy
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 10:11    Post subject:
I really hope they make at least some upgrades to the graphics this time around, like improved models and textures. Good news nonetheless.
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Posts: 2
Location: Hungary
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 10:18    Post subject:
Can't wait for this one Smile

.:: Fr33 YouR MinD ::.
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 10:34    Post subject:
Buy a PS2 and have fun i have bought the game it's the best game ever. Very Happy
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto,
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 11:46    Post subject:
meh sold my ps2, too old for it, fucking so many months away, where did i hear that it was coming out for this new years, goddamn it
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 11:53    Post subject:
thats ok, i can wait. there are many good games meanwhile.
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 12:20    Post subject:
zerstorer wrote:
Buy a PS2 and have fun i have bought the game it's the best game ever. Very Happy

Lol, you can stand those ugly ass graphics? Makes me wanne puke.

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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 12:36    Post subject:
What I've heard from fans is that it's really addictive. Regular player say that the graphics and the camera sucks. It's really a shame they haven't fixed it after all these attempts.
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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 12:43    Post subject:
Pizda2 wrote:
zerstorer wrote:
Buy a PS2 and have fun i have bought the game it's the best game ever. Very Happy

Lol, you can stand those ugly ass graphics? Makes me wanne puke.

nope your wrong game ever,here is how it goes ...

Half Life 2 = Nice Graphics and ok game (but a big let down because of the hype)

San Andreas = PS2 graphics (obviously because its only on the PS2 atm) and its simply the best game ever (a new standard in gameplay and content)

final scores...

HL2 1 : San Andreas 10

Last edited by jonels on Fri, 17th Dec 2004 12:54; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 135

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 12:43    Post subject:
The GTA series has never been a advanced graphics game. Its all about the gameplay and in that area nobody can beat GTA:SA!
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 13:19    Post subject:
Such a long wait...though it's ok, i've learned not to be too hyped about games anymore.
But since my sister might get a PS2 soon because she wants to play a game called Dogs Life or something i might get GTA:SA.

Ok the GTA series isnt very demanding in the graphics area but the gameplay is the best i've ever played for any game, even after completing the game you can play for month/a year later on and still have so much fun with them
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 13:25    Post subject:
am I really the only person in the world who just finds them boring ?

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 13:29    Post subject:
Probably Razz
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 13:56    Post subject:
The camera is definately not an issue.

Anyone who complains about the camera is just dumb, and they suck at gaming.

And yes, the graphics are not all that, but we already knew that. The gameplay shines more than enough, you don't even notice that you don't really like what you're looking at.

And the graphics are by no means BAD. Not playing this game because of the graphics has got to be the most ignorant game related remark known to history.

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Posts: 444

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 13:59    Post subject:
|nSaNe you should know that you can get IN a car...
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Posts: 68
Location: Still at Vice City, Sometimes LC. Heading to SA
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 14:03    Post subject:
I CANNOT WAIT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THX for the MSG

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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 14:04    Post subject:
killingBill wrote:
|nSaNe you should know that you can get IN a car...

You dont say

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 14:05    Post subject:
Well it's good news. I have alot of friends that say the PS2 version is fun!
I want to ride a bicycle.
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Posts: 2378

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 14:15    Post subject:
iam soooooooooooooooooo looking forward 2 this !

the gta series is one of the best
maybe the best !!!!


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Posts: 18594
Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 14:36    Post subject:
jonels wrote:
Pizda2 wrote:
zerstorer wrote:
Buy a PS2 and have fun i have bought the game it's the best game ever. Very Happy

Lol, you can stand those ugly ass graphics? Makes me wanne puke.

nope your wrong game ever,here is how it goes ...

Half Life 2 = Nice Graphics and ok game (but a big let down because of the hype)

San Andreas = PS2 graphics (obviously because its only on the PS2 atm) and its simply the best game ever (a new standard in gameplay and content)

final scores...

HL2 1 : San Andreas 10

I think it lived up to the hype

It's a matter of taste dude...

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 6309
Location: Mellonville North, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 15:37    Post subject:
GTA: SA for PC needs:

a) Huge View Distance (scalable for us with power PCs)
b) Robust Multiplayer (Yeaa right.. like that'll be implemented without the need for a HACK.. stupid pubs not seeing the dire need for this series to have COOP MP!!).

It always floors me why games these days always miss the mark removing key features like COOP SP/MP that would so sell the product. Alas, they reduce themselves continuously to the lowest common denominator as per usual due to budgets and release something below half-asses only worth the attention of "the scene". Sad GTA: SA will likely fit that just like the missed opprotunity in GTA:VC.

MSI GT72S 6QF Dominator Pro S 29th Anniversary Intel i7 6820HK @ 4.0Ghz, 32GB DDR4-2133 RAM, 2x256GB Raid0 Toshiba NVMe 2.5 inch PCIe SSD, Nvidia Geforce GTX 980 OC'ed 200+ Core / 200+ Mem, 17.3 inch LG IPS HD Display @ 75Hz, Intel 7265AC Wifi, Windows 10 Pro BIOS version: .112 EC Firmware version: .105

Current Broadband speed record: 329.1 Mb/sec down // 21.73 Mb/sec up
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 15:45    Post subject:
For you wh have played GTA: SA is it still that when you see a car and if you turn around facing 180 degrees from that car and you look back and it's gone?
Thats the only thing that was annoying with GTA 3, GTA VC so it is the same with GTA SA?
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Posts: 2378

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 16:03    Post subject:
RubberChicken wrote:
For you wh have played GTA: SA is it still that when you see a car and if you turn around facing 180 degrees from that car and you look back and it's gone?
Thats the only thing that was annoying with GTA 3, GTA VC so it is the same with GTA SA?

that is very crappy !!!

hope the pc version is with shader 3.0, soft shadows, bump mapping, high definition rendering and this stuf Razz

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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 16:41    Post subject:
good news indeed. They will probably clean it up a bit like they did for vice city but i wont be expecting any revolutionary gfx. Every time a gta game comes out I promise myself I'll get a ps2 but never get around to it. When i need a gta fix i either play some vice city because it never seems to get uninstalled, or i go play some gta1 London. good times indeed.

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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 16:50    Post subject:
Pizda2 wrote:
zerstorer wrote:
Buy a PS2 and have fun i have bought the game it's the best game ever. Very Happy

Lol, you can stand those ugly ass graphics? Makes me wanne puke.

Ditto. The jaggies were horrific.

I just want to play the PC version on 1600x1200 and i'll be satisfied, even if that all they change. Including the controls!

Thats the only thing that I am picky about when it comes to graphics. Since I still play Thief 2 now and then and I love it, even though the graphics are dated.
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Posts: 508
Location: Montréal,QC, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 17:01    Post subject:
good news Captain, cant wait.
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 17:56    Post subject:
Lol, i like GTA and the graphics are nothing special (PC), but it's horrible on the PS2, no horrible is not the correct word, how about gay? No offence, but everytime a new GTA get's released it looks like the graphics get worse and not better. I bet it's coz the PS2 can't handle all the shit that they put into the game, but like Animalmother said, i will be pleased with GTA SA on a high resolution on my computer.

Btw, for the guy that made the comparisson between HL2 and GTA SA, well, for me it's backwards HL2 10, GTA SA 1, though i do find GTA SA fun, but not nearly the best game on the planet, i don't care what the possibilities are if i want possibilities i will play Morrowind.

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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 18:46    Post subject:
running a bad game at 1600x1200 with no matter how many A's does not make it good ...................PC guys ignore the nah sayers, San Andreas is a great game and is something to really look forward to

San Andreas has good graphics for the Ps2 and the control and smoothness is absolutely fine (maybe the nah sayers need to get their consoles serviced as it sound if they are not playing the same game) ...check the reviews, not a bad one anywhere ...only the music can be critised to any degree but is made up for by being a much bigger game than GTA3/VC with absolutely stack loads of new stuff packed in

I looked up "gormless" in the dictionary, it said "without gorm" .... so i looked up "gorm" but it wasn't there ????
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 19:25    Post subject:
Lol, i guess graphics aren't really important to you, or you've never seen real graphics. I have seen GTA SA on the PS2, my opinion is that it really really looks bad, but the game looks fun, like every GTA is basically. You do have a point though, gameplay does rule graphics, but graphics are also very important, i don't like playing a game where the textures are blurry, the renders and models are ugly and where the edges are jagged everywhere.

Look at the models, looks like a fucking joke.

ppfff..... i'll just stfu here...

Not to mention that on these small pictures it looks much better than when you are playing it on a TV, then you really see how fucked up it is.

I'll wait for the PC version, i don't mind waiting, when it comes i will enjoy it and play it with tolerable graphics to my personal taste.

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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Dec 2004 19:34    Post subject:
the PC and XBOX version will be out june 7th, in America, and 10th in EU.
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