[XBOX360] having a problem with 360 games
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Posts: 121
Location: London
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Feb 2011 23:50    Post subject: [XBOX360] having a problem with 360 games
its been a long time since i downloaded anything for the 360, my last game was wave 4 and i always patched to wave 3 as i have a old firmware, as i never bother to connect to live being banned isnt a problem for me

a few days ago i decided to connect quickly and get the latest update and it all went ok but today i tried to burn a pal copy of need for speed hot persuit, i used the latest waves patcher to patch it to wave 3 and it keeps giving me a unreadable disk error Rolling Eyes
it shows in the dash as it should but it happens when i launch the game
i was able to install it too but im still getting the error

i burned it again with the "keep system update" checked but this time it just thought the game was a dvd

any ideas what could be causing this? Confused i hoped to get marvel vs capcom 3 a few days early but it looks like i wont be able to if i cant find out whats causing this
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Feb 2011 03:02    Post subject:
Yep, it's basically the AP2.5 checks.

I've no idea if patching works but you're better off just updating your firmware and reflashing.

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz - 32GB Kingston HyperX - Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 - EVGA GTX 980 TI SC 6GB - Asus ROG Swift PG278Q
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Posts: 121
Location: London
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Feb 2011 11:08    Post subject:
ahh ok, thanks for the help
i have never actually flashed a drive before, is it just a case of removing it and connecting it to the pc? or do i need extra hardware?
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Feb 2011 16:54    Post subject:
Generally not but it depends on which chipset your PC has as you have to connect via SATA

A good source is here as it covers all of the drives etc.

It all gets a little easier at the end of the month as Team Xecuter are releasing this which allows any sata drive to be connected to USB.

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz - 32GB Kingston HyperX - Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 - EVGA GTX 980 TI SC 6GB - Asus ROG Swift PG278Q
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Posts: 121
Location: London
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Feb 2011 19:01    Post subject:
thanks for the info Smile i think ill order one of those
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