Hardspace: Shipbreaker
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Feb 2020 22:36    Post subject: Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Hardspace: Shipbreaker

As a salvager armed with cutting-edge tech, you'll carve up massive spaceships piece by piece in zero G for cold hard loot in Hardspace: Shipbreaker. The new sandbox space sim heads to Steam Early Access in summer 2020 and will feature the first act of the story campaign, two classes of spaceship to salvage, and multiple upgradeable tools and perks.

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PostPosted: Wed, 26th Feb 2020 11:24    Post subject:
seems to be donbe by the Homeworld Deserts of Kharak team

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 7404
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Wed, 26th Feb 2020 12:08    Post subject:
Wow, that looks really cool!
Carving up huge spaceship with the slice tool seems fun. Reminds me of the intro part of Jedi Fallen Order Very Happy

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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PostPosted: Mon, 20th Apr 2020 23:15    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Tue, 21st Apr 2020 06:26    Post subject:
Nice. I wonder if it will get repetitive, though.
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Posts: 9234
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jun 2020 20:17    Post subject:
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Posts: 9234
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 07:47    Post subject:
So far it's pretty great and chill. Perfect for podcast/audiobook listening, working off that debt while keeping your brain busy. Smile
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Posts: 1086

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 07:56    Post subject:
i like the look of this.. needs VR though. Very Happy
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 10:41    Post subject:
zmed wrote:
So far it's pretty great and chill. Perfect for podcast/audiobook listening, working off that debt while keeping your brain busy. Smile


Looks down atm.

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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 10:50    Post subject:
Bought it, it's 20% off, and I figured if it's a technical mess I'll just refund it. So far my only gripe is the rather restrictive timer per shift, but you can work on the same ship for as many days as the contract allows, so it's not entirely annoying.
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 10:54    Post subject:
Well, looks interesting.

Will search for the free version first.

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Posts: 7404
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 11:21    Post subject:
I'm hoping that especially the ship interiors will get a bit bettes (crew cabins, kitchen area, and such).
I imagine something like you see in scifi movies, where crew has to open crawlspaces to get to some of the more crucial technical parts (thinking of 2001: A Space Odyssey or Event Horizon)

The time limit is a major downer, I'll try the demo first then.
Edit: ah, apparently there's already a sandbox mode, that's nice!
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Posts: 9234
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 11:47    Post subject:
Sandbox mode is pretty much just practice for the career mode. You pick a ship and go to town. No objectives, no penalties for throwing stuff in the wrong disposal area, etc. It's just there to learn the layouts of the ships.

EDIT: and so far there are only a couple ships in the game, and they are pretty small. The smallest is like a ground-to-orbit kind of shuttle, and the one above it is at most a transport/liner to go to the Moon and back.

I would assume we will see some pretty big mofos added in the coming months.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 12:17    Post subject:
Oh, and the destruction looks pretty great as well. Given the "cut wherever" engine, if you are careless and don't check what you're cutting the resulting explosion will make random cuts on the surrounding materials, creating some really neat looking debris fields.

They only really need to add some scorch marks, maybe a bit of deformation physics, and it would be pretty much perfect. When you puncture cryo-tanks there's already a temporary frost effect, so hopefully they can do something for burns as well.

The materials seem rather rigid though, so I don't know if bending stuff would ever be possible in this game.
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 20:29    Post subject:
Any chance of encountering alien xenomorphs in those abandoned space ships?

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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jun 2020 21:01    Post subject:
blackeyedboy wrote:
zmed wrote:
So far it's pretty great and chill. Perfect for podcast/audiobook listening, working off that debt while keeping your brain busy. Smile


Looks down atm.

Server maintenance !
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jun 2020 02:36    Post subject:
blackeyedboy wrote:
Any chance of encountering alien xenomorphs in those abandoned space ships?

Nope, at least not right now. But kinda doubt they want to go in that direction.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 18th Jun 2020 19:52    Post subject:
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Posts: 24322
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PostPosted: Fri, 19th Jun 2020 14:21    Post subject:
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Fri, 19th Jun 2020 14:23    Post subject:
Yeah, the cockipt was still pressurised, and the gust of air must have dislodged a fuel tank. Very Happy
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 19th Jun 2020 14:31    Post subject:
This game is like crack Smile
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 21:12    Post subject:

By the way, is it just me, or is this or feels like it is in the Homeworld Universe?

Looks a lot like it anyway and it would probably fit in the "lore" no?
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Posts: 3314
Location: US
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 22:04    Post subject:
Just reached rank 6, holy shit the ships are elaborate, i had a day and i couldnt dissasemble the ship to retrieve what i needed. I dig it, pretty cool game
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 22:14    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
By the way, is it just me, or is this or feels like it is in the Homeworld Universe?

Looks a lot like it anyway and it would probably fit in the "lore" no?

Same devs, but that's it. The titular "Homeworld" was Hiigara, there is not a single mention of Earth in the entire series. I tend to think of it as Star Wars. There are human-like people, but it's not our universe.

It's just their art style.
Lopin18 wrote:
Just reached rank 6, holy shit the ships are elaborate, i had a day and i couldnt dissasemble the ship to retrieve what i needed. I dig it, pretty cool game
You can work on the ships as many days as you'd like. The shift-timer just kicks you back to the hab and shows you your daily rental fees. You can pop right back out and continue working (just make sure that the amount of work left justifies the cost of another day's worth of fees).
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Posts: 3314
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PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 22:22    Post subject:
Yea read that in a review a couple of minutes ago, sadly i also read that theres only 3 types of ships for now, hope they keep adding stuff soon
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 22:35    Post subject:
Well, 3 on paper, technically 2. The 3rd one is that tutorial ship that you can work on once and never see again.

But the sub-classes make it more interesting. A transport Gecko is fundamentally different from an industrial variant. Sure, their general shape is somewhat the same, but the insides are not even remotely similar.

The smaller mackerel ships you start out with are more or less the same, but Geckos are not.

They promised more variants in the near future patches, and more hull types later down the line.

Right now whats keeping me from playing is the occasional crashes when peeling Geckos. Seem to be mostly related to the reactor in some way, but it's totally random. You nudge it a tiny bit and there's a danger of a crash any second from then on.

My advice: when scrapping Geckos, deal with the reactor as soon as you can. Peel off the rear hull, tear open the reactor case and chuck it down to the barge ASAP. Once it's down there, the crashes SEEM to disappear.
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Jun 2020 22:40    Post subject:
why in space, there is ZERO challanges in zero gravity salvaging and cutting up a ship, should have done it on earth , salvaging a ship is HARDCORE and tough, just getting a rustbucket to the yard in itself is already an economic decision, tons of risks, welders, accidents waiting to happen, possible hidden treasures, gold hidden inside the hull, smugglers, dead bodies (yes there is stories of welders dead bodies being inside some of these huge ships sailing around)

damn shipwreck salavager, i should make a game, would be a mix of port royale and transport tycoon, finances and risk taking and paying ur welders and safety peepz and insurance and fun gravity physicx
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Jun 2020 22:37    Post subject:
Dear Lynx Corp Talent Pool,

We are excited to release our first post-EA update! As we announced this week, the new update is based entirely on the excellent community feedback we have received so far.

We are committed to answering and considering all community questions, feedback, and inquiries. A big thank you to all the space cutters out there who have chosen to share their views and experiences at Lynx Corp with us!

Check out our 0.1.2 patch log below:

Languages and leaderboard
Added UI and Subtitle Localization (Spanish, Italian and Brazillian Portuguese). The game will automatically launch in the same language as your Steam OS.
Language selection is now available through Steam language preferences rather than in game options.
Added Leaderboard data for campaign leaderboard. You can check it out directly here!

Quality of Life
Made major improvements to UI scaling in support of non-1920x1080 resolutions including 4k and 21:9 ultra wide resolutions.
Numerous small quality of life improvements
Enabled secondary key functions for all right mouse button abilities
Added right and left mouse button functionality to cycle through scan modes
Made improvements to surround sound mix
Added touch transfer to waste disposal unit pipes
Improvements to clarify tutorial instructions
HUD now shows an object's individual mass alongside the total mass of everything to which it is attached.

Stomped several nasty crashes
Squashed over 120 pesky bugs

We are constantly working on improving the game and bettering your daily life at Lynx Corp. Check out what’s coming next for Hardspace: Shipbreaker! Join us on our discord to meet and chat with our dev team!

Best regards,
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jun 2020 06:07    Post subject:
Good patch. In the Mackerel the fuel lines now make more sense. They actually flow from the tank to the engines. Certainly makes the crawlspace more cramped. Still needs more stuff in there, maybe some wiring, some miscellaneous machinery just to fill the space, but it's getting there.

I also read that if coolant is cut from a reactor, it instantly starts to melt down. And since the pipes are attached at the bottom, it's a decision between taking out the pipes and between pulling the core out on top, going the long way around. Hope they add more puzzle like decisions like this as they update the game.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jun 2020 08:41    Post subject:
Yeah, the Mackerel was/is way too straight forward. It's always the same basic layout, so you always do the same thing over and over. But I guess it's god for training Smile

Can't wait to see the higher tier ships that are coming later. I hope they'll be huge, lol. Like Cruiser sized.
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