SQL server Cursor
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2011 16:53    Post subject: SQL server Cursor
Can anyone explain what it is and does so I can understand it? Why can't you use a procedure instead of it?

I get the triggers and procedures but I don't understand cursors, why do you need to allocate and deallocate them and why is there a while(@@fetch=0) everytime.
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Posts: 2184
Location: (dot)NL
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2011 17:15    Post subject:

I can tell you a bit about them but I think you'd be better off asking one of the other guys here on the forums, they seem way more qualified.
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Posts: 6015
Location: India
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2011 18:52    Post subject:
SQL works on set based programming , cursors allows row by row processing
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