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Posted: Fri, 7th Jan 2005 16:32 Post subject: Christian dogma.... |
ello you...
I've never been into organised religion, my mum was and often would try and get me to goto church, i did once (she gave me some money to go) so i went and low & behold half way through a service a black woman got up, collapsed to the floor and started spitting and screaming all over the place... while the 'paster' at the front would shout "satans in her..." fuck sake man...is it any wonder i did'nt look back and left right away...
anyways, years later i was in a nasty place... i was homless and generally feeling like doing myself in, but just before i do or (run down the curtain) so to speak i decided to pray... both my parents had died and i thought whoever or whatever was listening i'll give it a shot...
anyways, shit all happened, but i did'nt do anything...i thought i'd stick around for a bit... within a year my life turned around... i was in a nice part of the UK (maybe the best) i wasn't homless anymore and i was feeling great... then one time while i was sitting on a beach near to where i live, looking at the clouds i suddenly remembered my small prayer... woah...i thought naaa.. could'nt be... it's felt really weird, like i was just told to remember... i was ovajoyed...and thought it best to say "thanx" at least
anyways, soon afterwards i met a girl..she was a hotty.. she liked me to...even better... but i did'nt know that my 'spiritual' life was about to take a turn for the better, or worse...depends on how you look at it...
thought an innocnet act...i decided to pray for her, her parents were ill and i thought..well if it worked for me, i'll try for her...
i told her .." hope you don't think i'm mad or anything, but i just prayed for yas!" she burst into tears and told me she was a christian...
whats that i said? - next thing you know i was on an 'Alpha' course at her local church... i took it all in did'nt i... the people were nice, which won half the battle...so next thing you know i was one of 'Jesus's' boys... saved... free from condemnation etc...
but i wasn't convinced...
i started to meet some nice people, i helped out alot at the church etc...
but i was worried by some of the views held by some of the people and the church itself.... it was an evangellical christian church.
aaaaaanyways.... i kept on asking questions (as yer do) and i wasn't happy with the answered...i prayed whenever i went to the libuary to find the 'right' books to read on christian history etc...and seemingly i got the right books...but they went against the bible and what the church was teaching... and if i mentioned this to anyone at the church, i'd be bombarded with booklets and 'verses' from the bible... all bloody confusing...
while all the time i was in a relasionship with this woman, (no sex b4 marridge etc)...occasionally we would get a little 'fruity'...but she would pull away and say "that was satan playing with us..." no fucking way..what the fuck?
the relasionship was good all in all, i would often challenge her on her belief system... keeping her sharp!
anyways... i found out too much about christianity... and the only way i did was through prayer...all i asked for was the truth from God... and God showed me.
I'm not into organised religion, but somethings goin on... i'm not sure what... but all i know is christianity has it's problems... some very good people, but so so misguided... you challenge that and they say your a demon child or something... honestly...which makes you challenge it even more....
faith? they got blind faith alright... and if you wanna see pure faith in action all you gotta do is see the pope in his little purspex bullet proof box.
who wrote the bible? - well the gospels were written on top of each other, i.e each one was trying to improve upon the last and the people who wrote them were no where near the events they describe plus also written 80yrs after the fact... some of the bible contains 'letters' which the scribes who edited them has carte-blanche to edit...
so, 100% the word of God...no way... one of the most important 'gospels' by mary of magdela (she wasn't a prostitue btw, a sexual slur campaign worked...still believed today) was left out... a great editing job by those in power to keep out ideas they did'nt like...
they say the holy spirit was involved with the formation of the bible.... then did the holy spirit counter bias, ignorance and even predjudice?
definatly the work of men... and if Bush claims to 'go by' the bible... then you can see that 30-40% of his voters were evangellical christians which allowed him another 4 years in the whitehouse....to act out his plans with impunity.
Love God...but fear the Devil.... but you cannot go against the word of God...but fear the devil...but love God...and fear the Dark lord....
shit is it any wonder that theres alot of confused, sexually repressed holy un-happy Christians out there?
The 'spirit' did work in me...i was shown to be intelligent and not to have the wool pulled over my eyes....
ahh..anyways, rant ova... besides this bit....
what is circumcision? - anything holy? ermmmmmm no... something to do with god? (well if God did'nt want us to have that bit...he would'nt have made us with it..dont you think?) erm NO! - basically it was an idea to stop monks and priests of the time masturbating!.... case closed, some even had the out right gaul to try 'clitoral circumcision' shitting hell...
Christianity? certainly fucked up in places... but has instilled some good moral values in some, i'm sure without it western civilisation today as we know it would be very different.... but remember God wants you to be free... love God, love your brother...thats all the bible really says reading between the crap.
anyways, don't be sucked in
People ask me where I stood politically you know. It's not that I disagree with Bush's economic policy or his foreign policy.
But that I believe he was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet Earth. - Bill Hicks
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Posted: Fri, 7th Jan 2005 17:22 Post subject: |
Well im glad it worked out for you. I dont have any religion beliefs, but i respecto those who have as long as they respect me.
I think religion can bo good to some and can be bad to others.
I just dont like it when they try to "guide" the minds of everyone into something they wants to be.
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Posted: Fri, 7th Jan 2005 20:05 Post subject: Re: Christian dogma.... |
I will tell you this much:
In order to understand faith and God, you must analyze and elliminate the bullshit in between (it's not blasphemy, there really is a lot of bullshit between what society teaches as "faith", and the true (being/spirit/presence/force/influence) known as God.
I'm of no particular religion at the moment (rather a strange combination of judeo-christianic beliefs leaning towards light Christianism). I've had people that heavily influenced my life who were a very heavy form of Evangelical (went to mass some 4 times a week, prayed several times a day, read the bible at least 4 times et cetera), I've also had some atheist/satanist/wiccan influence (mostly from music such as Marilyn Manson and online). A lot of studying later, I've come to the same conclusion as most religions: There is a "Something" out there that created us, and that alligns our lives to a certain degree in accordance to some pattern (called fate by some, God by others), and that "Something" has an influence on our lives of varying degrees.
As for Satan/The Devil/Evil etc. I do not believe in any single creature or spirit that is the monarch of evil influence on life and society. While I do not exclude the possibility that there exists one or more counter-influence to the aforementioned "Something", nor do I discount the possibility that that counter-influence is a part of the "Something", an idea heavily influenced by the Chinese "Yin & Yang" theory. My primary belief, though, is that the negative influence we seek to outsource is actually within ourselves, working as a counter-balance to our intelligence and human emotion, the primal part of us that makes us partially animal (the theory is supported by even Christianity, as "The Number of the Beast", 666, is also "The Number of Man", or is in close relationship thereto.
Heaven and Hell I do not know what to think of. On one side, if the "power" that fuels us, the "soul", is truly outside our mortal abode, it is quite possible that the aura/karma it has upon it is influential of what it is attracted to (also the physics concept of opposite energies attracting and cancelling each other drives me to think that a bad "soul" may be attracted to and cancel out a good "soul", thus spawning the "battle of good versus evil" theory.)
If you want to get a chance to pry yourself from Christian Dogma, there is one book I can recommend. Do not begin immediately with reading other religions' manuscripts. You will be confused, your views will conflict, and you will get scared and back out. First I'd recommend the story of someone who's life's point has been to break out of it. Marilyn Manson's "Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" is a good doorway. Sick and depraved, yes. Mostly off-topic, yes. But it does a pretty good job of opening your mind. I read it within 24 hours of having recieved it (I got it from the library), and while there are some things I did not want to know within that book, it has given me a sort of alternative perspective. Then, slowly and carefully, begin poking around in the dogma, trying to tie your knowledge of history, cultures, and the times around which these were written, as well as your reaction and those of others to their first exposure of Christian "Stay good and live. All else goes to hell" dogma. Finally, don't back out. Your traditional views will make you scared shitless. Your values will be crossed. But eventually, you will get an alternative perspective, a "third eye", and be able to critically analyze all that you see, hear, and read to form your own "religion".

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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 07:30 Post subject: Re: Christian dogma.... |
64pixels wrote: | what is circumcision? - anything holy? ermmmmmm no... something to do with god? (well if God did'nt want us to have that bit...he would'nt have made us with it..dont you think?) erm NO! - basically it was an idea to stop monks and priests of the time masturbating!.... case closed, some even had the out right gaul to try 'clitoral circumcision' shitting hell... |
we did this shit in geography (kinda). some tribes in africa cut off womens clits (without any drugs ) so they cant experience sexual pleasure because their roles are to produce kids and they dont need pleasure. and i dont know about men but the cells on the dick die but if you keep if coverd fir a bit you can regrow a foreskin (by stretchin the other shin) and the cells come back (i saw that on TV )
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VIP Member
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Location: South Pacific Ocean
Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 09:13 Post subject: |
plenty of people have had shit times and come back..
Without praying
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VIP Member
Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 09:18 Post subject: |
and god must be such a nice chap
i mean look at asia right now
brilliant stuff there god!
By the way.. i dont belive in god.. never have.. dont belive in <Insert any organized religion> .. cause if u look at the history .. it just does not make sense
imagine a guy in the year 2005 nailing himself to a cross and saying he died for sins blah blah blah.. he would be put in a mental hospital and never be let out.
Organized religion is simply a way 2 control people... easy as that.. it always has been
Sure maybe there is some mighty power or something.. and if people belive in anything like that they should celebrate and belive there OWN theroys.. not trying to join some stupid institution..
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 09:53 Post subject: |
The thought of any sort of God seems rediculous to me. What are the chances of any of this actually being true. Fair enough - Christianity teaches some valuable lessons but you don't need to believe in some fairy story to live your life in such a way.
Our existence is down to a massive fluke regarding evolution etc. If the length of your arm signified the age of Earth then your fingertip would signify the length of human existence. The thought of some higher being controlling/creating all this for us is almost comical.
Im a cockfag
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 10:53 Post subject: |
dryan wrote: | The thought of any sort of God seems rediculous to me. What are the chances of any of this actually being true. Fair enough - Christianity teaches some valuable lessons but you don't need to believe in some fairy story to live your life in such a way.
Our existence is down to a massive fluke regarding evolution etc. If the length of your arm signified the age of Earth then your fingertip would signify the length of human existence. The thought of some higher being controlling/creating all this for us is almost comical. |
I would pay $50 to see you walk into an Irish pub and announce that...
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 11:22 Post subject: |
-=Cartoon=- wrote: |
imagine a guy in the year 2005 nailing himself to a cross and saying he died for sins blah blah blah.. he would be put in a mental hospital and never be let out. |
i think the significance of the cross was the fact that once your on it your dead. for example... nails in arteries and a sphear in the chest = no way back. and then some1 comeing back from the dead x days later is the miracle. i dont believe it ever happened.
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 12:49 Post subject: |
Accelleron wrote: |
I would pay $50 to see you walk into an Irish pub and announce that... |
lol I'm actually of Irish descent and my dad used to be an altar boy.
Im a cockfag
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 17:02 Post subject: |
Now i've known a few people who thought they were Jesus Christ, i've said to them...your not the messiah, your a very naughty boy! i've always asked them, politely, please stop talking in tongues your disturbing my inner child - tongues...hmmm a gift from God? - so is walking on water, but you don't see many Jesus freaks imitating that do we? - lets see a real gift from God shall we? Disernment for example.... Jesus = spritual leader = murdered, bloody typical... trying to do some people some favours....jeeez, anyways, i doubt he actually died on the cross... "Doctor Doctor this mans punchured extremities are killing him, nevermind about the damage caused to the thoracic vertebrae with that bastered spear!" - i.e - there was not 1 fucking doctor around then (did'nt really exsist), he could have been unconscious when he was pulled down from the cross, placed in a cave, rescued...then nursed back to life...where some clever disciple said "Jeeez old buddy old pal... time to move on mate, the Jews hate ya, the romans wanna kill ya...come on man...lets goto India!" - but the biiiiiiiiible says something else, yes he was 'seen' after the crusifiction would you believe..."eating"...it says this...is this the activity of a God back from the dead? - "Please excuse the risen lord as he dives straight for the Pringles!" - then it goes on to say..."Then he assended into heaven on a cloud"...ahhhh.....BOLLOCKS MESSIEUR! - he went to India and started to teach...
simple really!
People ask me where I stood politically you know. It's not that I disagree with Bush's economic policy or his foreign policy.
But that I believe he was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet Earth. - Bill Hicks
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 17:03 Post subject: |
Accelleron wrote: |
I would pay $50 to see you walk into an Irish pub and announce that... |
Guess they don't respect other religions (or no religion) then. Guess thats why there are so many problems between ireland and north-ireland cause. I wish now i had some more knowledge of the english vocabulary to shout at them.
Religion was made to keep the regular people (the peasants, etc..) from not going and speak against their masters. To keep them where they are otherwise they would be sons of Satan and they would perish in hell and they believed it
I don't believe in god (indeed small letter) or in any other mysticil thing. Even boedha is a load of crap
But if you believe in it and you like it that way then i cant and wont have anything against that. As long as you dont start bitching that i should believe to or that im a sinner or anything like that.
if god is so almighty can he make a rock that he himself can not lift (offcourse everyone has heard this already and this is completly useless)
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Posted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 20:00 Post subject: |
dryan wrote: | Accelleron wrote: |
I would pay $50 to see you walk into an Irish pub and announce that... |
lol I'm actually of Irish descent and my dad used to be an altar boy. |
My point had nothing to do with Ireland... simply that any place you went to full of devoted Chrisians that would kick your ass, and announce that, you would have as many devoted Christians (God forbid catholics... then it would be more) as were in the place, chasing after you with all sorts of weapons.
The point of that is, you would recieve much opposition for your views from people who are still kept in line by the dogma... it is a defensive mechanism thereof, setting the members of the "in" against everyone else mentally, thus making it difficult if not impossible to forsake the "package of beliefs" you have been brought up with, or to adapt your own.
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Posted: Sun, 9th Jan 2005 00:47 Post subject: |
You're right. The reason I mentioned it was more of an observation than an argument. It's a sign of the times that my parents (one of which who was brought up to be very religious) decided not to bring me up in a similar way.
Im a cockfag
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