"JACKBOMB" with a chance of 29.78% won "Ashes of the Singularity" for "Steam"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 39.5% won "Broforce" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "Charlie's Adventure" for "Steam"
"JACKBOMB" with a chance of 37.65% won "Crysis 2 Maximum Edition" for "Steam"
"GEMIKO" with a chance of 100% won "Dangerous Golf" for "Steam"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 50% won "Darksiders" for "Steam"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 100% won "Dead Space" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 100% won "Democracy 3 Collectors Edition" for "Steam"
"SABATHIUS___" with a chance of 100% won "Deponia" for "Steam"

" with a chance of 13.71% won "Deponia Doomsday" for "Steam"
"0M3G4" with a chance of 5.32% won "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 1.3% won "Dishonored 2" for "Steam"
"MADNESS" with a chance of 5.05% won "Doom" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 100% won "Duke Nukem Forever" for "Steam"
"KANINT" with a chance of 50% won "E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy" for "Steam Inventory"
"PRUDISLAV" with a chance of 31.03% won "Empire: Total War" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Enemy Mind" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "Fly and Destroy" for "Steam"
"INZ" with a chance of 100% won "FONV Ultimate" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 50% won "Front Mission Evolved" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 60.38% won "Garrys Mod HUMBLEGIFT" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "Gods Will Be Watching" for "Steam"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 100% won "Grid 2" for "Steam"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 25% won "Grim Fandango Remastered" for "Steam"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 100% won "Grow Home" for "Steam"
"DIVVY" with a chance of 7.86% won "GTA V" for "Steam Inventory"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 50% won "Half-Life 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 100% won "Hitman: Absolution" for "Steam"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 100% won "Hitman: Blood Money" for "Steam"
"SHIMEC" with a chance of 3.58% won "Hitman: Full Experience" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "Imprisoned Light" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 42.16% won "Insurgency" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 39.62% won "Interstellar Marines" for "Steam Inventory"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 10.04% won "Just Cause 3 XL edition " for "Steam Inventory"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "Kathy Rain" for "Steam"
"VECHTER" with a chance of 50% won "Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition" for "Steam"
"T3NMANNYC" with a chance of 100% won "Legend of Grimrock" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "Leviathan Starblade" for "Steam"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 52.63% won "LIMBO" for "Steam"
"DIFM" with a chance of 5.96% won "MAFIA III" for "Steam"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 50% won "Magicka + 2 DLC" for "Steam"
"CLIENT" with a chance of 100% won "Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 30.32% won "Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty" for "Steam"
"CHIV" with a chance of 50% won "Of Orcs And Men" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 37.13% won "Oxenfree" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "Poker Night at the Inventory" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 100% won "Police Quest Collection" for "Steam"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 100% won "Realms of Arkania Trilogy Classic" for "Steam"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 33.33% won "Rebel Galaxy" for "Steam"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 100% won "Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 6.95% won "Rocket League" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 34.48% won "RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 19.75% won "RUST" for "Steam"
"JACKBOMB" with a chance of 20% won "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Saints Row 2" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 50% won "Shadow Complex Remastered" for "Epic Launcher"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 100% won "Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition" for "Steam"
"CHIV" with a chance of 47.37% won "Sonic the Hedgehog" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 16.2% won "Space Engineers" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 100% won "Space Quest Collection" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "STRIDER" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 23.01% won "Styx: Master of Shadows" for "Steam"
"T3NMANNYC" with a chance of 33.33% won "System Shock 2" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "Technobabylon" for "Steam"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 100% won "Terraria" for "Steam Inventory"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "Tharsis" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "The Beginner's Guide" for "Steam"
"RAGE" with a chance of 50% won "The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare" for "Steam"
"SCUMUK" with a chance of 31.03% won "The Secret World" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 100% won "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" for "Steam"
"SABATHIUS___" with a chance of 28.32% won "The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries" for "Telltale"
"FA4TA4L" with a chance of 47.37% won "The Walking Dead: Season 1" for "Steam"
"HARRY_THEONE" with a chance of 55.25% won "Tomb Raider: Anniversary" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 50% won "Tomb Raider: Legend" for "Steam"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 50% won "Tomb Raider: Underworld" for "Steam"
"SHIMEC" with a chance of 50% won "Torchlight 2" for "Steam"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 62.87% won "Train Simulator 2016" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "Train Simulator 2016" for "Steam"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 100% won "Two Worlds 2" for "Steam"
"STEAMDRM" with a chance of 50% won "Victor Vran" for "Steam Inventory"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 100% won "Victor Vran" for "Steam Inventory"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Volume" for "Steam"
"JACKBOMB" with a chance of 50% won "Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution" for "Steam Inventory"
"KEIT" with a chance of 4.35% won "Watchdogs 2" for "Uplay"
"RAGE" with a chance of 7.2% won "Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY " for "Steam Inventory"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Zeno Clash" for "Steam"
"3E74" with a chance of 50% won "Zeno Clash 2" for "Steam"