Script to check if image file is available
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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2011 13:15    Post subject: Script to check if image file is available

I have a request from someone I work with and I don't know how to approach it (my programming skills are minimal).

Basically, we have this website which hosts a number of different image files. At different times of the day, this website goes offline.

We want a script that will check for every 5 seconds and record the outcome. It could just record the outcome when available, but it'd need to be time stamped.

Any ideas?


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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2011 13:21    Post subject:
Script as in..Bash? PHP? Ruby? Perl? Python? Razz

It's as simple as doing an HTTP request to the URL and checking the HTTP response code. If it's a 4xx or 5xx status code it's not available (1xx should not occur). Hell, you could even do a cronjob using wget or something like that.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Aug 2011 14:01    Post subject:
What werelds said. Tell us the system and if you can run a cronjob and I'm sure he could come up with something Cool Face

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