So I welcome the new baby by saying Fuck off! There's way too many people already. Truth be told: you can't help being born of course. But your parents sure as hell can. But I guess most people, especially non Western, are too lame to care for birth control and building a sustainable future. That's a pity because they're fucking up their own countries and lives.
I think 2 billion people is the maximum amount our planet can comfortably sustain. Which is what I see now already: 1 billion peeps in the Western world are living like kings, another 1 billion is doing OK. But the rest and vast majority, 5 billion, is poor or extremely poor. Eking out a living with the scraps. 50% of the world's population is living off less than €2 a day and hasn't even got a toilet.
If that isn't proof enough there's far too many people, I don't know what is.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
but what can be done about it, we cant really pass laws against people having children. So our freedom is the thing thats driving us deeper into an overcrowded hole, and a future where wars are fought over the remaining resources left on this earth.
Maybe draw a lottery where 1 million people are allowed to live and everyone else are killed...
Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
The lack of resources on this planet is hardly a problem, it's the division of those resources. Saying "this planet has too many people" makes no sense to me.
The lack of resources on this planet is hardly a problem, it's the division of those resources. Saying "this planet has too many people" makes no sense to me.
Dividing the resources. Then we'll end up with a planet full of poor bums. I don't think there's enough to make everyone wealthy. In fact I think there's far too little resources. In the past 50 years the amount of people has exploded. All those hundreds of thousands of years the Earth has been really sparsely populated. All other ecosystems are based on that equilibrium. Those won't adjust in 50 years, and I think they'll simply crash if we're changing things as fast as we are doing now.
Some scientists believe we're already in another wave of mass extinction, looking at the rapid loss of biodiversity. If this thing keeps going we'll quickly be fucked ourselves.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
Just look at the population growth in countries like India, Bangladesh or the Philippines, or any other South-Asian country, for example, for the last 10-15 years, and you'll see that they're breeding like fucking rabbits. Extremely poor families making children like it's their last day on Earth without the proper mind constitution of providing these children good well-being, let alone education and future.
Just look at the population growth in countries like India, Bangladesh or the Philippines, or any other South-Asian country, for example, for the last 10-15 years, and you'll see that they're breeding like fucking rabbits. Extremely poor families making children like it's their last day on Earth without the proper mind constitution of providing these children good well-being, let alone education and future.
Yeah, here in India its the poor families who have the maximum amount of children. What's funny is the fact that families earning decent to a great deal of money actually have one or no child at all... I still don't understand the logic, unless it has to do with them not knowing about contraceptive measures or the grim reality that having sex is the only sort of entertainment they can afford.
but what can be done about it, we cant really pass laws against people having children. So our freedom is the thing thats driving us deeper into an overcrowded hole, and a future where wars are fought over the remaining resources left on this earth.
Maybe draw a lottery where 1 million people are allowed to live and everyone else are killed...
but what can be done about it, we cant really pass laws against people having children. So our freedom is the thing thats driving us deeper into an overcrowded hole, and a future where wars are fought over the remaining resources left on this earth.
Maybe draw a lottery where 1 million people are allowed to live and everyone else are killed...
China has birth control.
China has the ultimate birth control: 1 child policy. They may be communists and they may be totalitarian. But they have got the guts to take REALLY drastic measures for the people's well being in the future. And it worked out for them: China will be the new super power.
It's sad but I think 1 child policies are not realistic in modern democracies. People want to have as much children as they like. Even if that means destroying the future.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
Just look at the population growth in countries like India, Bangladesh or the Philippines, or any other South-Asian country, for example, for the last 10-15 years, and you'll see that they're breeding like fucking rabbits. Extremely poor families making children like it's their last day on Earth without the proper mind constitution of providing these children good well-being, let alone education and future.
The countries with the highest fertility rates are mainly based in Africa:
Yep the least developed continent. In 50 years or less we will have Europe fenced in to keep the hordes out. And yeah we created the problem ourselves.
Just look at the population growth in countries like India, Bangladesh or the Philippines, or any other South-Asian country, for example, for the last 10-15 years, and you'll see that they're breeding like fucking rabbits. Extremely poor families making children like it's their last day on Earth without the proper mind constitution of providing these children good well-being, let alone education and future.
The countries with the highest fertility rates are mainly based in Africa:
Yep the least developed continent. In 50 years or less we will have Europe fenced in to keep the hordes out. And yeah we created the problem ourselves.
Keeping the hordes out? You're making this sound like Left 4 Dead
Ahem... but seeing the population of Africa will increase tenfold in some countries things may well turn out that way.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
Just look at the population growth in countries like India, Bangladesh or the Philippines, or any other South-Asian country, for example, for the last 10-15 years, and you'll see that they're breeding like fucking rabbits. Extremely poor families making children like it's their last day on Earth without the proper mind constitution of providing these children good well-being, let alone education and future.
Yeah, here in India its the poor families who have the maximum amount of children. What's funny is the fact that families earning decent to a great deal of money actually have one or no child at all... I still don't understand the logic, unless it has to do with them not knowing about contraceptive measures or the grim reality that having sex is the only sort of entertainment they can afford.
I don't think it's about entertainment. I think poor planning and irresponsible behaviour is what has made the poor poor in the first place. It's an attitude. And people with such an attitude will simply do what nature programmed every human to do, which is to pass on the genes and make offspring. Jobs and money are not what nature originally had in mind.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
The lack of resources on this planet is hardly a problem, it's the division of those resources. Saying "this planet has too many people" makes no sense to me.
Dividing the resources. Then we'll end up with a planet full of poor bums. I don't think there's enough to make everyone wealthy.
You clearly have no idea of the available resources on this planet, you have no clue how much of it is thrown away. Wealth is irrelevant, but that's subjective.
Forced population control is appalling. Should we go a step further and assign reproduction certificates to people? China has the right idea? Fuck off. Do you know how much female child death and abandonment this measure has caused? That's only a single problem. Poor people are poor because of an attitude and behavioural problems? What? No one chooses to be poor and no one wants to act poor. The "I don't give a shit anymore" attitude is the effect of being poor, not the cause. Try telling someone in Bangladesh working ten hours a day for twenty cents knitting your jeans, he needs a change of attitude.
Meh fuck it, so much retarded shit in one thread., I won't bother going in to the other points.
Hmm in a modern society where all people get a decent basic education, certain ethics should prevail over superstition/religion or whatever ideas leading to destructive behaviour. Massive procreation is destructive. We live on a rock with limited resources and some of these resources don't replenish.
Also in a modern society stating that having kids is your right sounds a egoistic. People should realise that having kids means that you have a great responsibility making sure your kids have a healthy environment to grow up. Then again I think we only started to realise such a couple of decades ago. Both my parents had like 7 siblings.
IMO you either have these ethics and get the benefits from modern medicine or you live by some retarding rules/religion and don't get modern medical treatment. Here is where we went completely wrong. We brought modern medicine to pre-historic societies. This is very harsh to say but in the long run we only have expanded the suffering.
We brought modern medicine to pre-historic societies. This is very harsh to say but in the long run we only have expanded the suffering.
I agree on this. Donating medicine to developing countries is the humane thing to do, but in the long run it may well be destructive. If people don't change their "reproductive attitude" then it's a matter of time before there will be too many mouths to feed. And a whole lot of other needs to care for.
From what I've heard people are using right now 2,5x the resources the Earth can supply without depleting itself. So in fact there may be too many people already. Ecological footprints can certainly be reduced (eating less meat is a very potent means) but having less people seems the only sustainable solution to me.
1st world countries are completely OK by the way. Their population growth is very small or even declining. It is the 3rd world and other poor countries that will be hit the hardest. They can solve their impending overpopulation catastrophe INSTANTLY by doing family planning and birth control... but very sadly they choose not to. Self destructive behaviour, that really is too bad.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
Suddenly the "virus" of Children of Men doesn't seem to distant. Someone somewhere will most likely be fuelled by the insane idea that the poor countries in Africa should stop breeding and release a virus that ruins fertility. Then this virus mutates and spreads to the rest of the world. When the population is dying, a new hope, a young black woman, is pregnant, and that will be the new owner of planet Earth. Obviously it will be a very lonely existence for 5,000 years with many genetic illnesses due to incest that inevitably comes from one single person being the basis for a new humanity.
To me it makes sense because there's huge inequality in the world. A fraction (western people) is living like kings while the rest has to make do with the scraps or even less. If there would be enough for everyone, there should at least be more equality.
Moreover, shortages of fresh water, land for agriculture and disappearing marine life are pointing towards depletion of Earths resources for me. On very short notice climate change will cause severe draughts in Africa making areas uninhabitable. The people living there sadly will quickly die if they don't find a solution.
Lopin18 wrote:
I think you played too much Fallout 3, Pedo Perk acquired.
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