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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 04:25 Post subject: People Who Enjoy Fighting!? |
Tonight I had a fight with 6 racist fuckers, for no other reason then that they called my friend a "paki". We put up a good fight, but there was only 2 of us and we got our asses handed to us in a doggy bag.
Don't you hate it when people start a fight for the sake of it. There was absolutely no reason to start a fight, but that twat had to come us and say:
"get that paki put of england!".
Have you lot ever encountered these type of people?
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 04:41 Post subject: |
Yeah there's far too many of these type of ignorant racist tubes in the UK. You're better not to get in a fight with these plebs especially if it's 2 on 6.
Im a cockfag
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Posts: 12740
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 04:43 Post subject: |
i usually stay out of fights as best i can...
havent been in a fight like forever. But as it happens i dont have many friends that look like the usual targets for the hitler brothers
i d love to have more foreign friends but it seems that life untill now didnt supply me with many. And those i have / had never got me into trouble.
I hope none of you two got fucked up really bad although bruises and scratches can be a pain in the ass too. Respect for standing up for your friend and getting your arse kicked for him...
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 04:47 Post subject: |
I'm not an agressive person, but what happend was:
We were at a club, my friend bumped into one of these racist wankers, then he said;
"get that paki out of england"
We almost had a fight then, but we met them later (by accident) and it kicked off. We had no choice.
I tried to diffuse the situation but it was no use. God I hate it. There is just no need. But when some idiots get drunk they just want to fight.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 04:55 Post subject: |
the brits and their hooliganism
reminds me of a spaced episode from the second season, man thats one of the funniest britcoms out there :
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Posts: 546
Location: Mein Komput0r
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 06:40 Post subject: |
My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 06:47 Post subject: |
repo1 wrote: | My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's. |
lol It wasnt only the swedes who were vikings....
"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 07:11 Post subject: |
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 08:34 Post subject: |
hmmmmm 2 on 6..... if i got kicked off in town around here for sure i might get beat up but the guys would get battered when the time was right. y didnt u just run? u said they were drunk.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 08:59 Post subject: |
Sublime wrote: | hmmmmm 2 on 6..... if i got kicked off in town around here for sure i might get beat up but the guys would get battered when the time was right. y didnt u just run? u said they were drunk. |
Well I was all up for running, but my friend was so pissed off by this guy that he was squaring up to him.
Also the five other guys didn't appear until after the fight started.
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Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 10:19 Post subject: |
Here in sweden people get their ass kicked by rasists for no reason. I remember a blind guy who got spotted by like 4 racists in a car. They exited it and started to hit the guy. They screamed: Damn black head! When he was lying down the ground, they started kicking him until they decided to leave. Later he was lying in intensive care.
That just shows what cowards they are. I don't think any of those would attack somebody alone.
Last edited by razor1394 on Thu, 13th Jan 2005 13:05; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 10:54 Post subject: |
Some of you guys here seem to fight a lot, especially our english members. I don't know where you guys live or who you hang out with, but where i live you don't get into any fights, at least not if you are grown up. You could have just ignored them, who cares what idiots you don't even know say anyway?
I usually don't go to places there i could meet such people, i just go to normal pubs, clubs or bars. And in Germany it is different, it is commen that the foreigners make remarks to Germans, they are the majority in the cities anyway, luckely the two groups hang out seperatly, so it's the turks fighting with russians or with yugos etc... Germans are hardly involved.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 13:01 Post subject: |
ususally there is a trick. slam your fist into the face of the fucker with the biggest mouth. make it one punch and he should be down...this has worked for me all the time. even 3 vs 1. he comes with his buddies and he is usually the smallest just tick out and give him the old one two. after he went down start screaming at the others....stupid as it sounds it works,
jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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Dalai Lama
Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 14:51 Post subject: |
i dont do fights aswell. I am on kickboxing so have no problem to kickass. Just once when someone irritated me i gave him one punch above his eye, to bad because he went down on the floor :O
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 15:03 Post subject: |
repo1 wrote: | My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's. |
actually my theory is that all paranoid people that have gotten into trouble in the past have fled to usa.
so all we other countries got rid of the whole bunch of you, while you to this day sit there being the most paranoid country in the whole world.
you wanna talk about hooliganism? here in sweden riots during football games happenes. in usa, when someones home team gets transferred (as they so often do), then the grown up men starts to sob.
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Posts: 75
Location: USA (is that hard to understand? )
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 15:27 Post subject: |
throat ,collar bone and balls.
Works every time.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 20:38 Post subject: |
Last edited by Yondaime on Mon, 2nd Dec 2024 16:10; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 546
Location: Mein Komput0r
Posted: Thu, 13th Jan 2005 22:17 Post subject: |
Nailbiter wrote: | repo1 wrote: | My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's. |
actually my theory is that all paranoid people that have gotten into trouble in the past have fled to usa.
so all we other countries got rid of the whole bunch of you, while you to this day sit there being the most paranoid country in the whole world.
you wanna talk about hooliganism? here in sweden riots during football games happenes. in usa, when someones home team gets transferred (as they so often do), then the grown up men starts to sob. |
The most violent sports are American ones... NFL, NHL, UFC, backyard wrestling, war.
You have to be paranoid when you are king of the castle.
When I think of sweden I think of floppy-blond-haired, turtle-neck-wearing, skinny, frappacino-drinking *****'s.
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 01:13 Post subject: |
repo1 wrote: | Nailbiter wrote: | repo1 wrote: | My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's. |
actually my theory is that all paranoid people that have gotten into trouble in the past have fled to usa.
so all we other countries got rid of the whole bunch of you, while you to this day sit there being the most paranoid country in the whole world.
you wanna talk about hooliganism? here in sweden riots during football games happenes. in usa, when someones home team gets transferred (as they so often do), then the grown up men starts to sob. |
The most violent sports are American ones... NFL, NHL, UFC, backyard wrestling, war.
You have to be paranoid when you are king of the castle.
When I think of sweden I think of floppy-blond-haired, turtle-neck-wearing, skinny, frappacino-drinking *****'s. |
its true. but it should have been vodka-drinking...
here is our queen btw:

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Location: Belgium
Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 01:38 Post subject: |
well always stupid people. Let's tell you a story (2 years ago started).
Im last year in college and theres some lil punk nagging and playing the tough boy and annoying everyone. I think, screw you, im gone in some weeks here, uni time then, not gonna let you ruin my last weeks here. So i went to uni then and never saw him.
I came back then to my home city to celebratie newyear and for no reason that stupid fuck hit me and hit the ground. I thought, whatever, 'you happy now'. He got smashed down by the security. ENJOY. he paid 50$ and was out in 10 mins.
A half year later...
I come back to my home city again to party because of graduation of the year that came behind me, and i had some friends there.
i accidentaly meet that guy again, and he start shitting at me, 'i got kicked out because of you'. I say, 'get over it, you started, and btw it was half a year ago'.
Some of my friends come to protect me. I was a lil drunk and i couldnt really protect me. He yelled for some friends of him, and before we knew there were like 10 lil 16 year old punks standing around me. Ok im maybe 20 but 3 v 10 fighting asses...
We stould there and yelling and screamin at each other. 2 My friends said, take your bike and leave. Gonna catch up with you in some mins.
I managed to get out.
A week later i meet my friends again. With some teeth lost and broken noses, and swollen faces.
What happened, they walked home and got beaten to shit in front of their house.
My friends went to cops. cops said 'What can we do, they are only 16 year'.
Again a half year later. i still didnt touch those guys, nor did my friends.
I come back from uni once again, and for some reason that wanker doesnt go to school or so. He apparently waits for me every week at the station , kinda pathetic. And he starts shitting again at me. 'your friends went to cops'.
What kinda fucked up world this is....
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 07:56 Post subject: |
spankie wrote: | well always stupid people. Let's tell you a story (2 years ago started).
Im last year in college and theres some lil punk nagging and playing the tough boy and annoying everyone. I think, screw you, im gone in some weeks here, uni time then, not gonna let you ruin my last weeks here. So i went to uni then and never saw him.
I came back then to my home city to celebratie newyear and for no reason that stupid fuck hit me and hit the ground. I thought, whatever, 'you happy now'. He got smashed down by the security. ENJOY. he paid 50$ and was out in 10 mins.
A half year later...
I come back to my home city again to party because of graduation of the year that came behind me, and i had some friends there.
i accidentaly meet that guy again, and he start shitting at me, 'i got kicked out because of you'. I say, 'get over it, you started, and btw it was half a year ago'.
Some of my friends come to protect me. I was a lil drunk and i couldnt really protect me. He yelled for some friends of him, and before we knew there were like 10 lil 16 year old punks standing around me. Ok im maybe 20 but 3 v 10 fighting asses...
We stould there and yelling and screamin at each other. 2 My friends said, take your bike and leave. Gonna catch up with you in some mins.
I managed to get out.
A week later i meet my friends again. With some teeth lost and broken noses, and swollen faces.
What happened, they walked home and got beaten to shit in front of their house.
My friends went to cops. cops said 'What can we do, they are only 16 year'.
Again a half year later. i still didnt touch those guys, nor did my friends.
I come back from uni once again, and for some reason that wanker doesnt go to school or so. He apparently waits for me every week at the station , kinda pathetic. And he starts shitting again at me. 'your friends went to cops'.
What kinda fucked up world this is.... |
Your buddy, I'm afraid, is an idiot. And so is anyone else, in my opinion, who is willing to get into a fight. You get no enjoyment whatsoever out of causing and being the target of wanton damage.
I prefer a nice lead pipe and a sturdy dummy (I build mine out of boxes stuffed with styrofoam.)
Has the same effect as fighting, it's not illegal, nobody sees you looking stupid, and nobody gets hurt. It's ideal.
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 09:11 Post subject: |
spankie wrote: | well always stupid people. Let's tell you a story (2 years ago started).
Im last year in college and theres some lil punk nagging and playing the tough boy and annoying everyone. I think, screw you, im gone in some weeks here, uni time then, not gonna let you ruin my last weeks here. So i went to uni then and never saw him.
I came back then to my home city to celebratie newyear and for no reason that stupid fuck hit me and hit the ground. I thought, whatever, 'you happy now'. He got smashed down by the security. ENJOY. he paid 50$ and was out in 10 mins.
A half year later...
I come back to my home city again to party because of graduation of the year that came behind me, and i had some friends there.
i accidentaly meet that guy again, and he start shitting at me, 'i got kicked out because of you'. I say, 'get over it, you started, and btw it was half a year ago'.
Some of my friends come to protect me. I was a lil drunk and i couldnt really protect me. He yelled for some friends of him, and before we knew there were like 10 lil 16 year old punks standing around me. Ok im maybe 20 but 3 v 10 fighting asses...
We stould there and yelling and screamin at each other. 2 My friends said, take your bike and leave. Gonna catch up with you in some mins.
I managed to get out.
A week later i meet my friends again. With some teeth lost and broken noses, and swollen faces.
What happened, they walked home and got beaten to shit in front of their house.
My friends went to cops. cops said 'What can we do, they are only 16 year'.
Again a half year later. i still didnt touch those guys, nor did my friends.
I come back from uni once again, and for some reason that wanker doesnt go to school or so. He apparently waits for me every week at the station , kinda pathetic. And he starts shitting again at me. 'your friends went to cops'.
What kinda fucked up world this is.... |
OMFG!!! They are 20 and got beaten up by some 16yr?!?!?! Thats real lame Sry but it sound kinda fun when you hear that some young asshole has beaten up an older one Espc 4yrs older 
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 14:58 Post subject: |
HaschBiff wrote: | spankie wrote: | well always stupid people. Let's tell you a story (2 years ago started).
Im last year in college and theres some lil punk nagging and playing the tough boy and annoying everyone. I think, screw you, im gone in some weeks here, uni time then, not gonna let you ruin my last weeks here. So i went to uni then and never saw him.
I came back then to my home city to celebratie newyear and for no reason that stupid fuck hit me and hit the ground. I thought, whatever, 'you happy now'. He got smashed down by the security. ENJOY. he paid 50$ and was out in 10 mins.
A half year later...
I come back to my home city again to party because of graduation of the year that came behind me, and i had some friends there.
i accidentaly meet that guy again, and he start shitting at me, 'i got kicked out because of you'. I say, 'get over it, you started, and btw it was half a year ago'.
Some of my friends come to protect me. I was a lil drunk and i couldnt really protect me. He yelled for some friends of him, and before we knew there were like 10 lil 16 year old punks standing around me. Ok im maybe 20 but 3 v 10 fighting asses...
We stould there and yelling and screamin at each other. 2 My friends said, take your bike and leave. Gonna catch up with you in some mins.
I managed to get out.
A week later i meet my friends again. With some teeth lost and broken noses, and swollen faces.
What happened, they walked home and got beaten to shit in front of their house.
My friends went to cops. cops said 'What can we do, they are only 16 year'.
Again a half year later. i still didnt touch those guys, nor did my friends.
I come back from uni once again, and for some reason that wanker doesnt go to school or so. He apparently waits for me every week at the station , kinda pathetic. And he starts shitting again at me. 'your friends went to cops'.
What kinda fucked up world this is.... |
OMFG!!! They are 20 and got beaten up by some 16yr?!?!?! Thats real lame Sry but it sound kinda fun when you hear that some young asshole has beaten up an older one Espc 4yrs older  |
Bah, if there are enough people around you, age isn't really an issue.
Hardware: Ryzen 3700x, B450 MSI Gaming Pro carbon AC, GTX1080, 32 GB 3200 Mhz cas 14, 256 EVO SSD, 1 TB EVO SSD and 4 TB HDD.
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 18:40 Post subject: |
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 18:42 Post subject: |
its gang mentality and media, all there is to it... i was always around gang mentality, my cousins were always badasses of our highschool, always fighting... something that lead me to go into law inforcement, i hate though wanna be guys... specially if they have 50 people as back up, pretty wussy
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 20:01 Post subject: |
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Posted: Fri, 14th Jan 2005 20:12 Post subject: |
repo1 wrote: | My theory is all the vikings sailed away to live in britain in days of yore and thats why britain is now full of hooligans and sweden is full of pussy's. |
Who are you calling a pussy, you little fag?
Of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most!
"Ozzy Osbourne"
_ _ _ _ _

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