Avalon tech preview released together with WinFX sdk
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jan 2005 00:40    Post subject: Avalon tech preview released together with WinFX sdk
"Avalon" is the code name for Microsoft's unified presentation subsystem for Windows. It consists of a display engine and a managed-code framework. "Avalon" unifies how Windows creates, displays, and manipulates documents, media, and user interface. This enables developers and designers to create visually-stunning, differentiated user experiences that improve customer connection. When it ships, scheduled for 2006, "Avalon" will be available on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and all future releases of the Windows operating system. When delivered, "Avalon" will become Microsoft's strategic user interface (UI) technology. The "Avalon" Community Technology Preview (CTP) became available to the MSDN members in November of 2004. It is our pleasure to release the same build to the general public in response to numerous requests.

This is very good news. The download is pretty big (261mb), but I hope it will be lots of fun Very Happy.


Forgot the link Rolling Eyes : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=C8F904E1-B4CA-402B-ACCF-AAA2BD60DA74&displaylang=en

Last edited by razor1394 on Sat, 15th Jan 2005 10:56; edited 1 time in total
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jan 2005 03:28    Post subject:
nice, in a bad way Razz.. As you may have guessed Im certainly not a M$ man, infact, Im almost the ANTI M$ (so much so I was banned from the last M$ event in denmark haha). Although I see some slight potential in Avalon Im always concerned about M$'s "ventures". Hell I used to like windows 3.1's UI, at least then the poweruser had some options.. Mm ok, Im just ranting now.

Here's hoping M$ have learnt from the past, give some control back to the power user and SERVICE PACK 2 everyone else Razz.

*goes back to installing SUSE9.2*
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jan 2005 10:59    Post subject:
Haha lol. The installer required Visual basic or C# 2005 express beta. I couldn't install any of those because of some weird error. And when I tried to install the avalon pack it complained about a service that did not even exist.

I'm pretty against Microsoft too because of many reasons, but if you're a gamer you dont have so much choice. You'll just have to stand with the crap. Longhorn looks pretty cool though.

Last edited by razor1394 on Sun, 16th Jan 2005 00:03; edited 1 time in total
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jan 2005 20:57    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
I'm pretty against Microsoft to because of many reasons, but if you're a gamer you dont have so much choice. You'll just have to stand with the crap. Longhorn looks pretty cool though.

The last beta I looked at didnt have much to it, but it was an early beta so obviously wont judge the product based on that. It seems to me like longhorn will be on the same vein as all the other M$ products, a rehash with a slightly better UI and some minor kernel changes. The kernel change from 98 to XP was impressive, but I can't see much improvement for the future.. lets hope Im proven wrong I guess. Ill be happy to hear that M$ are working on a *new* kernel, until then Ill worry. As for gaming there is always Cedega (google for it or Transgamer)!!

Ill be happy as long as embeded products stay *nixed. I can feel safe that in the future my fridge wont crash and order me 46lb's of lard.
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jan 2005 00:05    Post subject:
Yes I know that the internal alphas were pretty buggy and generally it was pretty close related to XP.
If you want to look closely to the final product grab one of the avalon demos. It's pretty cool. There are also some "concept" screensots floating out.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Jan 2005 15:17    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
Yes I know that the internal alphas were pretty buggy and generally it was pretty close related to XP.
If you want to look closely to the final product grab one of the avalon demos. It's pretty cool. There are also some "concept" screensots floating out.

It almost makes me sad I missed Gate's Keynote, or maybe more annoyed that my colleague DIDNT EVEN GO TO IT!?! Ah well. Ill go check out the demo's, see what else I can get my hands on Wink.
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