How do I decrypt hidden links?
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 02:15    Post subject: How do I decrypt hidden links?
How do I decrypt hidden links? For example:


<a style="background-image: url(&quot;;);" href="/details/view/123456.html?ref=pakibink-opened" class="image" title="_title_" target="_blank"></a>


<div class="3d900fc9c03fefc402a43dd462b4b3fe">
<div class="teasePhoto100">
<div class="teasePhotoInner">
<a href="#" onclick="Games.showFace('VtPVV4%2Bno2sD1eHMGf2IE4XbAggK5gh41RGoBYqdtLTiz4HoSyo%2B9vkeGjfypQZ1OaV9%2FOCuLZoDUCYe1viZYg%3D%3D', '3d900fc9c03fefc402a43dd462b4b3fe', 10, 1); return false;">
<img src="/hidden_user.jpg"/>

On some websites it is easy to see, because its hidden is the sourcecode, but on most websites it is encrypted. Help me out. :)
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Posts: 3107

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 02:18    Post subject:
It will vary depending upon the site. If you know the site and know the encryption method it will not be hard, but if they are salting the encryptions you will not stand much of a chance without some kind of rainbow table. You would need A-Za-z.(period)
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 02:19    Post subject:
You are mixing things up. There are no decrypted or encrypted links at all in any of your post Smile

The second anchor calls a javascript function. If you want to know what happens there, inspect the code and find the calles function (showFace).

If you meant escaped url's like this

, these are just escaped urls. You can unescape them by simply opening the javascript console of your browser (I think it's control+K on Firefox and on Chrome it's shift+control+K) or in opera just enter the following code in the adress bar and press enter

The result should be

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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 15:46    Post subject:
Well, its not encypted probably, but the website has two user IDs. Normal ID and other ID. So in order to see normal ID, I have to pay money and then the website gives out normal ID with link. So I need to bypass the "money" part. Very Happy Another example from another site:
<div class="fl2" style="float: left; width: 61px; height: 61px; margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; cursor: pointer;" userid='4989808772844923870349244498580482018425'><img src="" /></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>

<div class="ui-photo-user" style="display: block; float: left; position: relative; width: 59px; height: 59px; margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; border: solid 1px #bfd3ee;">
<a style="display: block; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; overlay: hidden; width: 59px; height: 59px; background: url('') 0px 0px no-repeat;"userid='1040582783830673211539727110161526854344' href="" target="_blank" title="Laura, 20 m.">
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 15:53    Post subject:
without knowing what happens behind the curtains or what type of standard mechanism has been used to encrypt the page, you won't get around ^_^

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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2011 16:15    Post subject:
So perhaps it is possible to fake virtual money on the website or is it server side only?
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