Fallout 3
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:10    Post subject: Fallout 3
Discuss the game here, spoilers, gameplay, everything but protection.
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:19    Post subject:
i killed the overseer

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Posts: 1081

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:20    Post subject:
So, anyone cares to list some of the INI tweaks?

i7 6700k @ 4.4 GHZ, 2060s, 16 GB RAM, SSD, Windows 10x64.
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Posts: 800

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:29    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
i killed the overseer

SO DID I! Then i uninstalled the piece of crap
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:35    Post subject:
Coflash wrote:
I can't find any 'Sydney' out front of the National archive. I also tried the museum. Where exactly is she? I've found the recording, but wtf.
She's inside the archive, in the main hall.

But if you mean the gal mentioned in the distress call (I always get it right in the gate of the archives), then that one is in the Ghoul city's med station.

Last edited by zmed on Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:39; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:37    Post subject:
Can anyone tell me ( show me on map ) exact location of alien blaster ?
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Posts: 688

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 14:40    Post subject:
i want a mod that put back the cryolator in game Smile
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 15:13    Post subject:
There's a amazing attention to detail in this game, finding new and interesting stuff all the time like these examples.

Security console "Fuck You".

The one Russian person in this game is quite the player.

(Got a quest to escort one of his "whores" away from there and to Rivet city, completed it and immediately killed her for the clothing - Sexy Sleepwear - complements my previously found Naught Nightwear outfit.)

(I renamed a few files to get rid of the glove on the pip-boy hand model and changed the "naked" models to the child models to get rid of the ugly underwear, bugs out on female characters though as the child model uses a texture with a shirt on it and not bare-chested like this / Can't do anything about the "flatness" and "childishness" of the female and male body respectively as while there are adult versions of these bodies they are earlier versions and unusable.)

Rivet city interior hull.

(Amazing place, lots of things to do as well like persuade a guy not to commit suicide, help a drug addict and help a woman out with some sort of pheromones to attract a special person she likes. - Can also lie to the security robot and steal the stuff in the armory but there wasn't much of interest aside from a blueprint, nice to have a v.3 version of a custom weapon though.)

Also one of the traveling traders (Named ones, not just wanderer or scavenger.) was outside and had a repair skill of 65 not bad when you need some stuff repaired. Smile
(That doctor who specialized in chemicals and medical supplies.)
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Posts: 127

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 15:16    Post subject:
Tweak so that stuff doesn't degrades. So if you find a rifle which has 100% it will stay 100% with this tweak. I will use it, since I like the idea that most guns you find are worn (Mutant's can clean guns for shit) but I don't like my Lincon Reperter to degrade. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=60

Still can't find recording of Sidney's father in the Statesman Hotel. Where is it exactly? When I enter via the main street and go up the staris in the left/back you will find a skeleton in a bath and on a bed. But I can't find it there.
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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 15:29    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:

(Got a quest to escort one of his "whores" away from there and to Rivet city, completed it and immediately killed her for the clothing - Sexy Sleepwear - complements my previously found Naught Nightwear outfit.)

(..changed the "naked" models to the child models..)

Rivet city interior hull.
..help a woman out with some sort of pheromones to attract a special person she likes.

where are the boobs? it looks like you shot them off..

after changing the naked models to kids models, all there's left to do is dress them in your new "found" outfit Very Happy

also what about the feromone needing chick from rivet city?
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Posts: 457
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 15:48    Post subject:
where can i get the training to wear the power armor?
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:06    Post subject:
No I didn't shoot them off, merely "covered" them in case it was needed.

Male default body model.

Male kid body model (Uses adult texture for some reason.)

(Missing wound decals and such for decapitations, can't kill them normally.)

Male kid texture.

Male adult texture.

Male beta (Or whatever it is.) model.

(Texture, also used for final version, is pretty realistic as well.)

Female equivalents.

Kid texture.

Normal (Adult) texture.

Normal (Adult) model.

Kid model.

Beta (Or whatever it is.) model.

(Added "nipple" detail from male texture file as it looks a bit more realistic.)
(Unfortunately as with the male version the kid model uses the adult texture so it looks a bit wrong there as it's normally supposed to be covered by a shirt as seen in the texture screen.)

Unused Behemoth and Super Mutant models. (They're "Creatures" now.)

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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:28    Post subject:
JBeckman, how did you get a quest from that Russian guy? I talked to both whores and the guy, no quests. Or did I miss a whore?
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Posts: 17886
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:32    Post subject:
One of the whores asks you to escort her to rivet city, you can probably just fast travel, I couldn't because I haven't discovered rivet city at that point.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:40    Post subject:
Strange, they just talked about how good the guy was in bed. They even needed a new bed because the old one was worn out. Maybe I missed a dialogue option.
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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:40    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
One of the whores asks you to escort her to rivet city, you can probably just fast travel, I couldn't because I haven't discovered rivet city at that point.

i just fast traveled but unfortunately my effort of getting her to rivet was not tewarded with a sex hour Very Happy

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 17886
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:46    Post subject:
The funny thing is I saw the bitch later very close to the building of the Russian guy, like wtf you ask me to escort you far away from this asshole and now your back in the neighborhood, did you forget to pack your panties the first time or something?
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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:50    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
The funny thing is I saw the bitch later very close to the building of the Russian guy, like wtf you ask me to escort you far away from this asshole and now your back in the neighborhood, did you forget to pack your panties the first time or something?

did u talked to her ? anyway i killed that tarded russian guy

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 17886
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 16:56    Post subject:
GeForce8 wrote:
madmax17 wrote:
The funny thing is I saw the bitch later very close to the building of the Russian guy, like wtf you ask me to escort you far away from this asshole and now your back in the neighborhood, did you forget to pack your panties the first time or something?

did u talked to her ? anyway i killed that tarded russian guy
You can't she just says "yeah, yeah, you're my hero" that's how I recognized her, she used that line in rivet city.
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Posts: 1082

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 17:06    Post subject:
Well I just realized I totally hate my character build. Was going for a melee only build, but it kinda sucks. Used console commands to try to fix it into something better, while keeping the cheating to a minimum. Way too far into the game to start over at this point. Really amazing game though. Much better than Oblivion, and really captures the spirit of the old fallouts. I'm totally shocked to be honest.

jcx wrote:
where can i get the training to wear the power armor?

You get the training during the main quest. You can't get it before then.
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Posts: 34540
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 17:49    Post subject:
Item list and such, taken from the CheatHappens forums. Smile
(Credits to the guys/girls who found and posted all these.)

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Posts: 5901
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 17:52    Post subject:
lol nice find Beackman , also what is he best armor in the game ?

Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6 ?

[spoiler][quote="SteamDRM"]i've bought mohw :derp: / FPS of the year! [/quote]
[quote="SteamDRM"][quote="b0se"]BLACK OPS GOTY[/quote]
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Posts: 3726

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:07    Post subject:

Last edited by farne on Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:13; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:11    Post subject:
Nice list beckman...

Although I think if I would use that at this time it would just be the ammo ID's I can handle finding the rest etc. Just always run short of the rounds I need at the wrong time lol.
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Posts: 307

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:25    Post subject:
I have a little problem with the game, where can I find the right metro system to Rivet City? Also finding ammo is very hard, I usually shoot more than I pick up from dead super mutants, does this get better when you are further in, any good tips on spots to find more ammo?

greetz KrackHead
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Posts: 17886
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 18:55    Post subject:
The only time I use item lists such as that one is when I mod stuff, great and fast way to test the new weapon texture for example.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:01    Post subject:
krackhead wrote:
I have a little problem with the game, where can I find the right metro system to Rivet City?

You don't. Just follow the river and you'll see the ship.

Also finding ammo is very hard, I usually shoot more than I pick up from dead super mutants, does this get better when you are further in, any good tips on spots to find more ammo?
Look for ammo boxes. They are narrower than a normal box (sometimes even locked).

Hint about finding the way to stuff: use markers. Right click and it will place a marker there, planing the perfect rout there. Good way to find your way around DC.
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Posts: 33269

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:10    Post subject:
I so much like this game. I've abandoned the main quest and now i'm just wandering around and looking for ppl to give something to do. Really like exploring buildings and collecting stuff. I dislike RPGs but this particular game entertains me so much.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:31    Post subject:
human_steel wrote:
I so much like this game. I've abandoned the main quest and now i'm just wandering around and looking for ppl to give something to do. Really like exploring buildings and collecting stuff. I dislike RPGs but this particular game entertains me so much.

Are there "a lot" more side quest besides the stuff you have to do for

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Posts: 271
Location: Stockholm
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 19:36    Post subject:
GeForce8 wrote:
lol nice find Beackman , also what is he best armor in the game ?

Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6 ?

Dont know if that one beats it but the best one i've found is the Tesla Armor (43 armor fully repaired)
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