Legend of Kay - Anniversary [PS2 3D action/platf. remaster]
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PostPosted: Sat, 30th May 2015 10:24    Post subject: Legend of Kay - Anniversary [PS2 3D action/platf. remaster]

Available: Summer 2015 (late June according to Amazon)
10 years after its initial release, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is a thoroughly remastered version of the original game: high-resolution textures; new, more detailed character models; modern rendering techniques and crystal-clear surround sound give this great classic a new shine.

Full of fond allusions to old martial arts films and pop culture quotes, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is both an incredibly funny game and a challenging action-adventure for young and old alike.

Key Features:
  • 25 different levels with over 15 enemy types and epic boss battles.
  • 3 different primary weapons (sword/hammer/claws) with distinct combat styles.
  • Various mini-games such as wild boar racing, dragon flying and wolf riding.
  • Online rankings: compare your score with your friends’ and compete against the best in the world.

Whats changed:
    - The main character and all NPC’s of the game are recreated as high-polygon meshes with newly created, high resolution textures. All character animations are re-exported, with an overall improved quality.
    - All textures of environments, objects and characters are rendered in higher resolutions, in many cases new textures were created.
    - Stones and gras-environments quality were enhanced by using noise-detail textures, when being rendered close to camera.
    - A new UI Design is applied.
    - Cut scenes are rendered in HD Resolution
    - Achievement’s supported
    - New Leaderboardsystem for the races
    - 60 Frames/s
    - Trading Cards

Trailer for 2005 version (no trailer for remaster yet)
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2015 17:07    Post subject:
releasing in 7 hours

+ trailer for remaster
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Posts: 34531
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jul 2015 14:20    Post subject:

Apparently you can only adjust the brightness of the game, no other settings so you can't change the resolution (Should be 1920x1080 but it could be that it just uses your desktop res.) or change to windowed or borderless mode.

EDIT: But going by discussions on the Steam forums they are currently looking into resolving this issue. Smile
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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Sep 2015 13:22    Post subject:
I've tried this. It looks cool, the soundtrack is cool. It's very much like Mini Ninjas (guess Mini Ninjas is more like it, but yeah...). However, I'm not really enjoying playing it. It's kind of holding your hand all the time, way too many boring cutscenes with characters that talk in a really obnoxious way. The controls also feel somewhat clunky. Shame really...
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