ALSA and SUSE 9.2
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jan 2005 00:12    Post subject: ALSA and SUSE 9.2
So, I'm trying to get my Audigy LS to work along side SUSE 9.2. I have ALSA installed, the version installed supports the audigy ls card and it starts up, loads the card and drivers with no issues. Well, no issues other than the warpped sound. It still plays but it is scrambled, its rather difficult to describe. The strange thing is, if I start up in FAILSAFE mode the card works perfectly, KMix see's the card as something other than the audigy ls (when googling for said name, it is a chipset, no doubt the chipset the audigy uses!).. So, how do I make the sound work without being in failsafe?

Even more of a question, WHY does it work in fail safe? Any idea's?

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Posts: 354

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 20:54    Post subject:
What desktop are you using KDE?

If you have the Gnome desktop installed it might be worth finding out what sound playback is like using that.

If you are running KDE the problem might be arts.
This is a sound server that KDE uses, Gnome uses OSS which for me works better.
The reason failsafe worked is probably because arts wasnt running.

If your using xmms for your audio you might want to try the other sound drivers in the xmms preferences.

You can try disabling arts and running xmms like this
killall artsd & xmms
If sounds better you can disable arts in control-panel / sound/ enable sound server.
However this will also disable the KDE system sounds.
Good Luck
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 31st Jan 2005 12:14    Post subject:
Thanks for the info. I'd already had the idea that it could be arts, having disabled it, the sound was the same. Just to be sure I re-installed using only gnome, and still had no luck! I imagine the issue is caused by something startted after run level 3, this is where Failsafe mode stops loading services, I guess I will just have to run through my INIT scripts and see what could be causing the issues.

I'll go take another luck, thanks for taking the time to reply Smile!
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