On those long Saturday nights when you can just sit by the fireplace and watch shit burn then yeah I’d rather play some good ol fashioned shooter
But on bright fucking Mondays-Fridays when the sun is fucking with my eyes then I love to headbang... If I still had long hair then I’d do it more often and not make my self look like a jerk
Face it Rock n roll is dead it died long long ago! But now we got EMO! And I love to cry to music
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears.Wish you were here.
pc games VS. rock & roll
pc games 40,900,000 (view)
rock & roll 156,000,000 (view)
Total Pages Searched: 196,900,000
GoogleBattle winner is rock & roll
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