"CHIV" with a chance of 52.63% won "*Broken Age" for "Ouya"
"AREIUS" with a chance of 100% won "*Pixel Hunter" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "A Valley without Wind" for "Steam"
"AREIUS" with a chance of 100% won "Arma 2" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 52.63% won "Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead" for "Steam"
"VECHTER" with a chance of 33.39% won "Broken Age" for "Steam"
"VEGITAYO" with a chance of 77.98% won "Brütal Legend" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "C&C Red Alert 3 Uprising" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Canyon Capers" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 10.49% won "Car Mechanic Simulator 2015" for "Steam"
"NO9999" with a chance of 44.36% won "Charlie's Adventure" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 32.35% won "Chroma Squad" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 34.6% won "Cook, Serve, Delicious!" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 67.65% won "CORPORATE LIFESTYLE SIMULATOR" for "Steam"

" with a chance of 39.07% won "Dropsy" for "Steam"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 23.76% won "E.T. Armies" for "Steam Inventory"
"AREIUS" with a chance of 31.03% won "Etherlords 2" for "Steam"
"0WEN" with a chance of 100% won "Eve Valkyrie (Rift only)" for "Steam VR"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 79.73% won "Ferrum's Secrets: Where Is Grandpa?" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 33.21% won "Fez" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 16.36% won "Flatout" for "Steam Inventory"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 74.15% won "Fly and Destroy" for "Steam"
"SCUMUK" with a chance of 100% won "Frozen Synapse Prime" for "Steam Inventory"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Galactic Inheritors" for "Steam"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 37.13% won "Grid 2" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "Gun Monkeys" for "Steam Inventory"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 100% won "Hacked" for "Steam"
"NO9999" with a chance of 100% won "Hacked" for "Steam"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 76.11% won "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin" for "Steam"
"ACE2KX" with a chance of 39.24% won "Hitman: Codename 47" for "Steam"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising" for "Steam"
"NO9999" with a chance of 17.59% won "Imprisoned Light" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 23.79% won "Kholat" for "Steam"

" with a chance of 100% won "Kick-Ass 2" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 100% won "Killing Floor" for "Steam Inventory"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 36.76% won "Leviathan Starblade" for "Steam"
"INZ" with a chance of 29.89% won "Lichdom Battlemage" for "Steam"
"SNAKEDTX" with a chance of 44.75% won "Magicka" for "Steam"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 100% won "Magicka + 2 DLC" for "Steam"
"SNAKEDTX" with a chance of 28.99% won "Mark of the Ninja" for "Steam"
"PRUDISLAV" with a chance of 43.19% won "Midsummer Night" for "Steam"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 43.72% won "Mini Motor Racing EVO" for "Steam"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "Mountain" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 24.24% won "Mr.President!" for "Steam"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 38.17% won "Mr.President!" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Neon Prism" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Neon Prism" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Neon Space 2" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 24.19% won "Out of the Park Baseball 17" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "Payday: The Heist" for "Steam Inventory"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "Pid" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 74.15% won "Pix the Cat" for "Steam"
"VECHTER" with a chance of 34.23% won "Postal" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 72.08% won "Real Warfare 1242" for "Steam"
"INZ" with a chance of 20.74% won "Retro City Rampage" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 100% won "Risen" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 57.84% won "Sanctum 2" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 26.04% won "Serious Sam 3: BFE" for "Steam"
"3E74" with a chance of 79.73% won "Shadow Complex Remastered" for "Epic Launcher"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 76.11% won "Shank" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 44.75% won "Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition" for "Steam"
"STEAMDRM" with a chance of 100% won "Slender: The Arrival" for "Steam Inventory"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Soundodger+" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 38.14% won "Speedball 2HD" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Spirit of War" for "Steam"
"DJVELHO" with a chance of 55.25% won "Star Wars: Dark Forces" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Stranded In Time" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 100% won "Super Duper Party Pooper" for "Steam Inventory"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Super Jagua" for "Steam"
"0WEN" with a chance of 100% won "Takedown: Red Sabre" for "Steam Inventory"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 100% won "Talisman Digital Edition" for "Steam"
"OBLAZ" with a chance of 100% won "Talisman Digital Edition" for "Steam"
"0WEN" with a chance of 9.32% won "Train Simulator 2016" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 47.37% won "Trine 2 Complete" for "Steam"
"T3NMANNYC" with a chance of 100% won "Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle" for "Steam Inventory"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 13.5% won "Two Worlds 2" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "War of the Roses: Kingmaker" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Warriors Wrath" for "Steam"