[X360] Any worth while hidden gems left ?
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 01:12    Post subject: [X360] Any worth while hidden gems left ?
Well I am not using my 360 anymore and kinda said goodbye to it but I wonder if there are any hidden gems exclusives left on it to play ?

I am still keeping it to replay Darkness1 every year or so(and few other exclusives like edf or dead rising1), so it's not going anywhere but I just want to close to book for the record.
I really like the nostalgia feel of early 2005 and 2006 360 releases. That really was pushing forward time and a big leap general in console games. ps4 and xbox one did nowhere of an impact like 360 did when it came out and in the first year or two.

Obviously, I am not going to list every game I've played over the last 7 years or so on 360, so I get it that most of the recommendations, I've already finished.

Right now, all that come to mind is Lost Odyssey, nier and Vanquish... tho I don't really like jrpg's and Vanquish is not exactly my cup of tea too so I never owned or played these

3080, ps5, lg oled

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 02:25    Post subject:
since you like gears of war alot, you should definitely try vanquish, its pretty much a japanese take on geow, but faster and more insane Very Happy

you should definitely play nier too, one of the most underrated games of the generation.
lost odyssey wont be for you if you dont like jrpgs.

apart from that, if you liked devil may cry, you have to play bayonetta, its the best devil may cry game.
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Posts: 6015
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 02:37    Post subject:
Fuck you for not playing vanquish
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 03:20    Post subject:
armored core for answer

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Posts: 34333
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 04:01    Post subject:
Speaking of Vanquish, check this out!

BTW please give me Vanuquish 2 on PS4 Very Happy

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Posts: 372

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 04:57    Post subject:
Basically this is my list for games on xbox360 mostly games not on PC (some)
So far only played like 5..

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