Best city builder games?
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 19:31    Post subject: Best city builder games?
I've been playing sim city social on facebook(yes a facebook game I'm that desprate Laughing)
And it reminded me how much i love playing these games, i really enjoyed the cities xl game the first one but was buggy as hell and the way they ripped there customers off made me think fuck you suck it bitch.
I'll be buying the new sim city game there making but that isn't out until 2013 so what's a good one to play?
Browser or pc pay or free to play?
I prefer the modern times one but there isn't many of them out surprisingly?


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Posts: 551
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 19:37    Post subject:
SimCity 4 + Rush Hour still looks good Wink

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Posts: 800

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 19:37    Post subject:
Anno 1404 and 2070
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Posts: 2577

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 19:43    Post subject:
Modern setting only? Sim City 4 is old but still great, the recent Anno 2070 is relatively near-future, and Cities XL has had a new version this year.

If you're willing to go for historical settings, there are the older Anno titles, and a whole slew of awesome games from Impressions (Caesar, Cleopatra, Zeus, Emperor...) check em out.
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 19:46    Post subject:
City Life
Cities XL 2012
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 20:06    Post subject:
Sim City 4 + exp is a must. Won't get a better simulation than that.
After the utter shit MMO version of Cities XL, I found the 2012 version somewhat entertaining. Requires a beast rig to run properly, but gives very satisfying visuals. Big cities look spectacular from ground level.
Anno 2070 is great, the only Ubi game I bought since their DRM scheme and didn't regret it, the online features alleviate the headache.

Nothing else comes to mind in modern settings that I enjoyed that much.
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Posts: 4107
Location: Manchester U.K
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 21:06    Post subject:
Sounds like sim city 4 is the best option i did try this years ago but not for long it's 10 pounds on steam but it's the deluxe edition here.
20 pounds on origin they can do one.
Is this deulux edition the expansion everyone is saying get with sim city 4?

Ryzen 5 3600 cpu@3.60 Mhz.
hyper x 32 gb ddr 4 memory.
Msi Carbon gaming pro ac motherboard.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 21:10    Post subject:
Deluxe is the base game and the expansion. The exp. is called Rush Hour that gives more options for traffic management.

So Origin shoots itself in the foot again. Very Happy
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 21:14    Post subject:
Checked the Origin entry. That one has Sc4+exp and Societies+exp. Given that Societies is an abomination that THEY should pay people to play, it is absolutely the worst way to go about buying SC4. Smile
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jul 2012 21:17    Post subject:
KeyserSoeze wrote:
Anno 1404 and 2070

These, by a huge margin. Perhaps not strictly city building games but so engrossing.
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