[XBOX] possible to make from partitions e:/ and f:/ one ?
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 15:05    Post subject: [XBOX] possible to make from partitions e:/ and f:/ one ?
My xbox still has the standard hdd so i've got not much space, on E:/ i got 1,3gig free(and a game installed) and on F:/ 2,3. so i was wondering if it's possible to make the partitions E:/ and F:/ one partition called E:/ ?

this would be very usefull
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 15:54    Post subject:

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 17:49    Post subject:
emm ok.. why not?
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 18:30    Post subject:
Because of the way Xbox works, its kinda hard to eplain and I dont know all the gory details.

If you look @ xbox-scene.com in the forums, someone detailed it there once.

Its to do with xbox bios's and the way it works with the hard disk and the fact that they are all hacked from the original etc..

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 19:20    Post subject:
ok thanks for your info, too bad then Smile
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jun 2004 19:55    Post subject:
You cant combine both drives but say you wanna use the space in E drive along with F drive for games and what not..yes u can do that.

usually there is around 4-5 gigs of space on drive E when using a larger HD. You can direct HDloader or what ever to use that extra 4-5gigs of space on E drive along with what ever amount of space u have on F drive. I usually use that E drive space for mp3's,photo's,porn,etc and F drives for my games,apps,etc
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jun 2004 14:20    Post subject:
so i CAN conbine drive E:/ and F:/ with retail hdd?
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Posts: 5434

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jun 2004 21:13    Post subject:
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 21:28    Post subject:
you should jsut buy a bigger harddisk Smile my 200 gb is of much use Wink
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